Top 10 Blocks to Becoming an Animal Communicator
When my dog Iko was 13 and a half years old, she told me she had 2 weeks to live.
This was a significant event in my life for many reasons:
- It was her first clear, undeniable communication with me.
- It helped me, my husband, and our young kids to emotionally prepare for her passing.
- And it helped us understand her condition and keep her as comfortable as possible.
This was my most important reason for becoming an animal communicator – to be able to talk with my dog and show her even more love and to take even better care of her.
To get to this experience took a lot of time, training, and practice.
But probably the most important thing I did to get to this moment was to clear my inner blocks to becoming an animal communicator.
Doing my inner work continues to this day because each time I heal an inner block, I become not only a better animal communicator but a better me.
A few weeks ago, I asked you “What are your 2 biggest obstacles to being an animal communicator?”
This week, I am sharing the Top 10 Obstacles Animal Communicators Face.
My hope is that you will recognize some of these obstacles in yourself and understand 2 things:
- you are not alone
- knowledge is power so now you can start to face these obstacles and see them for what they are – not deal-breakers, but bumps in the road that you can overcome
Thank you for sharing your obstacles with me!
Now It’s Your Turn
Do you ever struggle with feeling blocked as an Animal Communicator? Which obstacle is your biggest challenge? Please share in the comments!
Can’t wait to hear from you!
PS: Here is the grounding meditation that I mentioned in the video: https://www.caragubbins.com/2021/03/03/grounding-cords-my-1-energy-tool-as-an-animal-communicator/

October Animal Wisdom Forecast
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I’ve done animal communication courses, and when do tuning in to a photo I just go blank. Feel I’m letting animal and guardian down when no message comes. Especially when others seem to to it effortlessly.
So frustrating, as I so want to do this.
Cara Gubbins
Great awareness, Helen! That is the first step. You are on your way!
Alison Dunford
This was very encouraging.
Thank you so much.
I think of myself as intuitive.
I find some lessons sometimes overwhelming.. because they seem to “clinical”. I don’t know if that makes sense.
I love that you are so open …I am drawn to your teachings just simply because of that.
I am a visual artist and so some things come to me as an image, or a feeling..sometimes I will hear words.. a voice.. or a smell.
The first time I had an aha moment was when I put my hand on my beloved Nadia who is 13 and is diagnosed as being in “palliative care”… she has liver and kidney disease and I have changed her diet completely.. I cook and prepare her food daily. A year ago she was not expected to live until Christmas. She is alive and so happy to be.
I put my hand on her just before I fell asleep (she sleeps in my bed beside me every night) with the intention of healing her and releasing some of her discomfort.. what happened next took me by surprise..I saw her.. huge… standing over my left shoulder and looking down at me… the feeling was extremely comforting and the love was all encompassing. In that moment I felt quietly ecstatic, and calmed..
This was definitely directly from her spirit.
It has been the only time that I can say that I have experienced “animal communication” on that level.
I feed the birds and squirrels in our garden and would love to have this experience with the wildlife as well..
At this time I have yet to break through the “veil” to go past the physical level .
Not sure what my blocks are.. monkey mind? Trust? Allotting the time to practice… I was not often a good student.. but when it came to my Art.. comes to my Art I could do that all day.. it connects me to that Divine part of myself.
I’m going on too long.
I am certainly resonating with your approach. Thank you so much.
Cara Gubbins
You are so close, Alison! Keep going. Monkey mind is a great place to start!
Szandra Kisch
Thank you for your video Dr. Cara.
I feel encouraged to continue training and practicing.
My biggest block is procrastination. And this goes for anything I want to do and I know I’d be good at. Is it fear of success? Or I don’t feel worthy and good enough. Who am I and who would want my services?
Wow, this is quite therapeutic!
I’m looking forward to your next video.
Cara Gubbins
Beautiful work right there, Szandra! Sometimes just recognizing and acknowledging the obstacle heals it – or starts the healing process. You areon your way!
Hi Cara,
Thank you so much for this series…you’re always helpful, generous and kind! I look forward to getting rid of my blocks, asap and getting clearer communication.
Cara Gubbins
You are super welcome, Julie! Thank you!
Lori Schoenig
Hi Dr. Cara,
I just listened to your first video of the top 10 blocks.
I consider myself somewhat intuitive and I feel animals are drawn to me because they know I love them.
I once “healed” my dog. She was limping for days and I put my hands on her hind legs (she let me) and I asked God to work through me and heal my dog. This (healing) only lasted maybe 30 seconds. After that she got up from her seated position and darted up the stairs!! She hadn’t gone upstairs in months! I was shocked by this and it gave me confidence.
On the other hand, My problem is I just don’t “hear” anything from the animals. I often wonder if the animals have nothing to say to me or I am just blocked. I need to learn how to listen. This may sound contradictory but healing vs hearing is obviously different. When we knew our dog was going to pass I sat over her and tried to get a message from her. Nothing came. I’m sure she had something to say. It made me sad.
Thanks for listening.
