March 2022 Animal Wisdom Forecast
Each month, I share my Animal Wisdom Forecast with you so that I can help you tap into and take advantage of the energy around you.
My hope is that my forecast will help you navigate the month and be ready for any challenges you might face. And I want to help you celebrate your wins! Those are important, too!
My worry is that the Monthly Forecast goes in one ear and out the other! That you have no concrete way to harness the lessons from the animals. If that happens, the opportunity for personal growth is really lost. And that would be a shame.
Enter a concrete way to harness the energy and the animal wisdom each day of the month because….
Combining Animal Messages + Your Daily Routine = Major Empowerment!
This month, I want to help you take the wisdom from the animal featured in the Monthly Forecast and anchor it in your daily routine. So I’ve created a Daily Planner and Journal Page for you to use. 😀
I’ve been using this Daily Planner and Journal Page every day for the past 6 weeks or so and I TOTALLY LOVE it! It has changed my daily experience of my life in ways that I never could have predicted.
Just to give you an idea, I have more daily peace, happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment and enthusiasm.
And I want the same for YOU!
So, check out the March Forecast, please leave your email address in the comments below. and I will send you a free copy of the Daily Planner and Journal Page. and I’ll walk you through my “Maximize Your Month” daily process in the March Forecast video.
Now It’s Your Turn
Are you a daily planner or journaler? Are you going to give the Daily Planner and Journal Page a try? What message from the Eagle resonated with you the most? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your perspective with us so we can all benefit!
To your personal growth and empowerment this month!
PS If you would like your very own copy of my Animal Wisdom Oracle Cards, you can get them HERE

Animal Communication Workbook

Stop Procrastinating!
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Nancy Clifford
I’d love a copy of the daily journal page, I love your info , you are always on point for me in what you have to offer, advice wise and from the animal’s perspective. Thank you!
Cindy Puck
Please send me the daily planner and journal page.
Enjoy your monthly card reads.
Beth Evans
Saw a bald eagle on my dog walk yesterday morning. Then today the eagle monthly forecast!! Ready to focus on the big picture, my role in partnerships and noticing my limitations.
Would love the free download.
Peace, Beth
I would love to have a copy of the daily planner. THANK YOU!!!! Blessings, Cherie
Linda Cyr
I would love the daily planner/journal!!❤️
Roberta Robertson
Please send me your daily planner and journal. Thank you
Justine Zafran
Yes, please. I would like to try the daily planner and journal page. You are absolutely right about the challenge of keeping these messages present and applicable on a daily basis. Looking at how I am relating to my limitations and working on my partnerships seems particularly timely for me right now. Thank you!
I really like the idea of this daily journal page and I am going to try it. Thank you!
I have been doing a daily gratitude journal for years… I started after my husband passed away and it has helped me to cope and and it has changed my life in such a positve way…
N. Carlotta
Thank you for this sweet, generous, helpful offer!
I would love one and I will be sure to include you in the list of things/people I’m grateful for!
Rachel Lundberg
Hi Cara,
Life has been full of transformation and transition since I took the Master class with you in 2020. The eagle came up for me in a recent meditation. The eagle brought me a large worm/snake. I felt the connection, support, snd the abundance of the universe if I sm open to receive it. would love the PDF download for daily journal page. I think this new forecast and journaling pages are a great idea. 🥰
Ramona Coyote
Thanks so much…Synchronicities as I saw Three Eagles, yesterday and opened this up to your wonderful card reading!
Yes…I would love your journal pages, and Bless You, for sharing your time and energy with us.
Hello Cara
Thank-you for the Eagle wisdom . I have been getting other messages of partnership and “big picture” so it is good to have Eagle on the journey this month! Would you be able to send a copy of the daily journal? Thank-you.
Jenny Pavlovic
Thanks so much for sharing this Daily Planner and Journal Page! The bald eagle has spoke to me for many years, since the bald eagles came just before my cattle dog Bandit passed away from multiple myeloma. The eagles stayed and circled after his passing. For over a year, I saw bald eagles everywhere I went, and in the busiest places where I wouldn’t normally expect to see them. These many years later, a bald eagle appears when I need reinforcement and I know Bandit is still around, watching over me. Bandit had a very big personality and could move cows. I had to learn a lot just to keep up with him. It makes sense that this bold bird, the bald eagle, would appear on his behalf.
Shirley Benson
Of course I would love a copy of the journal!
Everything you put out there is so intentional and helpful for growth and release. It has been a real boost to my way of being to integrate your offerings into my daily life. From my heart to yours, thank you
Judy O'Hora
The daily sheet is such a good idea. Thank you so much, Cara.
cindie carter
Hello Dr. Carra, Look forward to the beggining of the months lookingfor our animal messgae. Thank you so much.
I wiould love the workbook as well.
Im going to keep poking you to come back on our podcast !
Next time you have a class coming up or would like to promote an event.
Sending lots of Love,
Lauren Alexander
The planner sounds great and I would love to have a copy. You are very kind and generous to share this with us. I have seen a lot of planners but this could work for me. Thank you.
Jennifer Anderson
Thank you SO much, Cara! I always enjoy your monthly messages!
Amber Rideout
I would like to try your planner please. Sounds like a great idea and a positive habit to start!
Christine M Vargas
I would love a copy of your planner please! I also saw a bald eagle yesterday before watching your March forcast and I NEVER see them! Crazy.
I love your monthly forcasts. Thank you!
Amberly Livengood
Cara – thank you for this beautiful inspiration from Eagle! I am currently almost 3000 miles from home caring for my 99 year old grandfather. I have been struggling with feelings of disonnect from my work and myself, this March Animal Wisdom forecast was so much what I needed to hear. I would love to get a copy of the planner page, I feel this is the perfect opportunity for me to dive into it and I feel it will be a wonderful tool with my own healing process I am going through as I have taken on a caregiver role in an environment I am not normally in. I look forward to receiving a copy of it! And thank you for your messages, they are always inspiring and right on point! Much light and gratitude 🙏🏼
Kristin H.
yes, please – I would love the planner/ journal page. What a great idea!
And thank you for the message from Eagle.
I saw one catch a fish right in front of me a few weeks ago. So amazing and majestic.
Cristi Moyer
Please send a copy of your Daily Planner page. Thanks
Toni Muller
Truly spot-on to where i am on my journey this month of March. SO needed to hear this, thank you Cara.
Would love a copy of the planner/journal please. Thinks is a wonderful idea to help define your intentions for the day!
Janice Goll
Would like the daily planner & journal. Interested in learning more about communicating with animals. When is your next beginner course?
Judy O’Hora
I would love to have a copy of the daily planner and Journal. I hope all is well w/ you Cara. Judy