Animals in the Afterlife – Does my pet who has passed miss me?
Saying Goodbye
When we are grieving after saying goodbye to a beloved pet, it can feel like the whole world has turned upside down.
We have lost the physical presence of a loved one and it can tear us apart. This can be an incredibly painful emotional process for us.
But what about the pet who has passed on?
One of the most common questions that people ask me after a pet has transitioned is “Is my pet okay? Does s/he miss me?”
Many pet parents worry that their pet has crossed the Rainbow Bridge but is now all alone and missing their family back in the physical world.
This week , I share what I’ve learned from talking to pets who have passed on about the grieving process and what happens after the Rainbow Bridge.
Now It’s Your Turn
Are you grieving for a pet who has passed on? Do you have a different perspective on their experience after passing now? I’d love to hear about it. Please share your experience in the comments.
PS: I have created the Connect with Your Pet Angel Master Class just for you! I’ll be guiding you through my special connection process – a way to connect intuitively and reach out directly to your pet. This process works for me, it works for my private clients and now it can work for you. It’s MAGICAL to connect with your Pet Angel!
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Isabelle L Pollacco
Do animals reincarnate?
Cara Gubbins
The short answer is YES! But there is a little more to it. You can find out more here: https://www.caragubbins.com/2021/02/17/pet-reincarnation-will-my-pet-who-has-passed-come-back-to-me/
keith owens
Hello Cara,
Thank you so much for posting this. Daisy(American Eskimo mix) passed away 10 months ago. I have been so worried about her being scared and alone. I rescued her in 2006 after she had been hit by a car. Her owner was going to have her put to sleep because they did not want to pay her bills. I found out, paid her bills and took her home. She slept next to me every night and was by my side for 14 1/2 years. The few weeks after she passed away I woke up several times to find her sitting on the bed watching me. I was starled the first time seeing her. There have been a few other times I have seen her around the house. It is never her complete form but just sort of a grayish image. One time when I was going to let my 16 year old Schnauzer out I saw her get out of her bed and run after him. Her way of waking me up at night if she wanted off the bed was to lay across my legs. I felt that one night and it woke me up. Am I imagining things? Sometimes I wonder if I am wanting to see her so bad that my mind is playing back something she did while she was alive. Thank you, Keith
Cara Gubbins
Oh my gosh, Keith! What an amazing story of your meeting with Daisy! You are totally NOT imagining things! Those are clear, strong signs that she is with you and wants you to know it. She is really trying to let you know that she is okay and she is still connected with you. Trust those signs/experiences! They are a gift! What a beautiful relationship you have!
Kate Tester
Hello Dr. Cara,
Watching your video (Does my pet miss me?) , I was wondering do our pets ever get stuck and not transition properly, as we humans can? I had an old man called James (who lived in my (now) house many many years ago) and was constantly looking into my living room, from “outside” one of my windows, he died at least 60 odd years ago. I did get someone to help him complete his transition.
With thanks,
Cara Gubbins
Kate, what a great question! I have to think about that one because although I know of many instances when humans get stuck, I have never personally experienced and animal’s soul getting stuck here. I will explore this and report back! Thanks!
Gary J Ley
I loved the recent summit, so many great talks. I needed to hear this, I’ve been really struggling since my boy Goldie transitoned in December. I still feel some guilt, and the thought of him being lonely and sad has made it a lot worse. Thank you for this video.
In a future one is it possible talk about when we cross over, if we will be able to have one to one time with our beloved pet like we did here, and would that be ongoing or just briefly. I don’t know if it’s possible to know this, but any information would be amazing. Thanks.
Cara Gubbins
Gary, I am so glad that this was comforting to you! And thank you for your great question about being reunited with your pet who has passed. I will definitely answer that in depth in a future blog video. Be sure to look for signs from Goldie that she is okay and still connected with you!
Angie Garner
Thank you for this short video, Cara. Very interesting to hear. I do have a question – have you communicated with animals / birds who have died after living a really distressing life? For example, working equines overseas who work in the brick kilns or on building sites or pigs kept to breed. How do they feel on the other side as they leave behind a life which was full of terrible experiences and no love or real care from humans? Do they worry about coming back here in another form?
Cara Gubbins
Thanks, Angie! What a great question! I will answer this in more depth in a future blog video, but for now the short answer is that once a soul has transitioned out of a boy, they have a different perspective and see their lives from a different vantage point. Many will choose to reincarnate again – because every soul is here to learn lessons – and they will choose the life circumstances that offer them the lessons they want to learn.
