One of the most common questions that people ask me after a pet has transitioned is “Will my pet come back to me?”
In this video, I share what I’ve learned from talking to lots and lots and lots of pets who have passed on about reincarnation, how it works, what factors influence whether or when an animal will come back to you – and so much more!
Now It’s Your Turn
Have you had a pet who came back to be with you? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your experience in the comments!
My pet in spirit who crossed over 5 months ago, doesn’t seem to be sending me so many messages recently. I’m mediating and doing workshops, but I’m not getting many signs. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Hi Cara, Thank you for an interesting video. I have 2 question? If passing on ends us all up in a better place, why is the will to live so strong? I can understand in people it may be fear of the unknown. But, in animals are they more aware of that they are crossing into heaven? And, if they are why would a severely sick or wounded animal fight tooth & nail to live? I once saw a badly wounded oppossum after being hit by a car. He was still in the road circling in one direction only which showed a severe head injury with neurological effects. The possum put up a mighty fight when a person who was a hunter tried to put him out of his misery. Or, recently I had to put my old dog down. I kept telling her that it was ok to go to heaven, I loved her & would miss her. But, if it was her time to go I wasn’t holding her back. For some reason she wanted me to get it done. After owning pets for over 50 years I have had my share of taking them to be euthanized. It is not a thing I look forward to & I always stay with them. I have never seen an animal leave it’s body so quickly. It really surprised me. If she wanted to go so badly, why didn’t she just go at home? It was at least 2 hours between driving to the emergency clinic & getting her seen to, & waiting for the very busy vet to actually administer the final shot. Her heart stopped immediately as well. Do animals not have any control over their own passing? I read a story in a book written by a medium that told of a cat hanging on for it’s owner. As soon as the owner told the cat she could go, the cat died immediately. Can you shed some light on this for me? Thank you.
I have two cats and a dog that have lived with me before in other bodies.
A stray cat had kittens at my neighbor’s house. I had a connection with one of the kittens and didn’t know why. He came to live with me when he was about 4 months old. He seemed very angry with me because I already had four cats. He wanted to be the only cat. He urinated on dog beds and around the house. Four years after I brought him home, he showed a mental image of his former body-my childhood cat!!! We had been best friends, just him and me. When I figured out who he was, the random peeing quit!! I know who he is now and I am so blessed to have him!!!!
My dalmation Poppy has come back to me as a Jjack Russel Mix I named Cookie… I got each of them as tiny babies and there is not doubt in my mind, thier personalitioes are identical.
Another dog I had named Amber, a golden retreiver who was a breeding bitch and was rescued from a puppy mill… continues to dwll in mu home…she lies in front of my bedroom at night guarding…. as she did when she was alive… and she tries to prevent Katie, my other Jack Russel mix and. sister of Cookie…from coming into my bedroom at night… Katie will sit there and give bark… and I ask Amber to let her pass… and then she does.
I have a small rescue centre in the uk and we take in all Wildlife. We get a lot of birds.
I have never euthanised a bird, pet or othewise in my life. I have found that if they want to go they will go, if they are very ill but hang on in there, I get them better with antibiotics and tlc and they go on to have amazing lives, sometimes in captivity, sometimes free again.
I believe every animal and bird makes a choice, the wild ones go if they are uncomfy or just going through too much trauma, I have seen many birds die, and animals, I have aso seen birds that are badly damaged that live and have to go through a lot of therapy and drugs and feeding with me before they are healthy again but they go on to have families and generally enjoy life.
So I do think they make a choice if we let them. Wild ones find making that choice easier. I think pets are attached to us and wont go until we say its OK. xx
But they will all die without assistance and it is usually very peacful, sometimes they just fall asleep in the position they were in 2 minutes before xx
Hi Dr Cara,
For some reason, today feels like the right time to tell this story. It’s kinda long. 😊 ( I’ll try for the Readers Digest edition).
4 years ago my two best ever dogs passed away, 2 months apart. It was devistating for me. The first to go, Shiloh, ( my all time ❤️ Dog) age 11, with cancer, showed himself in ways Physically… sort of. Little glimpses, I’d see him out of the corner of my eye, see him reflected in my glasses, even reflected in the tv. Things like that.