Cara Gubbins
Thank you for sharing your experience of healing your dog, Lori! You might be a Feeler type of Animal communicator. Not everyone hears words or messages from animals. Check out my quiz and see what type of animal communicator you are and if that helps you be more successful. Good luck!
Elaine Kitagawa
I have started to try to communicate with my two pooch boys since late March when my first kiddo transitioned. I am a believer but I have not been able to get into the “quiet” or “neutral” zone. I may have gotten a “glimpse” of a “shift” a few times and I did experience an amazing breakthrough once when my kiddo popped in for just a few seconds. Otherwise, I am strill struggling with getting into the zone and have not made any tangigle progress. I did purchase your animal summit content and am about 1/2 way through. I am committed to learning and practicing and becoming an animal communicator. I look forward to your 2nd and 3rd videos!
Cara Gubbins
Elaine, those quick “pop-ins” are good news! You know you can do it and now you can start to string those moments together. Keep going for the quiet, receptive, open mind and you will get there.
I have a saying. “Listen quick” since I started believing the very first words I hear I have been far more successful in my communications. I tell people remember the 1st words you hear and they will magically slow down after that. Also it is impossible to make up something like what you heard in the time frame you have. Try it it doesn’t work. You can not physically think fast enough to make up words remember them and also think about the task at hand. Everyone I have challenged to do it can’t. They then get over that block like I did.
Cara Gubbins
That is awesome, Gayle! Thank you for sharing it with us!
I can relate to Number 5 and 8. No matter how hard I try, nothing comes to me. So I start to think that perhaps I need to work on grounding. But even if I try a meditation beforehand, still nothing. Then I think that I’m just not meant to do this and get frustrated and disappointed in myself.
Cara Gubbins
Deana, great awareness! That’s the first step! I can’t wait to hear how you feel after video #2!
I can see I have a little bit of several of these blocks! I think the predominant block is not knowing if what I hear is real or just my thoughts/imagination…Am I forcing it? Making it up unconsciously?
Cara Gubbins
Great insight, Karen!
I have been successful in communicating with a few cats and dogs remotely several years ago. One time, I was practicing and trying to connect and human faces started appearing. I have been afraid to share this with anyone, because I don’t think many people would understand. The faces were not happy, sort of “Why are you bothering me?”. This scared me. Now I was afraid I had tuned in to the wrong channel. I don’t want to communicate with animals to annoy them. I don’t know if these faces were spirits, ancestors, or what. They just clearly did not want me invading their “space”.
My “mission” is to heal people through their animals. Help pet parents understand what in their behavior is upsetting. Animals are so pure in their observations and needs.
I also do Bach flower essences for people and animals and really enjoy it, as I have seen improvements with it. For Bach, I use muscle testing to confirm my selections.
I am also enrolled in the JSJ class of Adele Leas and I’m enjoying it as well.
JSJ, Bach and Animal Communication would, I feel, give me all the tools to not only make life better, but to provide gentle, non-invasive, inexpensive remedies. Not to treat a boken bone, but to treat the fear of what broke it.
Keep up your good work. I would like to improve my communications skills.
Cara Gubbins
What a beautiful mission, Carolyn!
Wilma G Mahoney
My issue is trusting and believing in my abilities to communicate. I do fine when the animal is at a distance, but up close and personal I have issues . Ex my dog At a distance I get th message loud and clear, sometimes right, sometimes wrong, but I keep trying. Then I start second guessing and trusting in what I hear. Maybe with our dog I’m trying too hard.
Tina Tittle
I’m a little behind, just listened to the first video.
You’re absolutely right about the 10 typical blocks, mine is self doubt & confidence.
Crazy part, I know without question, that I’m capable of this and so much more, infinity.
Thank you for sharing all that do!💝
Marie-Thérèse Stroud
My block is feeling stressed, fearful, anxious…. and you helped me to identify it… Sometimes I am so afraid, while communicating that I leave quickly… I hope, now that I have identified it really, that I willl be able to get rid of it..
Thank you
Thank you so much for all the assistance that you offer. My biggest problem with animal communication is that information seems to come through so quickly and at times so much BUT i don`t know how I am getting it. I don`t know where all the information is coming from or how I am actually doing it. Yes i always meditate before hand and seem able to go into a very calm state quite quickly. I actually enjoy doing it as it is one of the very few times in my life that I feel very calm. I also don`t seem to be able to connect with animals who are lost. It seems easier to communicate with animals who have passed over. I do work with animals and have so often just picked up that all was not well with them just by a feeling but once again I just don`t know how I am doing this. Please help!!
Nora Armbruster
Thank you for this, Cara, it’s so helpful.
I think the steps that spoke to me the most were probably 1-4. I make time to ground and practice, I’m good there! I even feel like I’ve had some wins, but I haven’t had the moment where I think, “Holy crap, that dog just talked to me!!” I’m still in the headspace where I think I’m getting messages, but it’s not a sure thing. I haven’t gotten to the place where I can just pass by a dog on my walk and have a chat. But I will!!
Barb Johnston
I finally got to watch and listen to this video. I think my biggest block would be around Self Doubt. I just do not always feel like I am not “hearing” the messages correctly if at all. I look forward to watching the rest of the videos. Thank you for this opportunity.