Animals in the Afterlife – Top 5 Signs from Your Pet Angel
“Am I crazy or just making this up?”
I hear it all the time!
Animal lovers are getting signs from their pets who have passed on but they dismiss them as their “imagination” or they say “I am just feeling that because that’s what I want.”
Either way, they are getting real, tangible signs from the other side.
By dismissing those signs as crazy or made up, they are missing out on a chance to connect with their pet who still loves them and wants to stay in touch!
Those signs from our pets can be so comforting, uplifting and inspiring!
On my blog this week, I share the top 5 signs that our pets send us after they have passed over, to let us know they are still connected with us.
Now It’s Your Turn
Is your pet sending you signs from the afterlife? What are the signs that you are getting? Please share your experience in the comments.
PS: I have created the Connect with Your Pet Angel Master Class just for you! I’ll be guiding you through my special connection process – a way to connect intuitively and reach out directly to your pet. This process works for me, it works for my private clients and now it can work for you. It’s MAGICAL to connect with your Pet Angel!
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Thanks Cara.
My son took our toy poodle to the vet for euthanasia and i was home, standing in the kitchen, mindful of the big step about to be made with love. Suddenly a large gust of wind came into the kitchen from nowhere; I noticed my hands reflecting as a “shadow puppet” formed on the kitchen cabinet in the shape of our dog’s head complete with long soft ears even; and heard him bark loudly twice but it seemed far away and otherworldly. Then I knew it was him telling me he was ok, and he had other work to do now (one thing being sending us our current dog! And helping other “animals” with a comforting passing over) what a lovely and loved being!!
Cara Gubbins
What a beautiful connection and experience, Julie! And what a great job for your poodle on the other side!
Sue Cooke
Hi Cara
I just wanted to share that my cat that I brought up for 17 years from 2 days old died last February 2020. I was heart broken and for the first time in my entire life Lived without a pet. Especially due to lockdown it was difficult nothing could replace her. My home was her home. I couldn’t imagine anything else living here.
Since a child animals that are looking for a home have always found me so I knew when the time was right a soul would come.
In April 2021 I called my friend who has a rescue centre and I asked about fostering a dog, had she got one. She replied that one had just come in and was in the kennel, go and she her she said. I asked what she was but unusually, she couldn’t explain the type!
We went early the next morning. There she was! She was so pleased to see us and greeted us like “at last you have come to take me home”! However, I suspected my friend needed to do the paperwork so went away and called her. She told me to take her home. She jumped in the car wagging her tail and after an hours drive with her head on my partners lap all the way, we arrived home. She ran in and jumped straight on the bed! She was back home!!
Her colouring is the same, her personality and energy exactly the same as Tabethas. She loves us both equally and felt at home immediately. Not even a peep at night.
She was born in March 2020. I would not have had a puppy! She’d had two owners in under 1 year because there were problems handling her. Even the vet said she was out of control. The last lady rang in hysterics and drove 2.5 hours to get to the county the kennel was in and which I lived!
This little dog was 13 months when I got her and she is the loviest soul you could ever wish to be with! We are so happy together. It was meant to be. I am convinced that Tabetha came back home. She is as good as gold and so well behaved! Love her so much.
I’d like to know your thoughts.
Thanks Sue 🌸🕊
Cara Gubbins
Sue, what an amazing story! I think your Tabetha came back to you – and found a way to make sure you didn’t have to have a puppy and that you would find her. Beautiful!
Anne Cederberg
Thank you so much for this! Ihave had many of these kinds of experiences with both people and animals. But today I have to have my beloved dog, Jesse, put down, and your soothing manner and reminders are such a comfort. And your timing is perfect. Thanks for all you do.
Cara Gubbins
Anne, I am sending you big, big hugs!