My girl, Joy ( both were Golden Retrievers), was almost 15, had various problems, but had always been crazy and wild and the most Joyful person I’ve ever known. I think the final straw for her was a broken heart, from losing Shiloh. But then I didn’t ‘see’ her, like I saw him.
Plans were already in the works for another puppy and I wondered if she was mad at me about that. All kinds of things go thru your head.
These losses hit me harder than any human loss has ever hit me. But I needed the puppy badly.
I’d never seen my puppy except in pictures and was trying to think of a name for him. I just couldn’t come up with anything. I had a choice between 2 puppies actually, and couldn’t even decide which one to pick.
There is a song by Mick Jagger called ‘Joy’, and I was driving, playing it for the first time since her death, crying my eyes out.
( mind you, this is before I knew anything about animal communication).
Suddenly though, Joy said to me ‘pick the puppy with the blue collar and his name is Blue Sky ‘.
This was not ME talking to me. And I would have never thought of the name Blue Sky either! But I loved it, and I followed her instructions. 🙂
I was blown away by this experience. It was huge to me.
Time goes by and I hear about Dr Cara. I end up deciding to take her animal communication classes, wanting to know more about this experience I had. First I took the 4 free classes she was offering, and before those were completed, I had the next mind blowing experience.
I’d been sitting here grounding and clearing chakras, etc and feeling very clear and open I looked over at Blue Sky and was just sitting there feeling all this love. And suddenly, in his own personality ( very different than Joys when she spoke), he said shyly ‘ I’m Shiloh. I’ve come back to take care of you’.
I did not know! I realized immediately I should have known… but, gosh, I wasn’t even sure I believed in such a thing!
Since then I’ve taken Cara’s classes and been part of her Animal Wisdom Circle, but another outstanding experience was when I decided to get another puppy.
I wanted to know how Joy felt about it ( she has been in contact all along). So I asked her. In my mind I could see her jumping for Joy, happy, excited, yes!, yes! I laughed too and said, ok, what should I name this one then? I’d been thinking about that again. Without missing a beat Joy told me ‘she’s Star Light’.
So Star Light she is, now 6 months old.
She is not Joy, like Blue Sky is Shiloh. Shiloh reincarnated as Blue, but Joy has stayed in the spirit world, taking care of things from there.
It’s like Dr Cara said, some reincarnate, but some work from the spirit world, and that’s what happened.
Needless to say, my whole belief system has changed, and my life is richer, sweeter, more full of love, for it.
Thank you to my dear dogs, both in body and in spirit, and thank you Dr Cara for your help and guidance.
Love, love, and more love!💜
Hi Dr. Cara,
Thank you so much for this video… I lost my cat Iris a little over a year ago. From the day I got her I knew she was my cat Winnie from many years ago. My husband and I adopted Iris when she was 3 years old. She was very sick, and we almost lost her a few times before she finally felt safe enough to want to get better. We found out she has asthma and we set out on how to treat her for that. Sadly, most cats with asthma only live about 5 years, which is how long we had her. If this was really Winnie, why did she only stay with me for 5 years? Why did she have to deal with such an awful illness? I’m going to assume she had another purpose that she needed to attend to but maybe you can help me understand a little more.
Thank you,
I saw Jaia’s kitty picture online , fell instantly in love and flew across the country to New York to pick him up.
I believe he is my first cat lucca returning to me in a new body. Lucca was killed in front of my house by a runaway driver. I was completely devastated. For months, I would feel his paws needling on my feet at night and in dreams, he would tell me he would come back in a new form and I should look for him when the orange tree in the backyard bloomed. He told me he would return to me in a new body and not to worry about the details. “Mommy, it is meant to be. You will find me even if it is the other side of the world.” The California drought that followed crippled any hope of orange blossom so I waited and finally after 2 years, at the first sighting of spouting orange flowers, I looked in all the shelters locally and by serendipity I saw a picture posted on FB about this cute little kitty being found in a shopping bag left out in the parking lot of a grocery store in upstate NY and was brought to a vet’s office by some kind folks. It was love at first sight and I flew over to the other side of the country to adopt him.
