February 2021 Animal Wisdom Forecast – Time for Healing
February is Bringing Peace and Love!
But probably not how you would expect it!.
In numerology, February is the 2nd month in a 5 year (2+0+2+1), which brings the energy of 7 into the mix. The number 2 is all about partnership and love and the number 5 is about playing big and thinking globally. Put them together (2+5=7) and you get the energy for the month. 7 energy is about spiritual growth and evolution.
Based on the numerology, February energy should bring us time for reflection, soul searching and inner healing for us individually and collectively.
And that is exactly what the BEAVER, BAT and HAWK shared with us in my monthly forecast.
This February, it’s time to heal our pasts so that we can connect more deeply with our families and each other. Individual healing becomes collective spiritual evolution.
This will make more sense when you watch my February Forecast!
Now It’s Your Turn
Did you feel the same energy in the reading as me or did you get a different message from the animals? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your impressions with us so we can all benefit!

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Mary A Fisher
I did get the Eagle right away, the bat I figured was the upside down, the beaver was for ‘cleaning up’, I felt. I have been looking into family as of late to see what really makes me tick, there are times I wonder why I do what I do, how some things escape me before I realize it could have affected me in some positive way, but maybe I did not want to see it. But, I can relate to all this political mess, those animals sums up things for me, everything is already upside down, the beaver is busy doing his thing on cleaning up, (maybe the swamp) and when the time is right the Eagle will put things in perspective especially in the political side of things. I will still work on my side of things personally, something may spark the change I might need for myself! Loved the forecast!
Satya Kaur
Thank you Dr Cara for the inspiration as we move through the challenges of transformation.
Cara Gubbins
Thank you, Satya!
Katherine Gore
I just wanted to say thank you Dr. Cara for your monthly animal wisdom forecasts! I really enjoy hearing them and you have such a soft voice! Again, thank you!
All the best,
Cara Gubbins
Thank you, Katherine!
Beth King
Yikes- this was powerful, supportive, comforting, so many questions answered- definitely on the right track here- feels good – thank you!
Cara Gubbins
Thanks, Beth! Have a good month!
Andrea Dafler
I am unsure how to even start this. I have the chills. I am a beginer to this but I have always been drawn to animals and been able to sense things about them others did not. I took your test after the summit and I am a seer. Last night I listened to Steven Farmer’s free gift on conecting with animal spirit. It was difficult for me because I almost felt I was not going to get a message. I have had a rough start in life. I was a foster kid and family is difficult for me. I now have my own family and we are so close. I use my experience growing up to do better for my children. Anyway, I was about to give up last night because I could not get a message. The question I was asking was why I was so blocked when I really want to have my mind open. I got a sense it is due to unresolved childhood feelings I try to ingnore. Finally I recieved a message. A beaver came up to me and stood in front of me. He had sad eyes and he touched my cheek in a caressing way. I did not have a chance to watch this video for Feb forcast yesterday but I just watched it this morning. Wow!! Is all I can say. I am floored. CHILLS!!
Cara Gubbins
Oh my gosh, Andrea! That makes so much sense!
And the Beaver is all about taking care of your family.
That definitely fits with what you’ve shared here.
Take the Beaver with you this month and see what healing unfolds for you!
hugs, Cara