Corinne Brown
I have only once recieved anything from a pet that died and that was when I was 16 years old a long time ago now. I had a Labrador that died on the operating table come and visit about two weeks after she passed. I had just gone to bed when I felt a weight at the bottom of my bed, then I heard a grinding of teeth sound, she used to do that when she was nervous and she knew she wasn’t allowed on the bed. I still had my eyes closed at this point as I was a little frightened. Then I felt her moving up the bed so opened my eyes and saw a dark shape about her size rise up off the bed and disappear like she was a puff of smoke. I have never fogotton it and I never saw her again. I have never felt anything from any other pets but wish I had.
Lyn Thompson
I had to have my Carin Terrier put to sleep….nothing could be done to help or save her and she was suffering very bad. Not long after that, I went to see my parents and as I sat on their back porch one night, I looked up at the stars and some stars were shaped like a Carin Terrier. I knew at once something was not right. When I got home, I called the vet office to find out why I didn’t receive her ashes yet. I asked where they sent her to be cremated and called them and they said they did not have her there. I called the vet office and told them to find her. I found out they forgot her in the mother. I told them to send her to be cremated and then called and told them not to cremate her until I got there to ID her…..I did….waited for them to cremate her and took her home. Thank you for letting me know that they can communicate in a cloud. I always knew it was her.
Cara Gubbins
Corinne, wow! What an amazing experience!
Janice Sestrap
This February 2021, I had to put my 15 yo cat, Skiddles, down. It is never an easy process to go through with a pet, but we were literally soul mates and I was saying “goodbye” to my buddy. Fortunately, I knew he was only physically not here and his spirit was still going to be around me hanging out. Sure enough within a couple days, I caught a glimpse of him lying next to the furnace (his favorite spot during the winter) when I was coming out of the bathroom. Another day, I heard his meow in the morning as if to say, “Mom, get up and feed me!” But, the biggest sign is that he still on a daily basis will be lying around in his favorite spots watching me do my morning workout and when it comes time for my cool-down and I am stretching with my legs apart, he will come over and walk between them. This used to be a routine for us and would call it “going under the bridge”. I can even feel his bob tail along my leg at times. Then he will either jump up on my husband’s recliner, go eat or to his litter box like it is still his normal routine. I have the ability to see him within my mind’s eye where as my husband doesn’t. But he did experience hearing one of Skiddles’ toys ringing a couple days after he passed. It is very comforting to know he is still here and part of the family. The funniest thing is now I have the neighbor’s cat visiting me on a daily basis, hanging out and wanting to play just within a month of his passing. I am pretty sure Skiddles has sent her to me to somewhat fill that void of not having him around to play with and love on. 😊
Christine Anne
The timing of Your email today about hearing from passed pets is synchronistic. Last night, being in pain with an injured hip, I was lying on The couch trying to get comfortable and some sleep. In that space between awake and asleep, I was drawn to awareness by the sound of breathing and thought, “this sounds like Chewbacca. my dog’s breathing.” Chewbacca and I had lived in an old farmhouse in the country. The sound of her breathing at night was so comforting to know another caring soul was close by. Then I was startled to full awakening as I live alone, and should not be hearing breathing. All was quiet.
Cara Gubbins
Christine, what a beautiful connection with your Chewbacca! I love it when they give us such a strong sign that we can’t deny it! I wish you a speedy recovery for your hip!
Hi Cara-
I wait every day for a sign from my beloved dog who passed 6 months ago. I am completely shattered by her loss. My daughters get signs all the time…mostly that of her birthdate. I have only had one dream however there have been a few rainbow appearances and also feathers falling from the sky which never came into our yard prior. So I’m hoping these are signs from her. My other two dogs seem to be very depressed; one more than the other. It’s so sad.
Thank you for your videos. 💜🐾
Cara Gubbins
Kimberly, stop wait for signs because you are already receiving them! Let these sign from your beloved dog lift you – it will not only you but also your two other dogs as well.
