
APRIL 2022 Animal Wisdom Forecast

When I was writing my book Divine Beings, I was unsure about how to structure my book. Should I interweave my personal story throughout the animals’ stories? Should each animal’s story stand alone? What information should I include? How many chapters? Was there a recipe that I could follow for this kind of book? So many questions!

I was walking along the creek one morning, turning all these questions over in my mind, when a big orange dragonfly landed on my shoulder!

And BOOM! I had my answer!

I decided to tell my story my way. I gave up trying to fit my story into someone else’s format or figure out the “right” way to structure my book. All from seeing that dragonfly for a brief moment!

You’ll understand why I made that decision when you watch my April Animal Wisdom Forecast video.

And the same message from the dragonfly is in the monthly forecast for you, too. How will it help you this month??


Now It’s Your Turn

What part of the Dragonfly’s wisdom resonated with you the most? Please share in the comments!

If you would like to take the dragonfly’s message and integrate it into your daily life this month, I’ve got 2 tools to help you:

1 – a free PDF of my Daily Planner & Journal page that you can print out and fill in each day this month (leave a comment and I will email you a copy)

2 – my 6-month Animal Wisdom Daily Planner & Gratitude Journal – the dates are blank so you can start anytime (you can purchase it here)

Both tools have the same format and both will help you anchor the energy and guidance from the Dragonfly’s wisdom this month.

Let’s make the most of this month and harness the wisdom of the Dragonfly together!

Here’s to your awesome month!



  • Susan Game

    Hi Dr Cara
    Thank you for the monthly forecast with with DragonFly – the dragon fly is my favourite

    I love your forecasts and your ‘bounce’

    I would be most be interested to receive your Daily Planner and journal pages – pdf.

    Thank you very much

  • Beth Evans

    Hi Cara,
    I actually pulled the dragonfly card this morning before reading your email and listening to this message! Woo hoo! Please send me the free planner page …I’d love to give it a try.
    Thanks. Be well.

  • Alison Dunford

    Good morning Dr Cara.
    You blew me away this morning!
    Please send me the pdfs(dragonfly & peacock)
    I wonder also if there is a way with your permission, that I may share this particular video in my 2 private VIP Groups.
    I am a Visual Artist.
    I have 2 online businesses, that I Love.. at the same time I have decided now to build my very Own Business with my Art.
    I have many friends within my 2 private groups who could also be blown away by this message you have shared for April.
    I feel the need to share if you are Ok with this.
    If you Google “ridingthewaveofjoy” my old website should pop up.
    This will give you an overview of some of my earlier Art.
    Looking forward to your response.
    I always look forward to your weekly and monthly forecasts.
    Thank you so much.

  • Micky

    Hi Dr Cara,
    The dragonfly’s message to be ‘me’ really spoke to me this morning. Somehow
    , I keep forgetting, it’s ok to be me! It’s safe to be me! It’s even GOOD to be me and I’m allowed! I need to be frequently reminded about that, so thank you to you and to Dragonfly. 😁
    And then I was thinking about your planner/journal. You may remember when I first saw it, I kind of backed off from it. Something you said here made me realize why…. structure. Writing so long in a free-for-all way…. im not used to structure! But perhaps structure would be good for me! ( lightbulb moment!). So I ordered the journal.
    And then I thought that the Chakra coloring book would be fun ( though I may tend towards a lot of purple:-), so I ordered that too.
    It’s Sunday and they are supposed to both arrive on Tuesday, can’t wait!

    • Jacqueline Clinkard

      Thank you Dr. Cara for this time you offer with such passion and caring, I love these animal wisdom forecasts!!!
      The dragonfly so resonated with me as to “Live your Niche” is everything, to be you, releasing those blocks, to allow you to live in harmony so so important.
      I would very much appreciate your pdf of your daily planner and journal page.
      Again for all you offer thank you💜🙏

  • Rachelle

    Oh my gosh! What DIDN’T resonate with me in this video?! I really needed to hear this today. Thank you so much Dr. Cara! I also really like the idea of the planner!

  • Pat

    Thank you for sharing yourself & your insights, Cara, a.k.a. Pat Whisperer!
    That’s really interesting about the dragonfly. At my Aunt’s graveside service several years ago, I noticed an orange dragonfly on a wire. It stayed there for the entire service & then flew away. I thought it was wonderful that Aunt Inez came to be with us for her funeral! But, the more I noticed it, the more that I felt it was there for ME! No one else seemed to notice it until I pointed it out, & every time I looked at it, I felt a warm peace, that I was loved & was personally on the right path.
    You reminded me of this, & I am so grateful for you!

  • Judith

    The free pdf of the planner seems like it could really help me focus on the and maintain awareness throughout the month. Thank you.

  • Karen Marrotte

    Hi Dr. Cara,

    Spring is slowly coming to New England – although we had snow today. Looking forward to being outside more and looking forward to seeing my first Dragonfly.
    I would in interested in the PDF of your planner. See you on Wednesday at our meeting.

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