March 2021 Animal Wisdom Forecast
“Peace Out!” Says the Panda
This month, I just couldn’t get it together to record my usual 3-card Animal Wisdom Oracle Card reading,
So I switched things up!
I pulled one card (the Panda) and tapped into that energy.
The Panda came through with a channeled message for all of us for the month.
I felt a little vulnerable reaching out to the Panda to ask for a message but the Panda was so gentle, positive and inspiring, that I am glad I did it!
This month, Panda encourages us to focus on our hearts. This will help us remember that we are all connected and that peace is available in any moment.
I can’t wait to share this month’s reading with you!
Enjoy the March Forecast!
Now It’s Your Turn
What did you think about the Panda’s message? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your impressions with us so we can all benefit!
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Guni Krause
Hi Cara
sending greetings from an extremely hot Cape Town. Have just listened to Pandas March message and absolutely loved it. I think the channeling from a single animal is wonderful. They are so wise and it definitely resonated for me. As you initially described Pandas energy I could also pick up the absolute peace and mindfulness being exuded.
Thanks so much for sharing that communication with us.
Guni Krause
Cara Gubbins
Guni, I love that you could tap into that peaceful energy, too! How cool is that?!
And thanks for your feedback about a single animal – I will definitely be doing this again!
Blessing to you, too!
Diana Uliczayno
Hi Cara!
While listening to your video, I stopped it for a few minutes and because I also have animal oracle cards, I was curious what is coming out! You won’t believe it! 2 cards fell out : the llama and the panda! It’s absolutely incredible!
Now, from my understanding, feeling connected to all it is, also means balancing our yin-yang energies, see the black and white symbol of the panda. The masculine force has to be mingled with the feminine gentleness, so we, just as the pandas, can become the perfect balance between these 2 energies and then, we can sit still in our power, love, connection and feel that we are all ONE!
Cara Gubbins
Diana, I love that synchronicity! And thank you for the reminder about black and white, masculine and feminine. That adds another layer to the forecast. We are all ONE! Yes!
Michal Werk
Hi Dr Cara,
I absolutely love the way you did the forecast this month! I loved the message, but also the way you approached it, and that you focused on one animal. I think it is easier for me to assimilate… and focus, myself, on this kind of message.
Thank you!
Micky from AWC
Cara Gubbins
Thank you, Micky! What a great point – having just one message for the month does keep things simpler and clearer. We will do this again!
hugs to you, too!
Ann Shewan
Loved the connection to Panda whilst you were channeling I felt so calm, relaxed and present. A perfect moment ❤️❤️
Cara Gubbins
That’s beautiful, Ann! I love that you could feel it!
Thank you for the beautiful channeling from Panda. I truly enjoyed it and was very touched. It spoke directly to my heart and is a very good reminder to us in these special times.
Cara Gubbins
Tine, you are super welcome! I am so glad it resonated with you, too!
Thank you Dr. Cara, I always love to hear your words of wisdom! I treasure the moments that I “hear” from you!
All the best, Katherine.
Cara Gubbins
Aw! Thank you so much, Katherine!
I’m sending big hugs to you!
Thank you Cara for all your forecasts that you do for us. I especially love this month with the Panda directly channelled. I felt more connected to the message this way. I love the Panda’s message, too.
Cara Gubbins
You are welcome, Jan! And thank you for your feedback! I loved doing this Forecast and I love getting the positive feedback form you, too. I will do more of these forecasts!
Beautiful just what I needed to hear today and hope to embody with each new day.
Thank you
Cara Gubbins
Yes! Me too, Linda!
A beautiful pertinent message for our world now- to find the stillness in the chaos knowing we are connected and inter- dependent and to feel safe and supported with heart- centered love. Blessings. Joss
Cara Gubbins
I agree! Thank you, Joss!