My pet (Riley) is connecting with me by way of cardinals. They come to me at the most interesting times. For example, I was watching the program last month about communicating with your pet and I was crying really hard and I sat back and looked out the window to a cardinal watching me. Another time I heard it outside and found a cardinal taking to my other kitty (Eli) who had been sad. They started coming around like that when I brought Riley’s ashes home for the first time. I am unable to think why he picked the cardinals. He had bladder cancer and after 8 months of battling treatments, I had to put him to sleep in Dec 2019. He was one month short of turning 13. I miss him so much. Riley was my feline soulmate. Think about him every day. I believe he was sent to me by my mother who passed when I was three. I have an Instagram and Facebook account just for my cats under his name @lifeofrileycat which I will never change. It is my way to honor and remember him. Life has never been the same without him. I keep hoping he will send another kitty to me.
Cara Gubbins
What a fun way for Riley to connect with you – through the cardinals! Maybe he will be returning to be with you again. I hope so!
There are so many ways in which my deceased dog Emmy lets me know she’s still with me, all of which fall into the five ways you mentioned in your video.
Like white feathers, or tan feathers (unusual in my country. She was tan coloured). Also white butterflies that I never saw before she died. They’ll pass close by and almost land on me. I’ve seen her, her tail, heard her, seen shadows in places she liked to be, so live-like I’ve on occasion mistaken them for the black dog I have now. Also on command when I once asked for a very sure sign she was with me, she showed me a combination of numbers on a licence plate that spelled out her name! Lizzie, the other dog I had at the time Emmy died also saw and heard Emmy. Sometimes she’d see things I didn’t.
Like the day Emmy died, when later that evening Liz and I were sitting grieving on the sofa together, and suddenly she must have seen Emmy’s soul, because she looked to the ceiling and kept ducking when something flew back and forth over her head, following whatever it was with her eyes. When it was Lizzie’s time to depart from this world, eight months after Emmy, I was lying on the same sofa looking up at the ceiling, and asked Emmy to come and meet her when she died. At that exact moment I saw a blob of light that danced under the ceiling making the figure of eight or infinity symbol, which made the blob of light look like two blobs when it moved so swiftly. Before Lizzie died, we both heard Emmy as she moved round in Lizzie’s crate. She did this a lot! Made me smile every time. She still does this, although not as often. Once I heard her moving around in the crate, and get up when i passed it. Thinking it was the dog I have now, Menji, I called her to come, and heard the dog following me, her paws on the floor and phone tag tingling from her collar (which only happened with Emmy), only to find Menji fast asleep on the couch! I smiled through tears. It’s been a tremendous help knowing she’s still with me. I still grieve four years later, but it’s easier to live with knowing she’s there. Also, as you mentioned, I can ask for her help. And the thing is, she always helps me! I really mean ALWAYS!! In a way dead relatives don’t. That’s how strong, authentic and unconditional our love is! Lately I asked her if she could help Menji out with a few issues she was having with another neighbouring dog, and if she could help her be as wise as she herself was, and don’t you think Menji’s behaviour changed towards that dog the next time they met!! She behaved like Emmy would have done! I really love my Emmy<3 We were a great team, always will be. Although i'm immensly sad she's not with me in the physical any longer, it's so heart warming and consoling her proving to me she's still there, and hopefully I'll meet her when I pass over. I asked her before she died if she please would, and she looked at me as if she felt so sorry for me. My dear little Emmy<3
Alison Gilroy
Hi A couple of days after my Boston Terrier, Boo, died I was on my patio taking pictures of the sunset. I did not realize my camera settings were set on “live”. Anyway after taking a handful of pics I was scrolling through them. And whoa, there was a giant orb in one! Then the next one I could actually see him sitting on the flower bed border! I hear him often going through the dog door. Each time I look and it isnt a dog I can see! One night more recently I was laying in bed falling asleep when I felt one of my dogs circling above my feet trying to decide just how he would lay down. I opened my eyes and looked up and there was not anything there visually but I could still feel it! Thats it so far.
Alison Gilroy
Hi Cara
I listened to the 5 signs and each one has happened for me with my lab who passed away 3 years ago. He was such a spiritual soul (when physically here) that it makes sense his spirit would contue to be with me. I am so amazed that he has connected with me in those 5 very clear ways and must say I am blown away with the opportunity he is giving me – I am literally speechless as it dawns on me! You have made it feel so clear and certainly validates the feelings that these moments gave me. Thank you – I have written them all down and will share if the time comes. Thank you for helping me on my journey.