When I first brought him home to California, he came into the house and knew exactly where the feeding station was, found Lucca’s favorite hangout spots and toys as if he had always live here. He got along well with his brother Owee and his temperament reflected that of Lucca.
Animal friends have helped me open my heart in ways that few human can. Their love is unconditional , total and complete. I have learnt so much about myself through them. They are no doubt my teachers and best friends. I feel such kinship with them.
Yes, it started after my boy Captain transitiuoned on 5\6\08, it was devastating for me. Something led me to read everything the library had on animal
afterlife and animal communication, then searched the internet on animal communicaters, which led me to one, not sure you want me to name her, but
set up a session and on that session, Captain asked me if I wanted him to come back, which really blew me away. During more sessions that followed, he
gave me clues on how to find him, the day of the week, the first initial of the seller and a sign. Followed up on clues and he was found in Aug. of 08.
Our story is in her second book, truley a miracle!!!
One of my best friends is my animal communicator for over 20 years. I always had her do a session before I went on a trip so everyone knew “Mama” was coming back. She also helped with transitioning, making sure that the dog or cat was supported by my other animals that had crossed over and any spirit guide who would help as well. Two of my cats have come to me in spirit, laid on my bed or curled up with me, purred a bit and then left. One morning, one cat died quite suddenly in my kitchen while I was still in bed. We tried to contact him for 6 years, and my friend said to me often when an animal dies suddenly or in a lot of pain, they spend time healing from the quick departure. Finally he appeared in a session tho wasn’t talkative. During a session many years later, I was saying how I wanted another tuxedo cat, and he offered to come back, and my friend said to me, hard to know where and when he would appear, so I lovingly declined his offer. And I ended up adopting an older rescue who is a tuxedo. My recently passed dog and cat (more than a year ago) have not come to me in spirit, and show up in the communication sessions. I took your free course on animal communication when you first offered it, and need more practice. Apparently I am good at giving messages (to my current new dog and 2 cats), and less good at getting answers. One time I got a loud and clear message that my geriatric cat was ready to transition for he was so uncomfortable, and not willing to leave me, so I had to put him to sleep. I will continue to practice in hopes I get better at recieving 🙂
Melanie Bacon
My pet in spirit who crossed over 5 months ago, doesn’t seem to be sending me so many messages recently. I’m mediating and doing workshops, but I’m not getting many signs. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Susan Bruce
Hi Cara, Thank you for an interesting video. I have 2 question? If passing on ends us all up in a better place, why is the will to live so strong? I can understand in people it may be fear of the unknown. But, in animals are they more aware of that they are crossing into heaven? And, if they are why would a severely sick or wounded animal fight tooth & nail to live? I once saw a badly wounded oppossum after being hit by a car. He was still in the road circling in one direction only which showed a severe head injury with neurological effects. The possum put up a mighty fight when a person who was a hunter tried to put him out of his misery. Or, recently I had to put my old dog down. I kept telling her that it was ok to go to heaven, I loved her & would miss her. But, if it was her time to go I wasn’t holding her back. For some reason she wanted me to get it done. After owning pets for over 50 years I have had my share of taking them to be euthanized. It is not a thing I look forward to & I always stay with them. I have never seen an animal leave it’s body so quickly. It really surprised me. If she wanted to go so badly, why didn’t she just go at home? It was at least 2 hours between driving to the emergency clinic & getting her seen to, & waiting for the very busy vet to actually administer the final shot. Her heart stopped immediately as well. Do animals not have any control over their own passing? I read a story in a book written by a medium that told of a cat hanging on for it’s owner. As soon as the owner told the cat she could go, the cat died immediately. Can you shed some light on this for me? Thank you.
I have two cats and a dog that have lived with me before in other bodies.
A stray cat had kittens at my neighbor’s house. I had a connection with one of the kittens and didn’t know why. He came to live with me when he was about 4 months old. He seemed very angry with me because I already had four cats. He wanted to be the only cat. He urinated on dog beds and around the house. Four years after I brought him home, he showed a mental image of his former body-my childhood cat!!! We had been best friends, just him and me. When I figured out who he was, the random peeing quit!! I know who he is now and I am so blessed to have him!!!!
