September 2021 Animal Wisdom Forecast
New Month, New Energy, New Opportunities!
Each month is a new beginning for each of us: an opportunity to reassess where we are and where we want to go in our lives.
And each month I love to consult my Animal Wisdom Oracle deck to see what the energy is like.
This month the energy is light and optimistic and supportive. I think it’s time to do some inner work on the mental level so that our dreams can take flight.
This is not the heavy lifting of deep emotional work, but more of an awareness of catching the habitual daily thoughts that weigh us down.
Maybe we could even make it a game – that’s how light and airy the energy of September feels to me!
Enjoy the September Forecast!
Now It’s Your Turn
Did you feel the same energy in the reading as me or did you get a different message from the Animal Wisdom Oracle cards? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your impressions with us so we can all benefit!
PS If you would like your very own copy of my Animal Wisdom Oracle Cards, you can get them HERE
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What a beautiful reading! Your interpretation, positive message and lovely energy are truly inspirational.
Thank you.
Cara Gubbins
Thank you so much, Jeanette!
Michele Miller
Love this reading, Cara!
So resonate and inspiring!
Thank you!
Cara Gubbins
Thank you, Michele!
Tonya Halfhill-Micotto
My sister & I had to face old demons ( abuse,molestion) from our childhood with our deceased’s father’s property. Our brothers stayed close to him…that was their choice…we respected their choice for 50 (+/) years. Hearing the tears of your sister takes you back 50 (+/-) years. As the oldest, I always felt responsible. I am not responsible. I am also not responsible however for our brothers dismissing our feelings,holding our father accountable & expecting us to ” just sign it over…you don’t want it ” Actually,we do want our financial share. We can donate or spend our share. The money means nothing to us. What we do with the money will be liberating.
Cara Gubbins
I hear your clarity and power in your words, Tonya! Stay strong and true to yourself. Sending light to a peaceful resolution for the highest good of all concerned.
Adbhuta Ananda
Thank you for a fun and inspirational reading of the cards you pulled out of your deck.
I have seen a blue dragon fly in my garden. She told me she loves darting here and there checking out the colours and smells of the flowers.
Her maessage to humans: Use all your senses to get the most out of each moment or even each second.
The butterflies I have seen in the park across the street flitting between the trees and around me. They said we love to sense your energy when you are in
nature with us.
Message to humans: Take life lightly.
Cara Gubbins
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing, Adbhuta! What inspiring messages from the dragonfly and the butterflies!
I love this, Cara! I’m leaving my career in education after 14 years and making the move to a new area with a new career as an animal communicator…this reading really resonated with me! Taking flight to new heights! Namaste 🙂
Cara Gubbins
Love seeing you blossom like this, Nora! Light to your new flight!