My feline passed-over two years ago. . . . . . but, after his passing, he would periodically jump up on my bed during my afternoon medditation and sit
on my legs (like we usually would do) I could even see the brief depression on the bedspread when he first jumped-up on the bed.. . . . . made me so
happy. . .. . . What a great guy. . … .I miss him so much but I am grateful for all the years we had together and what he taught me.
Thank you so much for your “5 Signs” video
My angel dog passed away at 15.5 years old almost a year ago. I am still heartbroken, but she has left me plenty of signs and for those, I am so grateful. After she passed, I started sleeping with a stuffed dog. I placed it on the pillow on the other side of the bed before falling asleep. The next morning, it was lying in the middle of the bed, where my dog typically slept! I did not sleep on that part of the bed! Also, soon after she passed, I went to bed and rolled over on my side. I felt as if she had plopped down on the bed behind me and I felt the weight of her against me! Since then, I have felt her several times walking on my bed and lying down next to me. I have heard her dog tags jingling in my room even though I’ve packed her collar and tags away in the attic. She has woken me up a few times – once with knocking on the wall, and another time by turning on and off my end table lamp light in my bedroom. She’s sent me a cardinal at least once and when I was in the grocery store one morning, she sent me a song that played on the grocery store speakers. It was a song we used while taking a canine freestyle class from many years before. I had a complete meltdown in the car after that! She has also visited me in my dreams a few times – we did not communicate, but I could see and feel her presence. Her signs don’t come as often as they used to and I still grieve for her, but I take comfort in knowing we are still connected and she is still with me.
Shortly before my cattle dog Bandit passed from multiple myeloma, bald eagles came and perched in a tree in front of our house. The day we lost Bandit, 5 bald eagles flew in a circle over our neighborhood. For a year after Bandit passed, I saw bald eagles everywhere, including flying over the hood of my truck in a busy suburb, flying over my truck when I was going 60 mph down the highway, flying right toward my windshield when I was rushing my other dog with cancer to the vet early one morning, and circling low over me when I was out walking my other dogs. Bandit crossed over in March of 2014 (we lived in Minnesota then). Today in Wisconsin, while walking my dogs, I found a dark gray feather that was 12″ long and 2 1/2″ wide. When I got home, I looked it up and found that it was a bald eagle primary wing feather. I didn’t see a bald eagle today, but somehow Bandit left this huge feather right in my path. This is the 3rd time I’ve found a bald eagle feather since Bandit passed, and I am not usually in places where there are a lot of bald eagles. I know that bald eagle feathers are protected, so I talke a photo of them. My family is going through some difficult transitions and the mother of a friend of mine just passed away. Today was a good day to hear from Bandit.
Hi Cara
I was devastated after I had my Maltese Poodle Jack put to sleep – 10 years ago now. (He had a bad neck/spine problem which was agony for him.) Very soon after, I used to feel his presence…. sort of like butterflies in my stomach… but a certainty that he was right there. Once I saw a white flash disappear round the corner of the house.
Quite a few months after he had passed, I was sitting on my bed talking to him and I looked down and found one of his claws (sheaths?) right next to me on the bed which obviously had been made and changed plenty of times since he left.
I have also seen poodle-shaped clouds, and number plate signs more recently…. one said Jack, and one, the very next day, said Jak Jak… I used to call him Jack Jack all the time!!
Thank you for validating these signs as being from him… gives me so much comfort.
We used to have hamsters and often after they’d passed I would hear the sound of them drinking at the drinking bottle. I thought it was just my imagination, but now I know it was real! Thank you Dr. Cara for all your helpful and informative videos.
My son recently died in a senseless motorcycle accident. Just before that, I had told him that if he didn’t get his life in order that he would basically be a redo for this life followed by an “I love you”. I never got the chance to say goodbye so your words prompted me to try to find out how he was by repeatedly asking for a sign in my dreams.
