5 Animal Communication Tips I wish someone had told me earlier
My dream of being an animal communicator started when I was about 5 years old. After a series of big ups and downs over the ensuing decades, I found myself with a deep longing in my heart and soul to communicate with all animals when I was in my forties.
My journey began in earnest when I signed up for a 1-year psychic training program. After graduation, I didn’t know any animal communicators and there was no roadmap for my quest to talk to animals.
Several years of trial and error later, I opened up my animal communication business. Yay!
Soon after that, I started teaching my friends and clients how to do what I was doing. They learned more quickly than I did because I was able to steer them in the right direction and help them avoid the “potholes” on the road to animal communication success.
This week, I am sharing the top 5 things I wish someone had told me when I was starting out (and what I share with my students and clients today).
Learn from my experience and take these tips to heart!
Now It’s Your Turn
Which tip is resonating with you the most? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your experience in the comments.
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Emilia Motyka
‘Verification’ – being right or wrong was top for me. Interesting because I thought it would build confidence in me. Then, ‘establish a routine & record everything’. Then curiously ‘ask the next question’. Such a good point. Thankyou so very much. Beautifully explained.
ellie carin
thank you for sharing the very practical tips. i am taking courses in animal communication myself.
Alexandria Gardner
Thank you! Helpful.
Jean Chaney
It was a relief to hear your comments about not sharing with everyone. I have seen how open others are about their beliefs, while I tend to hide my interest in these things from many of my friends and family as I anticipate the disapproval I know I would have to deal with. I don’t think I have the words or confidence to defend my beliefs.
DeeDee Tabler
This was very helpful, Cara! I think I’ll read these daily as a reminder but I particularly appreciate number 4: ask the next question. It makes sense to keep the conversation going just as we would in chatting with someone (human ) new. I think that can open up to information we didn’t even know that we needed. Also, getting a buddy is a really good idea. Although I’ve been doing this for most of my life unconsciously, I am now doing this specifically and only at this moment, so I’m alone a lot and I realize that a buddy can make this a little easier. So thank you for these notes!!
Ann Somervell
Listening to you is always helpful. The hardest one for me is writing events down. The next hardest is practicing. I think that’s because without “verification ” that I’m doing it “right” I get discouraged. So I guess I need to replay this because I remember you mentioned this too. Thank you
Lezia Munn
The bonus tip especailly hit hard for my journey as I’m a professional wellness coach/physical trainer and so was so excited to incorporate this animal communication with these current clients and practice with thier pets.
The out come was deverstaing to say the least, not only would only 2 allow we to practice (out of 50 clients) they all looked at me as if I was from another planet.
Even by going as far as a witch ladel.
Actually it was a complement as I know i Was a witch in one of my past life journeys, Just a strong knowing.
May I ask a question?
My strongest way to reseive is through a ‘knowing’ and images.
Yet is there any speciific way to send the question?
1. Do I speak it out loud in english?
2. Do I see the sentence in my mind and allow them to read it?
3. Do I send movie clips one after the other relaying my message.
Thank you Leiza.
Jules Adelman
I want to thank you for all the awesome information you put out there! Every single thing you’ve said has been helpful and it’s much appreciated.
Beth Reinstein
Yes, being able to TRUST the messages is my issue. It’s good to know that the messages may come later and not immediately, as I’m a beginner to this practice. I’ve talked to animals all my life, but that’s not the same thing as communicating with them.
Thank you Dr. Cara for all your tips and for your beginner’s class. I’ll keep practicing!
Lynda Spencer
Thank you Dr. Cara for sharing your Top 5 Things!! It was exactly what I needed to hear. A while back I had sent you an email after learning I was a “Senser” asking the question, “if I am a Senser how will I understand that my cat wants treats if I am suppose to sense that. How do I do that?” I didn’t get an answer at that time & I figured it will come later – guess what – this is the answer! It was “manage your expectations” that really helped me to undertand the way it really works. The other 4 were also very helpful but this one was what I needed to hear the most! You are just so brilliant! Thank you.
