Pet Reincarnation – Will my pet who has passed come back to me?
February 17, 2021
February – the Month of LOVE
Are you feeling closer to your pets this month with all the attention on LOVE?
This month, we’ve explored Love Language and the Heart Chakra – 2 ways to get closer to your animal family around you.
But what about a pet who has passed on?
One of the most common questions that people ask me after a pet has transitioned is “Will my pet come back to me?”
In this video, I share what I’ve learned from talking to lots and lots and lots of pets who have passed on about reincarnation, how it works, what factors influence whether or when an animal will come back to you – and so much more!
Now It’s Your Turn
Have you had a pet who came back to be with you? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your experience in the comments!
Sasha, 2023, Asjas 2015, and Tsotsi 2016 had to leave over the rainbow bridge. They appeared once to me for a few seconds. A white dove came to me in April 2021 and always call me when she’s hungry and will always say goodnight. I’m always speaking to animals and try to understand them talking back, but so far not successful.
Dove will make a different noise and then I understood that she wants water. She has a white ring around her eyes. One day I asked her if Sasha, Asjas and Tsotsi’s spiris are in her and that they are looking after me? O my word, her eye’s white ring turned red – yes it’s them! I’m so blessed!!
Dog opposite the street will also come and say hallo when I’m in balcony. He will bark and wait for me to answer. I’ll asked a question in my mind and bark back. He will reply with 2or 3 barks. I love to speak to animals. I asked them permission that I can hear them talk to me, but not successful so far.
I can make connections to animals, I’m struggling to hear them talk back to me.
Hi Dr Cara,,
I presently am sharing liife with a dog who has come back to me, plus one that remains in my home in spirit. The interesting thing is the reincarnated dog, a dalmation named Poppy, was the most difficlut and chalenging pet, that Ihave ever had…. She is now Cookie, a Jack Russel mix, who is also pretty challenging… She has all the same body language. Cookie often sits on her bum, rather than her her haunches, as Poppy did… because Poppy had had cruciate ligament surgery on both of her hind legs.
I also have Cookie’s sister Katie, who is her polar opposite… Katie is an extrover tand Cookie is an introvert… Poppy and Cookie were/are jealous dogs and their language of love,… was /is guarding me from the other dogs…we work on that a lot… with me communicating intuitively and verbally to both of them that Cookie loves Katie, Katie loves Cookie and, Mommy loves Cookie and Katie… so for the most part we have peace in the kingdom here. Being Jack Russel mixes Cookie and Katie are very different from any other dogs I have had… which were mostly lovely soppy, cocker spaniels and golden retreivers… Anyway working with them intuiitively has made much positive change in their behaviour… it really does work!
One of my Golden Re treivers Amber, who was a rescue was an angel…I always recognized that aboiut her and she still lives in my home in spirt… She lived here with me and my late husband Gary,, when we brought the Cookie and Katie home as pups… She lies in front of the bedroom… to protect me,as she did in life… and Katie will not not walk past her to come into the bedroom at night… Katie will sit there and bark once… and I then have to ask Amber to please let Katie pass by to come into my room… this happens most nights…
This is the tip of the iceberg of the wild stuff that goes on in this house… Gary is here much of the time as well…. there is also a ginger cat in spirit , that is not a cat I have owned, I believe this cat lived in this house previusly… it all goes on and on …and your really can’t make this stuff up…lol
Thanks for doing what you do, you have taught me so much and I truly appreciate it..
Do you think it’s possible for a deceased pet to “show itself” through a current pet? Three months after my beloved Bichon, Sport, passed, my husband agreed to let me get another Bichon. We went to see some 8 wks old puppies and a 5 month old pup. The 8wk old puppies wouldn’t even look at me, but the 5 month old ran to me right away. So he’s the one we got. Not long afterward, he carried his food bowl to me from the kitchen to the living room. Sport used to do that all the time…take his bowl room to room, where ever I was. My husband & I looked at each other & thought “wonder if he’ll do that too.” That was the only time he ever did it. I kind of like to think Sport did that through Marley to “give his blessing” about the new dog. Sport had his share of health problems and now Marley is having some health issues also. I often wonder if they “knew” that I would be able to take care of them, so Marley “chose” me.
