“Cara, thanks again for your time & guidance – it meant the world to me & was SO timely. I’m very grateful!!! It was so effortless and fun! You are easy to work with and I feel like I have a course of action to take now, whereas I was flying a little more blindly before. You are fabulous! THANK YOU!!!”
Tanya McGill Freeman, Kennesaw, GA

“Cara, you are spot on! Thank you so much. As an intuitive energy healer and coach myself, I thought I had worked through all of this but apparently it is still sticking somewhere! Time to once again practice what I preach! Thanks so much for going so in depth. Much appreciated!”
Laura Young, Bothell, WA

“When I called Cara, I was scattered, unfocused, and exhausted from being pulled in a dozen different directions in my business, each demanding more and more time and expertise. Immediately after our session, it was as if Cara had unlocked a gate that had people waiting in line for me behind it. Within days, I had clients paying me and scheduling appointments with me. It has not backed off. Now I move in great confidence in my business, am making money and loving every bit of work I do, and I will call Cara whenever I have a question I can’t figure out on my own. Her wisdom and intuition is spot-on.”
Charlotte Smith, St. Paul, Oregon

“OMG, Cara, your reading about Rocky has brought me to tears! I can see how you deeply connected to his energy, and I so get what he is telling me. You have an amazing gift in your intuition! What a blessing you share with the world! Thank you for letting me experience it today. You are living your life’s purpose, my dear!!”
Chris Hazen Molina, Tuscon, AZ
“Thank you again for the great session with KoaKitty. Your insights allowed us to tell the vet exactly where to look and we found details about the issue you intuited. There is an issue with high phosphorous levels which if we had let go until higher she would not have been feeling well. Seems we caught things right in time! 🙂 KoaKitty is on supplements and the vet says this is all due to her age and there is nothing to worry about. We hope to have her with us another 10 years! Thank you again for all you do!”Orna and Matthew Walters, www.CreatingLoveOnPurpose.com

“Our hearts were breaking when our first dog Raindrop had something wrong with her heart. She was a small dog and wasn’t even eight years old. We worked with an amazing vet. But Raindrop still seemed like she was in a lot of pain. My husband and I started to talk about letting her go. The decision tore us up and Raindrop just got worse. We found Cara and asked her for help in affirming we were making the right decision.
The day before we were to put Raindrop down, we talked with Cara. She was able to communicate with Raindrop to get her insights about our decision. She was ready to go and had messages for each of us. Cara worked with Raindrop energetically and we saw her pain ease before our eyes.
Thanks to Cara, we were able to spend those last hours with Raindrop feeling less pain, knowing we were honoring her wishes – and totally focused on love without guilt. It was an amazing gift. I can’t recommend Cara enough to people who are worried about sick pets and wish they knew what was going on.”
Cynthia and James D’Amour, The Delicious Life Show

“I was hesitant to work with you because I did not believe in ‘psychic’ or intuitive readings. But I was amazed at how accurate your readings were. I was specifically trying not to give ‘clues’ about the cats, but you pegged their personalities right away and gave great advice. As you suggested, I changed the feeding routine and my skittish cat seems to be much happier and more comfortable with the group. (Your reading of Argyle, my old guy, touched me really deeply and I feel even closer to him…) I would recommend you to anyone who needs insight into the behavior of their pet and also to anyone who has a sick or elderly pet and needs help knowing what to do. Working with you is very straight forward and not weird or mystical. No crystal ball or smoke and mirrors…and I feel like I have a better understanding of and relationship with my cats since talking to you!”
Sophie Huston, San Pedro, CA
“Cara is a compassionate, highly intuitive animal healer with a genuine gift. She is the real deal.” Joan Hoedel, Missoula, Montana
“Before our session, I worried that I would just get general answers that would fit any situation. After the session, I feel grateful for having reached out to you and was gifted great clarity. I liked the fact that you understand biology and science and yet remain open to hearing energies. In the future I have so much to gain from your experiences and openness. I can now get more information to help me with challenging situations and to develop my own intuition. Thanks for gifting the gifts given today.”Candice Smith, Red Bluff, CA

“Cara is a true gift to any pet owner who wants to strengthen the relationship with his or her pet. I am so grateful to Cara for assisting me in deepening my bond with Maddie.“
Angela Williams, Key West, Florida

“I really cannot thank you enough. I truly am feeling SOO much better. Don’t get me wrong, I still miss her terribly and would love nothing more than to be snuggling her right now, BUT I am finally feeling at peace with her passing. I sat in “her chair” that evening and talked to her and could absolutely feel her presence in my lap. Truly magical. The work you do is simply amazing!”
Jen Mullen VanBarringer, Cinnaminson, New Jersey