I have used a buddy in my psychic and animal communications and it is a wonderful way to go.
Thank you for these tips. The one that resonated most for me was ” Let go of the need to always get it right”. I see the need for lots and lots of practice so you can establish your method, so that it becomes routine and you don’t need to think about what you are doing.
Nitza Lea Mizrahi
Thank you
Gayle Judkins
5 things I wish someone had told me. Great idea. Very informative.
I found myself super confused in beginning. So much information not sure what or where to put it. I took a Clairvoyance class and like you used that info for talking with the animals. A door opened. Everytime I started to speak a hugh elephant eye would appear from the right side of my vision. A beautiful brown and gray elephant 🐘 eye and face. She then said Clair my name is Clair. I went slow took every chance to talk. I would hear stuff fast and found that in my life stuff started showing on TV, Books, internet, it just showed up. I related that information. Sometimes up to a week. Trusting what I got sketchy. Did not want to share what I heard. When I did people were positive mostly. Still trust not there yet. I still do not share what I talk about with individuals that do not understand. Keep it coming. Thank you for sharing.
Joan Pape
Dr. Cara, thank you so much for all that you share! I have been an animal communicator (professionally) for five years now, but I love how energized and reinforced I feel when I listen to you. And I always learn something valuable from you. Your second suggestion, recording everything, really resonated for me. When I began this journey, I purchased a beautiful, hard-cover journal and I keep all my reading notes in it. It makes readings feel special and I love the aesthetic of having a pretty journal. I now have several unique, pretty journals that I am looking forward to filling up! Blessings to you.
Jacky Emery
Thank you Dr Cara for sharing your tips with us. It is so reassuring to hear about your animal communication journey and the “obstacles” you had to deal with at the start of your journey and how you approached these issues. It gives me confidence to continue on my journey. I paricularly resonated with number 3, the need to get it right as I realised how much I have been depending on verification of my communcications and this has been holding me back. I also found your other tips really helpful.
Thank you again, it has been so helpful and reassuring to hear from you.
"Raven" Rebecca Ramcharran
Love the information, thank for your bravery and courage for sharing you truth..
Thank you, Cara, for sharing your wisdom!
You are so kind, & your voice is sooo soothing – if I was an animal, (other than human,) I’d jump at the chance to communicate with you!
Shanna Branding
They all resonated with me Cara! The one that really stood out was to find a buddy & make it fun! I truly believe this is crucial for me to be around just one person who is like minded. Thanks so much for sharing this wisdom with us! You are an inspiration and I am forever grateful to you. 😇😻🤗
Libby Waugh
Hi Cara
Such insightful and valuable words as always. Thank you!
For me, it was your bonus tip that resonated with me the most. As a mental health recovery worker, highlighting the importance of CHOOSING who to tell and who not to tell about your MH issues and recovery journey adds to your sense of empowerment. There are so many nae-sayers, doubters and non-believers out there who are unable to open their minds to another and another’s experience and perspective. And because of this, they do not hold back with their judgements and opinions, and certainly do not seek your permission to unload their perspectives onto you. With the amount of self-doubt us humans have, particularly when in the early stages of our development, growth and exploration of the unknown, the last thing we need is the doubters and nae-sayers compounding this.
As you said, Cara, you have gone so far in your journey that you are now ‘Teflon-coated’, and other people’s s**t doesn’t stick to you anymore. And that’s exactly what it is – it’s their s**t, not yours. Let it slide, and travel with the ones who love and respect you, your journey and choices.
With love
Lorraine Winter
Thank you for your top 5 tips. The one that resonated with me is ‘Ask the next question” I have found I start off ok, but then listen to what I hear, so I forget to ask anything else from the animal. I write everything down, but I don’t ask enough information. Thank you for this prompt, I will really utilise it.
