
December 2020 Animal Wisdom Forecast

The Final Month of 2020

It doesn’t seem real: in some ways it felt like 2020 would never end. 

We are still in the middle of a global pandemic and Mother Nature was kicking our butts all over the world this year. It felt like it was just going to keep on coming and never stop!

But at last, here comes December!

This month, the energy is a bit volatile but the lessons and opportunities are clear: this is a time for Patience, Focus, and calming Leadership. 

Taken together, HIPPOPOTAMUS, AFRICAN LION, and HAWK show us that we can take a step back and not get triggered into the drama and upset of other people. 

I can’t wait to share this month’s reading with you!

Enjoy the DECEMBER Forecast!

Now It’s Your Turn

Did you feel the same energy in the reading as me or did you get a different message from the animals? I’d love to hear about it!

Please share your impressions with us so we can all benefit! 


  • Maisy

    I am not a big fan of December and I was listening to Hippopotamus, African Lion and Hawk and thinking they and you were speaking a lot of sense and feeling that I am the drama in this relationship because I am frustrated at my situation but as soon as you pulled the Giraffe card it made me teary. I am a victim of domestic abuse, not physical but the ‘do as I say not as I do’ type of verbal abuse. I hurt a lot and would love to leave, I think Giraffe has said it is ok to not be ok, with everything going on around us many people just don’t have the time to listen, we all have our worries and concerns and with luck 2021 will come in with a fresh hope for the planet and humanity and me too xx

    • Cara Gubbins

      Maisy, I am touched by your honesty and the power in what you share. It is okay to not be okay and I am so glad that the Giraffe spoke that to you so clearly. I am holding a vision of you in a healthy, supportive relationship. Please take care of yourself and follow your inner guidance and the guidance of the animals. You can trust yourself and there is help for you, too. I am sending you great big hugs whenever you need them. Cara

  • Margaret Corbett

    Hi Cara I feel just the same as you do ,I really enjoyed listening to you especially about keeping calm ,but I have been getting angry about people not abiding by the covid rules and I know from what you say to let it go and be calm and I do feel the animals are telling us it all will be fine 😊

    • Cara Gubbins

      What a great takeaway, Margaret! Yes, sometimes we just have to let it go and not get caught up in the craziness around us. Take good care of yourself! Cara

  • Kathleen M Kendrick

    Thank you, Dr Cara. This reading really resonated for me. The passion has started to show up in small ways just since yesterday. I’m doing an art project, and I kept getting the message to put fire colors into my project, and that the strong passion of that fire would help burn up the detritus left behind by this challenging year. The fire is growing. 2020 seems to be going out with a roar. This is the first time I’ve gotten such a clear message related to an art project. And I’m grateful for the African Lion and the Hawk for the help and perspective they bring to the situation, reminding me to be patient and to use my own leadership to guide my actions, and my art work, during this wild time.

    Thank you again!
    Kathleen Kendrick

  • Jennifer

    Thank you Dr. Cara for your gentle and compassionate messages from our Animal friends.
    They have been a great source of comfort this year! x

  • Deborah

    Thank You Dr. Cara, I loved your reading and the wildlife cards, they are so beautiful! I also loved your interpretation of the animals.
    I thought to share my insights with the animals. Hippo is very bold, sleek and beautiful and highly emotional yet versatile with it’s connection to water and survival on land. If there is a similarity of Hippo to COVID, it is bold and versatile with an ability to survive it’s environment and it appears as thou it diminishes under water, only to resurface and show it’s face in a second wave. Much like how Hippo would resurface in the water of the wilds. I take away from beautiful Hippo, that no matter the nature of the virus, WE can survive this pandemic if we dive deeply, be bold and trust in the workings of Mother Nature. I find having a deep connection with Nature is all healing. Hawk has always spoken to me as an observer, being mindful and informed and keeping an inner knowing of what is to come and to prepare for a positive outcome. Mountain Lion is such a leader, King of the jungle, Ruler of nature, perhaps the protector of Nature and asking us to tread gently on this beautiful planet, each doing our part to make a difference, by projecting divine love and LIGHT energy. Thank you again Dr. Cara, I truly enjoy your readings.

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