“Thank you so much again, Cara. Our conversation with Duke was incredible and it would not have been possible without your amazing gift. The fact that you saw him running down the beach when we asked what his favorite thing to do was — now that puts a huge smile on my face. All in all the session was incredible. We still love him with all of our hearts and miss Duke’s presence as our beloved dog. Our lives will never ever be the same without him here, but knowing that he’s okay and still feels our love really helps me not to feel so sad. Thanks so much!”
Nichole O’Hanlon, Delran, New Jersey

“When I laid my sweet dog Brazen to rest, I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Before our session, I was apprehensive because the grief I was feeling was so intense that I felt vulnerable to hear something I wasn’t prepared to hear. But I felt absolutely comfortable as soon as we began. Our session allowed me to find a level of comfort that I so needed to make sense out of something that I just couldn’t. Thank you, Cara, for the work that you do. I strongly believe that anyone who is hurting from the loss of a beloved pet can find comfort and peace through a session with you. Our pets are often more wise than we are and sometimes, we need to hear their voice over our human emotions and desires. I must add that after our session I went out and purchased a desk to take the place of Brazen’s crate and belongings that I did not have the courage to put away – until after our session. And now I write this email to you from my new desk and it is here that my grief is now transformed to inspiration.”
Geraldine Abergas, New York,NY, Primitive-Healing.com

“My reading with Cara helped me understand my dog Glory’s role in my life and how much she was in tune with our family and how much she regarded herself as the canine version of my wife. She was a being of great wisdom that held our family in love and glory. She loved us the same way we loved her. We didn’t know how much she loved us and how tuned into each of us she was and we didn’t know that she knew her important role.”
Greg Lewis, Colorado
“I feel *SO* much better!! It was like you released a ton of ‘crap’ that’s been stuck in my head for years! Whatever miracles you are capable of…they are working. I’m just going to give you the new title ‘Miracle Worker’.” C. Weaver, Baltimore, Maryland

“Cara has helped me tremendously in connecting with my own inner wisdom and gaining true clarity on the steps I need to take to move toward my dreams. Cara doesn’t give you the answers, but the tools to help you connect with your higher self, your intuition, the most divine part of yourself that already KNOWS the answers. Cara has provided such immense value to my business, my relationship with myself, and my relationship with others.”
Nina Huang, NinaHuangArt.com

“You have no idea how helpful these tools have been in my life, Cara! I use them all the time and I don’t think I could have gotten through these last several months without them. Thank God for these tools and thank God for you!”
Donna Goldman, Redondo Beach, California

“This class gave me the tools to free myself from negative thoughts and move into pure love and understanding.”
Santy Gray, San Francisco, California

“I took this class to connect visually with my spirit guides and understand their roles more clearly. I was fearful nothing would happen, but I connected in a very surprising way that I was not expecting. I loved the small, intimate class size and that you are very down to earth, not weird or scary. I also loved meeting some like-minded ladies. Doing the drawing, which I did not expect, was such an excellent medium for me to get details that I may not have seen in the meditation…(he was very clear about some details I was drawing). I highly recommend this class! Cause it was just plain ole’ down to earth fun. People should know that this class is super casual, not creepy or weird. Like a book club with a bunch of paranormal activity. And Cara, you are great at helping with confirmation….”
Lori Smith, Hair Stylist, Chico, California
“I took this class to confirm that Sandy is my primary guide at this time. (We had our little morning talk already and she’s nagged me about what I absolutely must do today!) Now I know Sandy’s plans for guiding me in the future not only on my spiritual quest but everyday life and that she’ll introduce me to my other guides when it’s appropriate. I loved knowing her preferred way(s) to communicate w/me, to learn that I can send my guides to others if I so choose, and to be very specific about which guides I invite. I also enjoyed sharing the experiences of others. Cara, you’re great to work with and my time is well spent – I always learn a lot! You’re very easy to work with, always answer questions whether during class or after class, and no matter what class I take with you I benefit greatly for my time.”Carolyn Perry
“It’s like magic! I’ve been applying what I learned with my new dog Murphy. I’ve never had such great results!”Monica Chan, Mountain View, California
“This class was grounding and it nurtured the spirit in me as I sometimes drowned in the daily life demands.”
Analia Martinez, Chico, California
“These tools are amazing and so simple!” Sue Fisher