February 2022 Animal Wisdom Forecast
New Month, New Energy, New Opportunities! I love it when the wisdom of the animals is unanimous and cohesive during my Monthly Forecasts! This month, the energy is solid and grounded and the opportunity is clear: this is a time…
Animal Chakras – Chakra 6 the Third Eye Chakra
Do you know where you fit in with your family, your animal pack, and your community? Did you ever think about whether your pet knows where he or she fits into your family and your life? Having self-awareness and knowing…
My Top Ten AC Tips
When I was dreaming of being an animal communicator, every once in a while I would get a spontaneous message from my dog Iko. I was always thrilled – but also mystified: how did I do that?! Many of my…
Positive Intelligence for Animal Communicators
Have you ever wondered what your life might be like if your habitual thoughts were different? I think I have been thinking about that my whole life! Since I was a teenager, my favorite bookstore section has always been the…
Wasp Wisdom
As we begin 2022, there has never been a better time to be a leader in our own lives. Because 2022 is a “6” year in numerology, the emphasis this year will be on compassionate leadership. I think of “6”…
January Animal Wisdom Forecast
New Year, New Month, New Energy, New Opportunities! OMG! I freaking LOVED the forecast for January! There is so much richness in the messages from the animals (African Elephant and Manatee) and I threw in a little numerology, too! This…
Animal Chakras – Chakra 5 the Throat Chakra
My dog Dazzle is a barker. Whenever she is excited, she barks. A lot. Loudly. It can be a bit much sometimes, but deep down, I know that she is just expressing herself with her voice and ultimately that is…
Beluga Wisdom
This week, I am navigating a big health challenge and getting ready to have surgery. With the busy-ness, stress, and uncertainty, it’s been easy for me to lose track of the wonder-filled, magical world that we live in. Talking to…
Bliss Brain Meditation for Animal Communicators
Are you feeling stuck or blocked as an Animal Communicator or Healer? Want a quick fix that automatically makes you more intuitive while it makes you happier and healthier? If so, you are in luck! This week I am reviewing…
December 2021 Animal Wisdom Forecast
Oh. My. Gosh! The December Forecast is so profound and uplifting! I am blown away by the messages from the cards this month! I can’t wait to share them with you! The messages are so in line with the end-of-the-year…