Mole Wisdom
In February in the US, all eyes turn to the Groundhog to tell us what weather is in store for us. If the groundhog sees his shadow on the morning of February 2nd, there will be 6 more weeks of winter. If not, spring will arrive early.
This year, I will be spending the month of February undergoing radiation treatment for my breast cancer. (Three weeks of treatment, five days a week for just a few minutes at a time.)
It’s an unusual year for me and an unexpected development in my breast cancer journey.
True to form, however, I am turning to the wisdom of animals for guidance. In particular, this month the Mole will be my teacher.
One of Mole’s messages is to “Slow down, rest, and reconnect to your sense of Self.” A timely message for me!
Mole has many other lessons about integrating the light and the dark that I think will surprise you (they surprised me!). I really fell in love with the Mole and its wisdom and I will be keeping these lessons in the forefront of my mind this month.
I hope the messages are helpful for you, too!
Now It’s Your Turn
Groundhog or Mole? Who are you listening to this month? Can Mole Wisdom help you? Please share in the comments!
Shine your light!
PS If you would like to have your own conversation with a different animal each month and integrate the spiritual lessons into your life, check out my Animal Wisdom Circle. Registration for my life-changing program is now open!
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Helen Sheehan
Hello Dr Cara, Helen Sheehan here, Rye, Victoria, Australia, I came to you through Dr Edward the healing Vet and did your animal healing and communication course. I am still working my way through these videos and always gain much when i watch them. I have to share something serendipitous with you. I am a retired School teacher who continues to surround myself in the children’s classics and I read them to many young people in my life. Last night I was reading ‘Wind in the Willows’ and really began to form a connection to Moley. He went into great detail of how he loves the dirt and finds it very soothing to be in his cosy burrow deep beneath the earth. He got himself into terrible bother outside lost with Ratty in the snow in the wild wood and at last he was able to ‘smell’ his burrow and they both burrowed into it, lit a fire, toasted crumpets, made tea and ate very fine cheese and ate Captains biscuits. This always makes me feel happy and content inside when I read and imagine these simple pleasures. This morning I opened your blog and there was Moley. In America you must also call them Ground hogs, not a term we know well here in Australia but I worked it out. It was so lovely to see the Mole doing his thing in the dirt and sharing his wisdom with us. Thankyou very much for this, it put a secret smile on my face. BEST WISHES to you on your healing journey. I will share a little quote that I use regularly in all siturations…. “All is well. Everything is working out as it is supposed to, and, out of this…………. situation my highest good is being served, and I am safe”. I hope this helps you… Love and blessings, Helen Sheehan
Cara Gubbins
Thank you so much, Helen! You brightened my day with this memory of the Wind in the Willows – I might have to re-read it, too! And I love your affirmation – that is also the way I see everything happening i my life. I lvoe that we share that attitude! Thank you for sharing your beautiful perspective here today! hugs, Cara
Diana Oliver
Dr. Cara, Thank you for sharing mole wisdom. It could not be more fitting for me at this time. I have incredibly low lows and this week has been one of those lows; that is, I tend to get lost in the darkness. During these lows, I isolate because well-meaning toxic positivity from friends and family has the effect of taking me even lower. Mole wisdom is so powerful and like nothing I have ever heard before. It’s wonderful. I wrote down every word in my journal to read and reread every day as I learn to master the darkness and become a more powerful light. Thank you. Wishing you a beautiful healing journey. ❤ Diana
Greetings Dr Cara and thanks for your animal insights. The mole reminds me that we don’t need eyes to ‘see’. Love and blessings on your healing journey. Heather
Hello Cara,
Always enjoy your posts. The mole has many beautiful messages! Who knew…but they always make sense; Your words – their translations and their Earthly tasks match. I think that’s what I love about your posts, the learnings can take shape and form with our fellow Earthly inhabitants. From the mole – Don’t look for recognition, know your worth…see the unseen…and mastering the darkness for a more powerful light.
Prayers for your own personal journey Cara – for wellness and healing.
Wilma G Mahoney
Dr Cara, I love the mole wisdom. I wish you well on your healing journey. Sending you lots of love and healing vibes.
Susan H Hagan
Such beautiful messages from Mole! Thanks so much Cara for sharing the animals’ gifts along with your own. They have been rippling out in waves of light for years and no doubt all that love and wisdom you share are supporting your current journey as well. Many blessings!