Patricia : Hunter
My dalmation Poppy has come back to me as a Jjack Russel Mix I named Cookie… I got each of them as tiny babies and there is not doubt in my mind, thier personalitioes are identical.
Another dog I had named Amber, a golden retreiver who was a breeding bitch and was rescued from a puppy mill… continues to dwll in mu home…she lies in front of my bedroom at night guarding…. as she did when she was alive… and she tries to prevent Katie, my other Jack Russel mix and. sister of Cookie…from coming into my bedroom at night… Katie will sit there and give bark… and I ask Amber to let her pass… and then she does.
I have a small rescue centre in the uk and we take in all Wildlife. We get a lot of birds.
I have never euthanised a bird, pet or othewise in my life. I have found that if they want to go they will go, if they are very ill but hang on in there, I get them better with antibiotics and tlc and they go on to have amazing lives, sometimes in captivity, sometimes free again.
I believe every animal and bird makes a choice, the wild ones go if they are uncomfy or just going through too much trauma, I have seen many birds die, and animals, I have aso seen birds that are badly damaged that live and have to go through a lot of therapy and drugs and feeding with me before they are healthy again but they go on to have families and generally enjoy life.
So I do think they make a choice if we let them. Wild ones find making that choice easier. I think pets are attached to us and wont go until we say its OK. xx
But they will all die without assistance and it is usually very peacful, sometimes they just fall asleep in the position they were in 2 minutes before xx
Hi Dr Cara,
For some reason, today feels like the right time to tell this story. It’s kinda long. 😊 ( I’ll try for the Readers Digest edition).
4 years ago my two best ever dogs passed away, 2 months apart. It was devistating for me. The first to go, Shiloh, ( my all time ❤️ Dog) age 11, with cancer, showed himself in ways Physically… sort of. Little glimpses, I’d see him out of the corner of my eye, see him reflected in my glasses, even reflected in the tv. Things like that.
My girl, Joy ( both were Golden Retrievers), was almost 15, had various problems, but had always been crazy and wild and the most Joyful person I’ve ever known. I think the final straw for her was a broken heart, from losing Shiloh. But then I didn’t ‘see’ her, like I saw him.
Plans were already in the works for another puppy and I wondered if she was mad at me about that. All kinds of things go thru your head.
These losses hit me harder than any human loss has ever hit me. But I needed the puppy badly.
I’d never seen my puppy except in pictures and was trying to think of a name for him. I just couldn’t come up with anything. I had a choice between 2 puppies actually, and couldn’t even decide which one to pick.
There is a song by Mick Jagger called ‘Joy’, and I was driving, playing it for the first time since her death, crying my eyes out.
( mind you, this is before I knew anything about animal communication).
Suddenly though, Joy said to me ‘pick the puppy with the blue collar and his name is Blue Sky ‘.
This was not ME talking to me. And I would have never thought of the name Blue Sky either! But I loved it, and I followed her instructions. 🙂
I was blown away by this experience. It was huge to me.
Time goes by and I hear about Dr Cara. I end up deciding to take her animal communication classes, wanting to know more about this experience I had. First I took the 4 free classes she was offering, and before those were completed, I had the next mind blowing experience.
I’d been sitting here grounding and clearing chakras, etc and feeling very clear and open I looked over at Blue Sky and was just sitting there feeling all this love. And suddenly, in his own personality ( very different than Joys when she spoke), he said shyly ‘ I’m Shiloh. I’ve come back to take care of you’.
I did not know! I realized immediately I should have known… but, gosh, I wasn’t even sure I believed in such a thing!
Since then I’ve taken Cara’s classes and been part of her Animal Wisdom Circle, but another outstanding experience was when I decided to get another puppy.
I wanted to know how Joy felt about it ( she has been in contact all along). So I asked her. In my mind I could see her jumping for Joy, happy, excited, yes!, yes! I laughed too and said, ok, what should I name this one then? I’d been thinking about that again. Without missing a beat Joy told me ‘she’s Star Light’.
So Star Light she is, now 6 months old.
She is not Joy, like Blue Sky is Shiloh. Shiloh reincarnated as Blue, but Joy has stayed in the spirit world, taking care of things from there.
