February 2022 Animal Wisdom Forecast
New Month, New Energy, New Opportunities!
I love it when the wisdom of the animals is unanimous and cohesive during my Monthly Forecasts!
This month, the energy is solid and grounded and the opportunity is clear: this is a time for remembering that you are a divine being and it’s time to let go of limitations that exist only in your mind.
Taken together, Asian Elephant, Sea Turtle, and Horse show us that we can trust our divinity, be unapologetically ourselves, and find our true power in our hearts.
I can’t wait to share this month’s reading with you!
Now It’s Your Turn
Did you feel the same energy in the reading as me or did you get a different message from the animals? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your impressions with us so we can all benefit!
Here’s to your Divinity!

Mole Wisdom
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Barbara Woodtli Huber
Hi Dr. Cara 💕
Wow! What a message!👍😊👍
Thankyou so.much for your words!
They went straight into my doubting heart! All of them!
The last days I felt somehow stuck,
The thinking and the doubts about my way and Process taking slowly over again.
It lifted me up so much, and gave me a push to go ahead!
Absolutely brilliant!
I love your forecast and all of your posts!
Bless you for sharing all with us!
With a thankful heart and greetings from cold Greece, Samos Iland where I live with 27 cats and a dog!💕🙏💕
Wow, this rings so perfectly with me at this time. I felt like all 3 cards spoke to me, and the messages from them tell me to go on and have faith and patience with myself. This loving, vulnerable way of opening up to sharing the “real” me (not the one I think I have to be) is so – like laying my heart out. I know it is true, and it is making me tremble a little inside… But that doesn’t make it any less true… Especially the Horse card “Love and Power” struck home and made me shed a tear.
Thank you Dr.Cara! Your reading was is in resonance with what I’ve been feeling and going through. Opening my heart but feeling a step backwards. Needed the support of the wisdom of faith Asian Elephant as it always takes a while for things to play out and settle. Or maybe need for big change too can be good.
And the turtle to be ourselves as when we don’t feel accepted we always feel we need to change ourselves.
But to trust were needed in who we are is beautiful and to always allow others the same.
I loved the message that the power to love is our true power from the horse. I live near herds of wild horses that I connect with when I can. This makes me want to pay them a visit.
Really it’s all about the heart what a great message for Valentines and all the aspects of love!
Justine M Zafran
Thank you, Cara!
I always appraciate your offerings and support. This month’s reading does resonate for me, as I have felt like this momentum I’ve been building toward several simultaneous life changes has taken a recent stall. I’m back in a sad funk of what feels like perpetual waiting for the Universe to open up and grant the opportunity I’ve been grooming myself for. Perserverence here is key, as is not forgetting the value of who I am, and that the Love in my life IS the power that will see me through this (hopeful) transition.
Thank you, Cara!