New Year, New Month, New Energy, New Opportunities!
OMG! I freaking LOVED the forecast for January!
There is so much richness in the messages from the animals (African Elephant and Manatee) and I threw in a little numerology, too!
This month is a perfect time for each of us to go within, envision our futures, and choose the future that is most heartfelt and meaningful for us.
This will make more sense when you watch my short January 2022 Forecast video!
Enjoy the JANUARY Forecast!
Now It’s Your Turn
Did you feel the same energy in the reading as me or did you get a different message from the animals and the cards? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your impressions with us so we can all benefit!
PS If you would like your very own copy of my Animal Wisdom Oracle Cards, you can get them HERE
What I have understood from the oracle cards you drew is that the past and all that is related to it has to be balanced and integrated with what is coming next (future) There must be a balance between them and that is our goal to find the right way to integrate both messages. The elephant is a majestic animal whose steps are powerful and that is how we have to enter the new year confidently, leaving our trace on each step we take.
The elephant is a land animal while the Manatee is an aquatic one, both of them strong on their own.Land and Oceans cover our planet’s surface, two different realms, in my view. The past (The elephant_the land), the future (The Manatee, the waters) into which we have to slide, flow…
Thank you for your video explaining bothe cards. The above is what I felt while listening to you and reading the cards. Have a wonderful 2022
María Elena
What I have understood from the oracle cards you drew is that the past and all that is related to it has to be balanced and integrated with what is coming next (future) There must be a balance between them and that is our goal to find the right way to integrate both messages. The elephant is a majestic animal whose steps are powerful and that is how we have to enter the new year confidently, leaving our trace on each step we take.
The elephant is a land animal while the Manatee is an aquatic one, both of them strong on their own.Land and Oceans cover our planet’s surface, two different realms, in my view. The past (The elephant_the land), the future (The Manatee, the waters) into which we have to slide, flow…
Thank you for your video explaining bothe cards. The above is what I felt while listening to you and reading the cards. Have a wonderful 2022
Cara Gubbins
OMG! I love what you shared about the messages you received form the cards, Maria Elena! So clear and eloquent! Thank you!
Love! I’ve already been feeling this transition within. Thank you!