Clearing Your Blocks to Becoming an Animal Communicator
Bear the Chihuahua will always hold a special place in my heart because she was the first animal I ever communicated with successfully.
I’ve told that story many times (and I share it in today’s blog video in case you haven’t heard it – it’s pretty cool!) but what I haven’t shared much publicly is what happened to me the day before I communicated with Bear.
I cleared an inner block that had been holding me back from talking with animals for literally YEARS.
Yeah, it was huge.
Clearing that one block changed the course of my life forever.
Because that was what allowed me to talk with Bear, get all the information confirmed and verified, and prove to myself that I could really do this.
A few months later, I quit my job teaching at the local college and started my own business as an Animal Communicator.
All from clearing 1 *unconscious* limiting belief!
So, I know from my own experience how critical it can be to clear inner blocks. And I have been helping my animal communication students clear their blocks for years now, too.
Today I want to share my 7-step system for clearing inner blocks to becoming an animal communicator.
Because I want YOU to clear your inner blocks – the ones that are holding you back from becoming the animal communicator that you want to be.
So let’s heal some s***t together!
Now It’s Your Turn
Did you follow along and clear a block? What block did you clear? Please share in the comments!
You got this!
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hi cara
thank you soo much for sharing!! i will work at it! i am 76. have always loved and respected all creatures! at present i have a wonderful dog LOTTE that i had to place in a family because she was too strong and wild for me. it s fine now and i take her up to the mountains wirh me about every two months! i love it!! she pulls me through the train stations with the strength of a horse because she s afraid of underpasses and crowds. i would love to ask her why and what i can do to make her understand it s ok… i hope it will work
love and thank you again
Cara Gubbins
Good luck, Margrit! I believe in you and Lotte!
One of my current blocks is “no one hears me”.
All my life. Teachers never had my name right. I can’t even go get a coffee without them calling me Salary, vikie, victoria etc.
It is ridiculous. They will be a group talking, not formally, I say something and not one person even acknowledges. I sit there and think can they not Hear me. I do have a nice, soft voice.
However I do speak up. I feel like I need to raise my hand.
valeri sexton
Cara Gubbins
Wow, Valeri! This will be a great one to clear!
Bettina Jessen
Hi Valeri!
I know that feeling very well. I say something in a group and they just keep talking, even interrupting me, while I am stil talking. I have started healing my throat chakra, hoping it will help.
Wilma G Mahoney
Hi Cara, I think you so much for sharing this video on how to release the blocks. My story may not be solely on animal communication, but it is something that I am now going to incorporated in my business. I just opened my own business: Wilma’s Energy Healing and Grooming Space. The Energy Healing is picking up, but I did realize something while listening to this video that I had this feeling inside that I wasn’t believeable enough, not creative, not talented enough, that people wouldn’t open up, that what I believe in people will not see, nor hear, that I wouldn’t be given the opportunity.
This hit me like a ton of bricks as a memory popped up of a few years ago when I started on the Energy Healing journey for animals and humans, someone in my life, someone real close screamed and yelled at me to give it up, that they needed proof that this worked (even though they wouldn’t try it for themselves}, they still needed proof, that my Reiki Master was a real person, that the school I took Animal Reiki from was accredited and on and on. I’ll stop here.
After doing the 7 steps I am feeling happier, lighter, more loving towards myself, ready to go out and face the world and really communicate with animals and not second guess myself as not being believable. I am talented and creative. I’ve got this.
Thank you from my heart to yours. This was an eye and heart opener. I will keep doing these steps when I feel stuck.
Cara Gubbins
Congratulations on your new business, Wilma! And I am celebrating your clearing with you! I love that light feeling you described! You got this!
Marie-Thérèse Stroud
Well I believe it’s a bit block to clear… Just to think about it and I am afraid …. and I have been doing AC for about 10 years, sometimes wiith success sometimes, no… and I would love so much to improve, to be free of all fears….
Thank you for your help….
Thanks so much for these wonderful tools Cara. Wow! Powerful! What came up for me was my experience as an empathic child feeling my beloved bubbe’s
(grandmother’s) deep depression and not knowing how to help her when she reached out to me energetically – I felt overwhelmed by her need that grabbed my solar plexus. I felt powerless and not good enough or strong enough and also confused and angry at the expectation that somehow I should know what to do to save her. Saying “I was a child. I didn’t know how to help you. Noone told me about depression. noone helped me to understand.” helped put it in perspective.
Lots of forgiving myself and the adults who didn’t explain that it wasn’t my job to save anyone and who didn’t see that I needed support and mentoring of empathic abilities. My new truths are that I understand depression. I am strong enough and know myself well enough to be with another being who is in pain. I can offercompassion and support to another while supporting myself by breathing deeply into my heart and solar plexus and allowing the pain to pass through my lower chakras into the earth. I know how to ask for help when I need it. I am willing to learn the skills necessary to develop my empathic abilities.
Those new truths are a major breakthrough for me. I understand now that fear of (re)opening those empathic pathways that overwhelmed me as a child has been holding me back from opening to communication from whales. I feel the energy shifting already so I’ll report on any new developments.
Bettina Jessen
Hi Cara!
Thank you so much for these seven steps, I will work myself through them 👍🙏
My biggest block is, that my father told me, that it is not possible to follow my dreams and live the life, I want to. As a child, I wanted to become a vet, to live in Afrika and help animals. He laughed at me and told me to be realistic!
I have been doing ac for little more than a year ( not professionelly) but I feel insecure and afraid, that I can’t really do this, that it is not realistic!!