Tips to Connect with Your Pet Angel
As Halloween approaches, I always think of my dog Iko – and the bumble bee costume she used to wear to go trick or treating with my kids when they were little!
Connecting with her since her passing in 2012, is always a highlight for me. It doesn’t happen often, so when it does, it is extra special for me.
And at this time of year, the veil between this life and the afterlife is thinner and connecting with a loved who has passed becomes easier, so it is always on my mind to reach out to her.
This week, I wanted to record a new video about connecting with our pets who have passed, but I have a head cold so I am spending the week resting up and taking care of my body.
Instead of a new video, I am sharing one of my favorite videos from my Animals in the Afterlife series.
This video has 2 parts: first, real messages that pets have shared after they have passed over. (The messages we receive from our pets can be so comforting, uplifting, and inspiring!)
And second, I share my top 3 tips to help you get your own messages from your favorite animal who has transitioned into spirit.
Now It’s Your Turn
Have you received a message from your pet angel? What is your best tip for staying connected with your pet angel? Please share your experience in the comments.
Here’s to your ongoing shared love!
PS: Are you missing your beloved pet who has passed? My Connect with Your Pet Angel class is now available as an on-demand, self-study class. In the class, I walk you through the process of connecting with your pet angel. Try it today!
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D. Zemira
I really needed to see this great video from you today. My angel Chihuahua just crossed over unexpectedly and yes, I’m a basket case. I’d love to do the tapping routine you said you were posting but I don’t see the link anywhere. Can you direct me to it, please?
Cara Gubbins
Here is the link to the EFT for Pet Loss Grief video: https://youtu.be/JMyOUPyRPIw
Thank you for this. Your post notes that you don’t connect with Iko often so when you do, it’s special. This may sound like a silly question, but why aren’t you able to connect with Iko often?
Cara Gubbins
Mostly because I am a busy mom and I don’t think of it too often. I usually connect with Iko when I am missing her and I think of it and I have the time and energy to focus on the experience. That magical combination doesn’t happen every day for me!
Dear Cara,
thank you so much for the video! While I was watching it my Arabian old lady, who jumped out of my life two years ago, joined me and I could feel her fur underneath my fingers and smell her with my nose in her mane. She still believes in me and supports me.
Through a friend she let me know she never suffered, which really eased my mind.
A big smile on my face and in my heart will accompany me today. Thank YOU!
David Lindbergh
Thanks for the EFT, it was amazing.
Dear Cara,
thank you sooo much for all the precious information and guidance you are sharing with us!
Considering my past experience with a jaguar who passed over about 4 months ago some questions are on my mind.
I received occasionally messages from the jaguar, a dear friend of mine, during the last months. First he told me, after passing, that he feels amazing. After 3 weeks he told me that he is coming back and he showed me an embryo (the informations I get from animals are rare and short and I am not yet able to ask questions, but my trust in the little that I get is high). Over the last months the jaguar kept telling me that he is fine, and I always felt the same loving connection I always had with him. But a few days ago it was different, the only thing I received was a surprised “uhh … ok”, as if he did not remember me. I calculated that he must have been born by now. So I started wondering.
Can we still connect to passed animals after they reincarnate? Do animals ‘forget’ their past when they are born, like we do? Can we either connect with the physical being or with the higher self of the animal whose knowledge is probably more wide, either or, or both?
Would be grateful to get some light into that. Maybe you already posted about this topic, will look for it.
Much love from Christine