Pet Angel Messages and Tips to Connect with Your Pet who has Passed Away
After the Goodbye
“I know I’m just making this up!”
I hear it all the time!
Animal lovers are getting messages from their pets who have passed on but they dismiss them as their “imagination” or they say “I am just thinking that because that’s what I want.”
Either way, they are getting real messages from their pets who have passed – whether they believe it or not.
By dismissing those messages as crazy or made up, they are missing out on a chance to connect with their pet who still loves them and wants to stay in touch!
Those messages from our pets can be so comforting, uplifting, and inspiring!
This week, I share messages that pets have shared with my clients after they have passed over.
And I share my top 3 tips for ways that you can get your own message from your favorite animal who has transitioned into spirit.
Now It’s Your Turn
Have you received a message from your pet in the afterlife? Please share your experience in the comments.
Here’s to your ongoing shared love!
PS: Do you ever miss your beloved pet who has passed on? Connect with your Pet Angel today!

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Frank J Grine
Really great tips and advice. I’ve received many signs from my boys after they transitioned, my boy Captain on 5\6\08, my boy Doobie on 4\9\15
and my boy Cash on 10\31\18. Never thought this was possible until I had a session with Karen Anderson in 2008 after Captain passed. The most amazing
or miracle I would call it was the reincarnation of Captain. The signs I received after Cash passed, the yellow butterfly left next to Captains memorial and
feathers left by Cash that later turns into the letter c. These are the most amazing that I would like to share, not counting the dream visits. Just unbeivable
signs that some would’nt believe. I always acknowledged signs or dream vistis with a thank you and to keep sending them. Learned alot about the afterlife
from Karen and you! Thank you for your advice and tips!
Leslie Bender
Hi, Cara, I indeed talk with my Beloved Kits every day!!!!! I’m nuts about them. Before my beloved kitty Nemo passed in 2019, he began speaking to me. This was after bringing him to our local animal communicator for several months as he got more and more ill. I learned that he loved me massively, and as a survivor of family violence, this had a profound impact on me. I didn’t believe anyone could love me. As soon as he transitioned, I began reading every book I could find on the afterlife, mediums, NDEs, and more. Then I began writing to him, and he came in, filling my heart with so much love I would screech with joy! (Still do!) When my other kitty Bunny passed a year later, I included him in my writing, which I do every morning without fail. Bunny and I had a lot of issues to work through, and for months, I wept and apologized to him for my part. Today, our relationship is much better. I’ve heard Bunny yowl, Bunny sends me signs such as the owl I asked for, Neemie loves me massively from across the room, and Bunny puts thoughts of hiking in our local state park into my mind when he comes in.
I’ve just finished my most recent homage to them…my whole painting ouvre has changed massively since then. I’ve had a mystical transformation in my life!!!!!
Margaret Churchill
Hi Cara,
I loved your message here!!
We lost our dear Sheba (Black Egyptian Mao/Barncat) June 13, 2021. She had a cancerous burst abscess. She was 18 years old.
I had never experienced having our cats die at home. My Vet had told my husband, that that is preferred and he couldn’t get it out of his head. So when she took her last breath in front of me, I was stunned. I earlier had tried to give her Reiki but she told me, “It stings!” so I stopped. I cried for days after she passed and bless her heart, I saw her! Not once but six times. The most pronounced was when , without thinking of her, I opened my husband’s office door to get something off his desk . Sheba use to sleep on her bed next to his chair when he read the newspaper. Suddenly I saw her jump down from the bed and out the door. It happened so quickly and I stood aside so she might pass through the door. Then it struck me that she wasn’t here! Another time I found an marble in the water bowl in the basement . I said to my husband, “Do you have marbles in the basement”. He said no. When I looked at it , I noticed it was a rainbow cat’s eye! I keep it on my desk with me. There are more stories I could tell you, but I don’t want to take up too much of your time.
Thank you for posting this message! Blessings, Marg Churchill, Animal Reiki Master, Ottawa, Canada.
Lene Solmose
From my cat, Viggo, I recive a song.
“Somewhere over the rainbow”
We are from Denmark but the song is english