It’s like Dr Cara said, some reincarnate, but some work from the spirit world, and that’s what happened.
Needless to say, my whole belief system has changed, and my life is richer, sweeter, more full of love, for it.
Thank you to my dear dogs, both in body and in spirit, and thank you Dr Cara for your help and guidance.
Love, love, and more love!💜
Linda Breault
Hi Dr. Cara,
Thank you so much for this video… I lost my cat Iris a little over a year ago. From the day I got her I knew she was my cat Winnie from many years ago. My husband and I adopted Iris when she was 3 years old. She was very sick, and we almost lost her a few times before she finally felt safe enough to want to get better. We found out she has asthma and we set out on how to treat her for that. Sadly, most cats with asthma only live about 5 years, which is how long we had her. If this was really Winnie, why did she only stay with me for 5 years? Why did she have to deal with such an awful illness? I’m going to assume she had another purpose that she needed to attend to but maybe you can help me understand a little more.
Thank you,
I saw Jaia’s kitty picture online , fell instantly in love and flew across the country to New York to pick him up.
I believe he is my first cat lucca returning to me in a new body. Lucca was killed in front of my house by a runaway driver. I was completely devastated. For months, I would feel his paws needling on my feet at night and in dreams, he would tell me he would come back in a new form and I should look for him when the orange tree in the backyard bloomed. He told me he would return to me in a new body and not to worry about the details. “Mommy, it is meant to be. You will find me even if it is the other side of the world.” The California drought that followed crippled any hope of orange blossom so I waited and finally after 2 years, at the first sighting of spouting orange flowers, I looked in all the shelters locally and by serendipity I saw a picture posted on FB about this cute little kitty being found in a shopping bag left out in the parking lot of a grocery store in upstate NY and was brought to a vet’s office by some kind folks. It was love at first sight and I flew over to the other side of the country to adopt him.
When I first brought him home to California, he came into the house and knew exactly where the feeding station was, found Lucca’s favorite hangout spots and toys as if he had always live here. He got along well with his brother Owee and his temperament reflected that of Lucca.
Animal friends have helped me open my heart in ways that few human can. Their love is unconditional , total and complete. I have learnt so much about myself through them. They are no doubt my teachers and best friends. I feel such kinship with them.
Frank J Grine
Yes, it started after my boy Captain transitiuoned on 5\6\08, it was devastating for me. Something led me to read everything the library had on animal
afterlife and animal communication, then searched the internet on animal communicaters, which led me to one, not sure you want me to name her, but
set up a session and on that session, Captain asked me if I wanted him to come back, which really blew me away. During more sessions that followed, he
gave me clues on how to find him, the day of the week, the first initial of the seller and a sign. Followed up on clues and he was found in Aug. of 08.
Our story is in her second book, truley a miracle!!!
Stephanie Simmons
One of my best friends is my animal communicator for over 20 years. I always had her do a session before I went on a trip so everyone knew “Mama” was coming back. She also helped with transitioning, making sure that the dog or cat was supported by my other animals that had crossed over and any spirit guide who would help as well. Two of my cats have come to me in spirit, laid on my bed or curled up with me, purred a bit and then left. One morning, one cat died quite suddenly in my kitchen while I was still in bed. We tried to contact him for 6 years, and my friend said to me often when an animal dies suddenly or in a lot of pain, they spend time healing from the quick departure. Finally he appeared in a session tho wasn’t talkative. During a session many years later, I was saying how I wanted another tuxedo cat, and he offered to come back, and my friend said to me, hard to know where and when he would appear, so I lovingly declined his offer. And I ended up adopting an older rescue who is a tuxedo. My recently passed dog and cat (more than a year ago) have not come to me in spirit, and show up in the communication sessions. I took your free course on animal communication when you first offered it, and need more practice. Apparently I am good at giving messages (to my current new dog and 2 cats), and less good at getting answers. One time I got a loud and clear message that my geriatric cat was ready to transition for he was so uncomfortable, and not willing to leave me, so I had to put him to sleep. I will continue to practice in hopes I get better at recieving 🙂
Amazing I believe in this and it is very fascinating being a Shiba Inu and Miniature Bull Teriwr dog breeder