Our Pets’ Spiritual Purposes in Our Lives
Each fall, I offer animal communication readings for a local charity. The event is called “Walk, Woof, Wag” and it includes a dog walk through our town’s open space park, booths with local vendors, a costume contest, and many more fun activities for humans and dogs to enjoy together. Two of my friends and I get together each year and put up a booth for animal communication sessions for dogs and their human caregivers. We call ourselves “The Pet Whisperers” and we always have a great time with each other and the dogs and humans we work with. We donate 100% of the proceeds to the medical fund for our local county animal shelter.
Two years ago, a couple approached our booth with worried faces and tense body language but no dog. They explained that they were fostering a dog who was miserable. She had been living with this couple for almost a year – ever since her family’s house had burned down in the wildfires that raged through our northern California community in 2018. Hundreds of humans and animals were separated. These good Samaritans took in a dog who was not allowed in the FEMA trailer where her family was currently living.
But the situation was dire: the dog was refusing to eat, howled all day, pawed at the doors, and was totally miserable without her family. The couple wanted to know what they could do to help this dog who was suffering so much.
I connected with the dog and learned that she saw her spiritual mission in life to be a grounding force for her family, especially the elderly father who was disabled. She felt like she was a total failure when she wasn’t in direct service to him and his family. She thought she was letting them down due to their separation. She loved seeing him on the short visits she was allowed and was miserable as soon as she had to leave them.
This dog was clearly suffering from a trauma to her seventh chakra – her life’s mission was being blocked and it affected her terribly. My friends and I each communicated with the dog and shared some interventions to help the dog feel more comfortable in her unbearable situation.
This situation pulls at my heartstrings and clearly illustrates the fundamental spiritual needs that each being brings to life on earth. We all want to fulfill our spiritual purpose.
This week, I explain more about the 7th chakra and how it governs the spiritual lives of all animals, including people.
Now It’s Your Turn
Does your pet have a spiritual mission in your life? What’s your spiritual purpose for your pets? Please share in the comments!
Spiritually yours,
PS If you want to learn more about animal chakras, check out my on-demand, self-study Introduction to Animal Chakras Class.

Mole Wisdom
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Ducki Contreras
Great story with this lesson. I can see why now.
Dr. Cara, am I missing something…do you still do personal sessions with animals or are you teaching only? I am particularly interested in the spiritual mission of my dog Sebastian, I almost lost him 3 weeks ago, he’s miraculously recovered thanks to our Healing horse friend Utah…but I can’t help but feel like we’re on borrowed time. I’m a high sensitive, but unable to communicate directly with my own animals…black or protection I am unsure, but no longer question it. Please excuse me if this is the wrong channel to communicate with you. I can be contacted via elizabethloper@hotmail.com.
Kind regards and blessings
Cara Gubbins
Elizabeth, I am doing very few personal sessions these days. Please email me at cara@drcaragubbins.com to set up a time for us to set up an appointment for you. hugs, Cara
I have got a female black cat called Spirit. From the moment our paths crossed I knew she had landed in my life with a mission. On that day, I was having an appointment with my doctor cos I had decided to mahe my uterus removed after two years struggling to make it stay with me. As we did not come to terms, I made up my mind and let it go. On that day, I had to sign the papers for the surgery and the moment I left the dortor’s office, Spirit was waiting for me hidden in a bush. She was 2 moths old. I always say that on that day I left my uterus on the doctor’s desk and brought a baby home with me. She helped me go through the whole process, my surgery, the recovery…and she even has taught me to let things go, to trust, to be independent… She still has lots of lessons on her agenda to teach me and I am a hardworking student! LOVE HER SO SO MUCH
Cara Gubbins
Oh my gosh, Maria Elena! What an amazing and beautiful story! Thank you for sharing it with us!