I dreamt of red roses and woke up, and thought oh, I have some beautiful roses in a glass music box that was a gift from him many years ago. I went back to sleep, and in the continuation of the dream the roses turned blue. When I woke up, I looked up the meaning of blue roses and the meaning I read said “immeasurable happiness found at starting a new beginning”! Amazing, thank you Dr. Cara!
My Claire crossed on 2/17/21 and almost one month later she sent me a sun-formed pair of cat ears next to the ottoman she always used to jump up in my lap. Then a few days later I asked her to give me a sign that she was still near me and I found a painted rock with hearts all over it on the trail I always walk. I have had about 4-5 brief, quite vivid dreams/visits from her at night. I asked Claire a few days after she crossed to send me a black squirrel to let me know she was still near me and every day she sends me a black squirrel. My Claire is truly amazing.
Charly Kayle
Totally agree with every way you mentioned to sense your animal’s presence around you and messages to you. It’s all about being alert and aware.
When my German Shepherd Sasha died earlier this year, it was sudden and unexpected, and exactly 7 years to the date that my fiance (her human father) had died (also sudden and unexpectedly). It was her way of telling me “I chose this mom. Don’t beat yourself up, you couldn’t have stopped it.”
She became very active in the month after… everywhere I would go, dogs would suddenly turn around and look me straight in the eye, and I heard in my head a tiny, “I love you”. People would be pulling their dog in the opposite direction, or shocked how their dog ran up to me, yet they would always make eye contact before following their parent. This happened out on the street, in stores, dog parks, and even in bars. One time, a German Shepherd sat at the other end of the outdoor patio bar. Surprised at how much the dog looked like “baby Sasha” I quickly took a picture. The couple decided to leave after 30 seconds, because when I looked back up to take more pics, they were gone. When I checked the two pictures I took, the first was blurry, and the second was clear straight-on with the dog looking at me, far across the bar!
This happened at outdoor bars more than once, including my birthday, when I really needed to feel her presence. And then it happened to my friends who had loved her, while they were out jogging or driving. A German Shepherd would appear to block their path, look at them straight on, then run off with no apparent owner around. They became so common we called them “Sasha sightings”!
So many more incidences happened that my friends and I would say “Sasha did it”, and it was (and is) such a comfort. She even helped facilitate an adoption of a rescue German Shepherd to a friend of mine who she had adored. Interestingly, after I met the new Shepherd for the first time, she started following me all over the dog park until her father called her back. She didn’t attach to any of our other friends in that way.
Thank you for the opportunity to share. As much as I dislike journaling, it has been really helpful to write down and keep a record of this! I know…. I should be journaling much more! 🙂
Gary J Ley
It is 6 months since Goldie passed. I’ve felt him on the bed, and my wife saw him once. It seems however that she is his favourite way is through dreams. I’ve had over 20 clear colourful dreams of him just before I waken. I’d love to see him, are some people more receptive to this I wonder. I do love the dreams, it is so comforting.
Thank you for this video. It was helpful to bring confirmation to signs I have been seeing. Last night before going to bed, I was asking my dog Faith, who passed in November 2019 for her assistance with a particular situation that;s going on for me right now. This morning I woke up with an image in my mind of her sitting down and she had a red vest on. It was a vest that my dog that I had before Faith, Barstow, would wear all the time when her back legs were weaker and she needed assistance to get up, stand, and walk. Is it possible that both Barstow and Faith were sending me a message through that becuaes there were signs that reminded me of both of them? Do they sometimes combine like that? I’d love to hear your thoughts about that.
Yes, I’ve received many signs. First few daysafter she passed, I think I saw her white shape in the corner next to my bed, while I kept waking up all night.
Later I went to the zoo, while waiting, I looked up the blue sky, there was her shape of cloud, which I took a photo of it. Rainbows, songs, butterflies, dragonflies, white feather, to name a few.