Barb Henry
Thank you I finally listened to your 5 step lesson. Boy did that hit home. For the past 15+ I have been able to communicate to my 4 legged family. I wanted to share but I thought I was going to be deemed as a crazy person. In working with my family if i open my channels then all of my past family member start talking all at once to me. My head go crazy and I can not help anyone. I have worked with some good animal comunitcater in the past and it becomes a 3 ring circus. So I stay shut down for the most of the time. My channel is kind of closed. Here is what I was going to post to your facebook group but I have not gotten nerve to post yet. One of my heart soul dogs past this past week from a bleed. He did not want to stay because of the feral cat that taunts him. Not sure if he is mad or it there was something I could have done to help.
Thank you while I try to sort this out. I need to pick up his ashes. He told me he wanted to come home.
Smita (she/her)
Hi Cara
Wonderful tips! Ask the next question is the one I found most useful as my brain would normally get into left mode after the first question. Also sometimes receiving the answer on the next day was also helpful. This has happened with me but I hadn’t accepted it very well.
Can I request you to please increase the volume a bit so that the audio becomes a bit louder?
Thanks a lot for sharing!
Letting go of the need of being right tip number three. And just focusing on practicing and making a commitment to do it at every day and not worry about if I’m right or wrong. I like the idea of making it fun and just doing it. And being in the right brain. Do you have any other suggestions for getting into the right brain right side of the brain? Thank you I really appreciate this..
Julia Nieckarz
Thank you Cara,
Julia Nieckarz
Thank you Cara,
I really loved the tip about not being so critical of yourself and not needing to be right. It is easy to get caught up into the thoughts of “am I just making this all up!” Therefore, after hearing that you too felt this way gives me a lot of faith to move forward and keep trying less pressure. I love the idea of setting time to go and practice, as right now it is a bit random. Often I receive one word from wild animals and it is almost like they are checking me out, lol. I really appreciate your support and guidance.
jane Emanuel
I like the part about not having feedback at this time. It took a lot of pressure off to just do the communicating with no one saying you did this right and this wrong.
The other thing is having a buddy. I am going to put that out there, as nobody comes to mind right away, but I sure would be open to having a buddy come into my life.
Gayatri Purohit
Hello Cara, Thank you so much for these tips. I could relate to all the points but the one which stood out the most was to let go the need to be right. At the initital stage we tend to focus lot of validation and sometimes that can cause a hindrance.
Louise Bissonnette
Oh! I really appreciate those tips. Thank you! Yes, some people think I am nuts when you say what I do, some even walk away from me because they think I will read their mind (wonder what they have to hide!).
Getting it right? When I started, I remember communicating with someone’s cat, and half way through (from the comments I got) it appeared the communication switched to her second cat, since it fit more with that personality. I had no idea this could happen. Then, I was quite a while without communicating, afraid of getting things wrong (therefore being judge of not being good at AC).
After quite a while, I realized I should ask more clarification questions, since when exchanging the answers with the human, more questions came up, but did not have the answer. And it makes the communication a lot more fun.
I had no idea that answers could come later, and that they could be as valid. How cool is that! It explains a lot of things now and gives me a different perspective.
Getting a buddy to practice, is more of a challenge, but I think is doable.
All this said, I am still not “officially” an animal communicator, and not sure when this will happen 😉 yet I certainly enjoy the process.
Tatjana Galijas
Thank you very much for this. I am starting to listen to your updates regularly, the weekly ones but also the ones with specific topics. I found out about you through the animal communication summit, and I am still to listen to all that has been said there. I am a true lover of animals, I feel so close to them, closer than to many humans! I have had quite a number of instances of intuitive knowing of certain things about animals, and I also had dreams where animals were telling me things. I want now to go a step further and learn how to develop all this. Once again, thank you so so much!
Barb Johnston
I am getting a lot of great information from you Dr. Cara. I have been lazily persuing this Animal Communication thing and truly appreciate all the wonderful tips you have. I have a pretty good connection with my dog, we have a ways to go, but it is coming. Thank you so much.