How does intuition work??
This is the question I was asking myself this weekend when I was visiting my friends at Too Mini Aussies. Margo told me that her dog Kate was pregnant and I just laughed and laughed. “What?!” she demanded. During a…
Intuitive Guidance . . . or Monkey Mind?
Have you ever had a big decision to make and you looked for intuitive guidance from your inner compass…..and you had no idea whether what you got was good insight or total ego mind chatter or even just wishful thinking?…
How much do you trust your intuition?
Are you feeling challenged following your intuition because you can’t explain it logically and you feel like you need a *reason* to make the choice you are making? One of my biggest lessons in learning to trust my intuition came…
How can we care for our pets when we are hurting?
Many clients come to me for insight and clarity when their pets are sick or dying. They want a peaceful goodbye but they are in such pain at saying goodbye, it’s hard for them to comfort their pet during this…
From “Devil” to “Spirit”
Do you ever wonder if your animals understand you? This wildlife conservationist was sure that animals couldn’t communicate with people, but Anna proved him wrong by communicating with an aggressive leopard in his care. The leopard completely changed his demeanor…
What do you do when your pets don’t get along?
One of my clients had two cats that didn’t get along at all – in fact one of them attacked the other if they were ever in the same room! My client created a system that kept her cats from…
How does your soul talk to you?
We all want to know that we are on the right path or correct our courses when we get off our path. And it would be nice if we had an inboard detector to tell us where to go and…
Animals in the Afterlife – Messages of Peace and Lasting Love
Believe it or not, one of my favorite things to do is to talk to the spirits of animals that have passed on. The people they have left behind usually contact me in the deep throes of grief that has…
Soul Evolution
Have you ever been upset about something and stewed in it for days, not knowing how to get out? Did you get a nasty email from a client or a negative word from a boss or co-worker? Maybe it was…
Grieving Your Way
True confession time: one of my all-time favorite movies is Mr. Mom. Michael Keaton is brilliant and the movie is just good, silly, family fun. In one of my favorite scenes, a recently laid off Michael Keaton is driving his…