On-Demand, Self-Study Classes
Connect with Your Pets and Your Guides

Do you dream about being able to talk to animals – and hear what they have to say to you? What if you could talk to your pet easily, quickly and naturally – and avoid unnecessary vet visits, expensive bills, and second-guessing yourself?
The How to Talk to Your Pet class will help you: Understand what your pet needs and wants, resolve issues quickly and easily, and have more fun and enjoy a deeper connection with your pet. This is a self-study course. Get instant access when you register now.

Do you ever miss your beloved pet who has passed on? Do you wish you could re-connect and feel their presence again or even have a conversation with them?
I have created the Connect with Your Pet Angel Class just for you! I’ll be guiding you through my special connection process – a way to connect intuitively and reach out directly to your pet. This process works for me, it works for my private clients and now it can work for you. It’s MAGICAL to connect with your Pet Angel! This is a self-study course. Get instant access when you register now.

Understand and address your pet’s needs without expensive appointments, frustrating trial and error, and uncertainty and doubt.
In this class, you will learn where the 7 major chakras are located and what they can and can’t do, how animal chakras are the same as (and different from!) human chakras, how chakra health affects the physical and emotional health of your pets, how to recognize when your pet’s chakras are out of balance – and what to do about it!, a simple way to connect with your pet and balance their chakras (it’s not what you think!), When chakra healing won’t work, why early life traumas are still affecting your pet today. I want to empower you to have a holistic understanding of your pet, her mental and emotional health, and her overall wellbeing. This is a self-study course. Get instant access when you register now.

Meet Your Spirit Guide – a special spirit who is like your personal assistant on the other side. Discover the easiest way to connect with your guide, your guide’s role in your life, and how to get help when you need it.
This class will introduce you to your guide and help you develop a working relationship with him or her. This 2-hour master class is designed to give you guidance, structure and practice meeting and working with your Spirit Guide. Meeting your spirit Guide will begin a lifelong partnership that can help you achieve any of your personal and professional goals. This is a self-study course. Get instant access when you register now.
Clear Your Animal Communication Blocks

If you are an animal lover who is ready to clear your inner blocks, better understand your chakras and how they affect you, and move forward on your path as an Animal Communicator, then join me for this healing and empowering 8-week, self-study class.
Chakras are the key to understanding your health and well-being on every level. The Awaken Your Chakras Class shows you step-by-step how to understand, heal, and balance your chakras so that you can live your best life. This course will help you clear your blocks to becoming a confident animal communicator and improve virtually every part of your life along the way. This is a self-study course. Get instant access when you register now.

If you are an animal lover who is ready to identify and clear your inner blocks and move forward on your path as an Animal Communicator, then join me for this 3-hour self-study workshop.
In the Clearing Your Animal Communication Blocks Workshop, you will identify your #1 block, see how it is operating in your life, use EFT Tapping to clear the block and several related blocks, and fast-track your Animal Communication Journey for success. This is a 3-hour hands-on workshop that is packed with powerful tools to use now and into the future, opportunities for reflection, healing, and insight, and a supportive workbook for guidance and clarity. I will be guiding you the whole way and I look forward to helping you clear your blocks so you can make your animal communication dreams come true!
This is a self-study course. Get instant access when you register now.
Create Your Animal Communicator Business

Your First Paying Client Class is a 4-week, self-study online training program that shows you step-by-step how to attract, communicate with, and get paid by your first professional client.
Rather than just receiving theoretical information, in this course, you will apply what you learn to actually set up the foundation of a thriving business as an Animal Communicator or Healer. This is a self-study course. Get instant access when you register now.