I’ve been going through a doubtful period recently so appreciate these reminder tips! I find #1 is imperative for me; ground myself and continue re-grounding if necessary. Take a break, then take the time to relax and re-ground. “Trying” to communicate doesn’t work for me. It has to just come to me! #3 Follow-up information continues to be the most encouraging lesson for me, especially when I’m going through periods of doubt. When I feel I’ve made something up or misunderstood and it all becomes clear with the follow-up, my confidence comes back. #4 and #5 I’m going to work on. Great tips. Thank you!
Shawna, I recommend practicing with wild animals around you, your pets, your friends’ pets, etc. I used to do weekly “field trips” with my friend Ellery to practice talking to the different animals we’d encounter on our walks. We talked to fish, birds, insects…all kinds of animals. Good luck!
Thank you so much for this one, it made so much sense to me. I have been working as an inuitive oracle card read er for people for several years now and it’s not as if I am reading every person I meet on the street… of course I have to stop to get centered and prepare first.
It’s funny because my first few animal communications that came to me were quite spontaneousl , a few years ago. One day as my dog Cookie was coming over and pawing at me to get my attention, I heard very clealy “Pet me mama…” Now when this happens or when Katie my other dogs comes and stare at me…and I stop to connect, I know exactly what each dog of my dogs want… the water bowl is empty , she is hungry , she wants to go outside, she wants a bite of what I am eating…lol… the point being is that this really works… or they are practising mind control on me… lol
Every morning I throw a handful of peanuts out into the yard and it is a competition between the squirrels, the blue jays and the crows as to who gets what… there are now squirrels who will come to me in a quiet moment later in the day, sit on their haunches and put their little paws up , asking politley for another peanut and I usually comply whenever I can… again mind contol right….lol..
With people it is usually pretty basic normal stuff …not huge meaning of life awareness moments .. same with animals…
Anyway, what I have begun doing is when I have a client booked for an Oracle card reading, I ask them if they have a pet, and if so to bring along a photo, so that I can pull a card for the pet… I usually use the Divine Dogs or Comsic Cats for that .. although I do have other Animal card decks that I can use if I am called to so… I love this stuff, it is my true passion, so it is time for me to get serious about it, whicih is why I have signed up for your All Access Pass this time. Thank you!
I’m trying with deceased pets, including my recently passed Goldie. I don’t feel I’m getting much, I think perhaps I’m still too sad. I wonder, if I’m trying to connect, asked permission etc, does the pet get upset, annoyed or whatever if I’m getting little and they are giving their time. Thanks
Gary, our emotions can cloud the process, especially if we are grieving the goodbye of a loved one. Please be gentle with yourself and reach out to connect when you are the most relaxed (like right before sleep or right when you wake up in the morning, etc.). Your pet will NOT get annoyed at you trying to make contact. Usually, the ‘problem’ is with us being in a good mental space to notice the messages our pets are sending us. Sending you a big hug!
I am having trouble getting started nothing seems to be happening what could I be doing wrong…I try to sit quietly and switch off my mind but nothing seems to be happening…am I expecting too much,am I not switched off enough…….
Jan, that sounds frustrating! Keep doing what you are doing – getting quiet and still and then just noticing what you notice. If you haven’t taken my Animal communicator Type Quiz yet, do that and discover the easiest way for you to receive messages. You might be just looking in the wrong place. Good luck!
I tried sending this message but don’t see it above.
The key that really resonated with me in this lesson is the word ‘accept’. I’ve heard everyone say, ‘trust’ trust trust”.
But Acceptance of information is different. Can I accept what just came through?
The other thing is to ‘act as if’. Fake it til you make it. I’ve done that and the information that I get ends up being true.
I’ve been going through a doubtful period recently so appreciate these reminder tips! I find #1 is imperative for me; ground myself and continue re-grounding if necessary. Take a break, then take the time to relax and re-ground. “Trying” to communicate doesn’t work for me. It has to just come to me! #3 Follow-up information continues to be the most encouraging lesson for me, especially when I’m going through periods of doubt. When I feel I’ve made something up or misunderstood and it all becomes clear with the follow-up, my confidence comes back. #4 and #5 I’m going to work on. Great tips. Thank you!
Shawna Knapp
How do we get the number of animals to practice on to meet our goal whether it’s daily, weekly, e.t.c.?
Cara Gubbins
Shawna, I recommend practicing with wild animals around you, your pets, your friends’ pets, etc. I used to do weekly “field trips” with my friend Ellery to practice talking to the different animals we’d encounter on our walks. We talked to fish, birds, insects…all kinds of animals. Good luck!
Patricia Hunter
Thank you so much for this one, it made so much sense to me. I have been working as an inuitive oracle card read er for people for several years now and it’s not as if I am reading every person I meet on the street… of course I have to stop to get centered and prepare first.
It’s funny because my first few animal communications that came to me were quite spontaneousl , a few years ago. One day as my dog Cookie was coming over and pawing at me to get my attention, I heard very clealy “Pet me mama…” Now when this happens or when Katie my other dogs comes and stare at me…and I stop to connect, I know exactly what each dog of my dogs want… the water bowl is empty , she is hungry , she wants to go outside, she wants a bite of what I am eating…lol… the point being is that this really works… or they are practising mind control on me… lol
Every morning I throw a handful of peanuts out into the yard and it is a competition between the squirrels, the blue jays and the crows as to who gets what… there are now squirrels who will come to me in a quiet moment later in the day, sit on their haunches and put their little paws up , asking politley for another peanut and I usually comply whenever I can… again mind contol right….lol..
With people it is usually pretty basic normal stuff …not huge meaning of life awareness moments .. same with animals…
Anyway, what I have begun doing is when I have a client booked for an Oracle card reading, I ask them if they have a pet, and if so to bring along a photo, so that I can pull a card for the pet… I usually use the Divine Dogs or Comsic Cats for that .. although I do have other Animal card decks that I can use if I am called to so… I love this stuff, it is my true passion, so it is time for me to get serious about it, whicih is why I have signed up for your All Access Pass this time. Thank you!
Gary J Ley
I’m trying with deceased pets, including my recently passed Goldie. I don’t feel I’m getting much, I think perhaps I’m still too sad. I wonder, if I’m trying to connect, asked permission etc, does the pet get upset, annoyed or whatever if I’m getting little and they are giving their time. Thanks
Cara Gubbins
Gary, our emotions can cloud the process, especially if we are grieving the goodbye of a loved one. Please be gentle with yourself and reach out to connect when you are the most relaxed (like right before sleep or right when you wake up in the morning, etc.). Your pet will NOT get annoyed at you trying to make contact. Usually, the ‘problem’ is with us being in a good mental space to notice the messages our pets are sending us. Sending you a big hug!
Jan Taylor
I am having trouble getting started nothing seems to be happening what could I be doing wrong…I try to sit quietly and switch off my mind but nothing seems to be happening…am I expecting too much,am I not switched off enough…….
Cara Gubbins
Jan, that sounds frustrating! Keep doing what you are doing – getting quiet and still and then just noticing what you notice. If you haven’t taken my Animal communicator Type Quiz yet, do that and discover the easiest way for you to receive messages. You might be just looking in the wrong place. Good luck!
jane Emanuel
I tried sending this message but don’t see it above.
The key that really resonated with me in this lesson is the word ‘accept’. I’ve heard everyone say, ‘trust’ trust trust”.
But Acceptance of information is different. Can I accept what just came through?
The other thing is to ‘act as if’. Fake it til you make it. I’ve done that and the information that I get ends up being true.