FYI, I smell my baby very often as well.
patricia pentz
My devon rex cat, Lily died 15 years ago, she has come to me twice, the first time, she came in a dream and she had wings, and she flew back to heaven. For some reason, the night before her birthday, I started smelling kitty litter, which was very strange, I don’t have a cat box or a cat, so I started thinking of what the date was, and I realized the next day was her birthday, so I just know she came to me, it was so long ago that she died, but it was her
Barb Johnston
When we had to put our beloved dog Candy down, she had cancer, I was heartbroken. I actually got help from a Pet Medium and she helped me to find some peace and I learned she was at my side all the time. A couple months after she passed we felt we wanted to adopt a rescue. I asked Candy to help us choose the dog. We went to meet one of the dogs and I asked her to have the dog give me a kiss if he was the right one for us. When we walked in the door of the Foster family, he came running over to me and kissed me right away, then went to my son and then my husband. Needless to say he has his furever home. He often does things that reminds of us of her. It is amazing.
Lately I have been seeing things that look like a German Shepherd. I currently have 3 rescued Shepherds, and have had several in the past who have passed.
I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me until I read your 5 top ways aniamls connect with us after they have passed.
I will look at a house and see a Shepherd sitting on the porch, and when I blink my eyes, it is a bush.
Or I will see a billboard, with a German Shepherd on it, and then if I shake my head, and clear my eyes, it is something else on the billboard.
I haven’t realized that it really is one of the Shepherds I have had previouslys.
I think I also mentioned that several years ago, I took that last trip around the lake on my pontoon, and had all of my dogs with me to enjoy the Autumn air and
the smells of the lake.
A very dear dog had passed away recently and I was very sad that she was not with us on this annual trip. I was crying and feeling the pain of her loss, when all
of a sudden the a strong wind came up and blew the door open at the front of the boat. It was an absolutely clear and calm day with no wind.
I was shocked and the tears stopped as I realized it was my Smokie who really was on that trip with me.
It was such a heartwarming moment.
Vicki Grummitt
My greyhound Rosie had kidney problems but outwardly seemed so healthy – eating well, running around chasing her frisbee – so much so that the vet had to check the blood test results because they did not tie in wth the seemingly healthy dog in front of him. I think this is part of the reason that I struggled so much more with her loss than my previous dogs who had suffered a slower decline. After an overnight stay with the emergency vet, the kindest thing was to have her put to sleep, “the long sleep” as he said here in France. I sent her on her way with peace and love and sat with her until the end.
When we came home, I could see her trotting off down the garden path, or appearing in the bathroom to check where I was, being ‘nosey Rosie’. It felt as if her energy was still here on that day but then it was gone.
A few nights later, the alarm clock went off at some random time during the night and a few nights later it went off again at another random time but with the sunlight function this time – the alarm was not set on either occasion. The clock has only done this a couple of times previously in the 18+ years that I have owned it. Then a few nights later, I awoke with my other dog Bertie standing by the bed with the bedroom door ajar, I assumed he wanted to go out so let him out but something in his body language didn’t reflect that, he didn’t seem agitiated, he was just standing there calmly. When I got back into bed, it occured to me that Bertie has never pushed a door open as he is nervous of going through doors left ajar (I suspect early experiences before he was rescued) but Rosie would happily nudge her way through.
I believe Rosie visited us and hope she will come and visit us again, I do miss her presence.
My beloved Bernese Mountain Dog, Brody, passed away from Lymphoma a month ago. He was my everything. We were together all day and night for his entire life. Brody was my only living family. Needless to say I’ve been looking and inviting signs from him. About a week ago I had a wonderful and comforting dream where Brody, my deceased husband and I were in my childhood home together. All brought the most comfort and love that I’ve felt in life. We were together in a place where only I knew. Having a dream about my childhood home wasn’t anything I would have expected, let alone also having Brody and BIll there. I’m 65 and let’s just say it’s been a long time since I’ve been there! I woke up feeling more comforted and loved since Brody passed. I look forward to more signs as I miss my boy so much. Goodness knows my husband has sent some incredible signs over the years!
Many thanks for all you do Cara.