Sailfish Wisdom
Become the Leader of Your Own Life
Not everyone wants to be a leader of other people, but we can all be leaders for ourselves and be leaders in our own lives.
2020 has magnified the importance of compassionate leaders in the world and I have been exploring leadership from many angles.
As I endeavor to become an even more confident leader in all areas of my life, I’m paying attention to the wisdom of the SAILFISH, who reminds me that I, too, can move fluidly through my life and make choices that are right for me..
Making the Right Choices
This week, I am taking SAILFISH’s message to heart and looking within to make my choices and decisions. That way, I can be sure to make the choices that are right for me.
This will make more sense after you watch the SAILFISH WISDOM video. Enjoy!
Get ready to be inspired!
Now It’s Your Turn
Do you ever forget who’s the boss? How can SAILFISH Wisdom help you? Please share in the comments!

November 2020 Animal Wisdom Forecast
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