Lynette Bekker
Sasha, 2023, Asjas 2015, and Tsotsi 2016 had to leave over the rainbow bridge. They appeared once to me for a few seconds. A white dove came to me in April 2021 and always call me when she’s hungry and will always say goodnight. I’m always speaking to animals and try to understand them talking back, but so far not successful.
Dove will make a different noise and then I understood that she wants water. She has a white ring around her eyes. One day I asked her if Sasha, Asjas and Tsotsi’s spiris are in her and that they are looking after me? O my word, her eye’s white ring turned red – yes it’s them! I’m so blessed!!
Dog opposite the street will also come and say hallo when I’m in balcony. He will bark and wait for me to answer. I’ll asked a question in my mind and bark back. He will reply with 2or 3 barks. I love to speak to animals. I asked them permission that I can hear them talk to me, but not successful so far.
I can make connections to animals, I’m struggling to hear them talk back to me.
Patricia Hunter
Hi Dr Cara,,
I presently am sharing liife with a dog who has come back to me, plus one that remains in my home in spirit. The interesting thing is the reincarnated dog, a dalmation named Poppy, was the most difficlut and chalenging pet, that Ihave ever had…. She is now Cookie, a Jack Russel mix, who is also pretty challenging… She has all the same body language. Cookie often sits on her bum, rather than her her haunches, as Poppy did… because Poppy had had cruciate ligament surgery on both of her hind legs.
I also have Cookie’s sister Katie, who is her polar opposite… Katie is an extrover tand Cookie is an introvert… Poppy and Cookie were/are jealous dogs and their language of love,… was /is guarding me from the other dogs…we work on that a lot… with me communicating intuitively and verbally to both of them that Cookie loves Katie, Katie loves Cookie and, Mommy loves Cookie and Katie… so for the most part we have peace in the kingdom here. Being Jack Russel mixes Cookie and Katie are very different from any other dogs I have had… which were mostly lovely soppy, cocker spaniels and golden retreivers… Anyway working with them intuiitively has made much positive change in their behaviour… it really does work!
One of my Golden Re treivers Amber, who was a rescue was an angel…I always recognized that aboiut her and she still lives in my home in spirt… She lived here with me and my late husband Gary,, when we brought the Cookie and Katie home as pups… She lies in front of the bedroom… to protect me,as she did in life… and Katie will not not walk past her to come into the bedroom at night… Katie will sit there and bark once… and I then have to ask Amber to please let Katie pass by to come into my room… this happens most nights…
This is the tip of the iceberg of the wild stuff that goes on in this house… Gary is here much of the time as well…. there is also a ginger cat in spirit , that is not a cat I have owned, I believe this cat lived in this house previusly… it all goes on and on …and your really can’t make this stuff up…lol
Thanks for doing what you do, you have taught me so much and I truly appreciate it..
Cheers, Pat
Christine Mardakis
I just love your explanations and examples: Classes at the best university of the galaxy – so many classes and options. Love that! Thank you. 😊
Cara Gubbins
Thank you, Chris!
Carol Jones
Do you think it’s possible for a deceased pet to “show itself” through a current pet? Three months after my beloved Bichon, Sport, passed, my husband agreed to let me get another Bichon. We went to see some 8 wks old puppies and a 5 month old pup. The 8wk old puppies wouldn’t even look at me, but the 5 month old ran to me right away. So he’s the one we got. Not long afterward, he carried his food bowl to me from the kitchen to the living room. Sport used to do that all the time…take his bowl room to room, where ever I was. My husband & I looked at each other & thought “wonder if he’ll do that too.” That was the only time he ever did it. I kind of like to think Sport did that through Marley to “give his blessing” about the new dog. Sport had his share of health problems and now Marley is having some health issues also. I often wonder if they “knew” that I would be able to take care of them, so Marley “chose” me.
After I have lost a beloved CAT – DOG – HORSE
The next one I get would have been born before the one I love has died
So how could it be the reincarnation spirit of the one who has left