Sue Malicki
I had a wonderful Italian Greyhound, Jak! I lost him on no notice at all one day…my comment is that I see profiles of him…I saw a profile in the clouds when I was driving home from a rescue transport…last year, on my deck, I had some potted plants and I looked down at the shadow cast by the sun and I saw a profile with his funny little ear sticking out…and then just a few weeks ago against our stone fireplace, as the sun was coming in the window, the way the remote was sitting on the table again projected a profile of a long snout!!! I talk to him the most of all out doggies that have passed…it has been 5 years now and still miss him dearly…thank you!
Cara Gubbins
What great signs from Jak! What a beautiful relationship that you still have with each other!
margaret lake
My tiny Yorkie Chicklet was 17, and I said to myself that I would not eutanize her unless she could not walk anymore and wouldn’t eat. The time came very early on a work day, so I called my brother to take her to be euthanized. I had used up all of my sick days asnd was being threatened that I would be fired if I took off any more days. Chicklet knew my brother since she had stayed at his house with him and his wife many times when I went on vacation. I feel very guilty that I wasnt holdng her when she passed. Is she angry with me?
Cara Gubbins
Margaret, it is really unlikely that your Chicklet is mad at you – for the same reasons I shared in this video. WE all have to make diffeiculat decisions and our pets usually understand that, especially after they have passed.
Hi Cara! Thanks for this video. I had an experience with my cat Sigurd who transitioned almost 15 years ago. A few years ago I was doing a shamonic journey to connect with Sigurd. I was trying to help find a lost pet and was asking Sigurd if he had encountered that animal on the other side. He had not, but my point in telling this story was I got a great sense of contentment from Sigurd, that he was happy doing whatever he was doing at that time. I know through communications with my current cat Ansgar, that Sigurd guided him a bit in the early years that Ansgar was with us. That was very comforting for me.
Constance Smith
Really lovely, Cara. Thank you so much! ~Constance
Cara Gubbins
Thank you, Constance!
I know what you’re saying, Cara – grief is largely, if not wholly, experienced physically here. I also know my two beloved soul-mates (cats) are still with me in spirit, caring about me as always and sending signs as I need them. Still, I can tear up in a heartbeat (inside, or outwardly, as I did simply listening to this), despite their transitions 20 and 14 yrs ago. But I’m wondering what you can share about those whose dying was traumatic and painful at one point or another (at least to our perception), including what grievous mistakes we may have made leading up to their transitions? I know what other Animal Communicators had gotten from my beloveds, but I always like to learn about others’ communication experiences, too. I still can never calm down well enough to commune with them about these most painful memories.
I have seen many animals and people who have passed over, sometimes in dreams, and they have all appeared happy and seemed to come back just to show me that. One time, however, I had a communication from my sister’s dog, a Shih Tzu called Harry, who, in life, didnt trust anyone but her and her husband. They found him at a rescue and he was a good age at the time as he had lived with an elderly gentleman who had passed away.
When Harry passed away his communication was different. He did appear to really miss my sister and her husband and said that he couldn’t ajust. Then, after a few days he told me that they have people over in spirit that help animals llike him, who are finding it difficult to be away from their loved ones and he said that he had bonded with such a person, called Cheryl, and he was now happy and able to pass on. My sister and her husband were really comforted when i told them this.
Thank you for this video! I’d also love to know more about soul contracts. Do the soul contracts we have with our animal companions continue after they pass? Is there a way to find out what these are?
Hi, Dr. Cara,
Thanks for making this video, as I’m sure it will bring comfort to those humans who are worried about their pets who have left this realm (we say “translated” in my tradition; I like your word “transitioned”, as well).
I’ve had many animals in my life, and thus many who have translated. My experience has been similar to yours. I’d like to add that some come back sooner or later; some have jobs in the inner worlds (they love to serve!); and some have gone to a place for intense healing or re-education in a place of beauty, light, and sound, before coming back or moving on to another situation. I’ve recognized quite a few who have come back into my life. It’s often due to a strong love bond, and sometimes it’s because they have a purpose that lasts longer than one lifetime. I’d like to add that they may or may not come back in the same kind of body.
We lost 2 rescued cat brothers recently, returning Souls that I recognized from a decade or more ago when they were llamas, and I could stil cry about it, but I know they are OK, loved, and free to move on now.
Thanks to those who also commented – it’s great to learn from each one.
Elizabeth Hamill
Thanks so much this was great. I have been able to experience my little pug Lucy after she transitioned as a presence with me as happy and with me always. I did worry about the process of her transition if she was upset with me and get now she is not. I love how you offer the wisdom that they do not miss is in a kind way and that the grieving process is really physical and hence they would not. When I heard that explanation it makes so much sense!
Peace and blessings,