November 2020 Animal Wisdom Forecast
New Month, New Energy, New Opportunities!
Okay, I admit it: I sometimes have expectations for how my Monthly Forecasts will go. I expect the energy of the forecast to match my expectations of upcoming events in the world. And every time, I am surprised by the wisdom of the Animal Wisdom Oracle Cards and the energy and information that come through them.
This month, the energy is less intense than last month but the lessons and opportunities are clear: this is a time for self-reflection, flexibility, trusting yourself and your loved ones and celebrating the uniqueness of who you are.
Taken together, Quail, Leopard and Snake show us that we can face our shadows, connect with our loved ones, and be ourselves. Hallelujah!
I can’t wait to share this month’s reading with you!
Enjoy the November Forecast!
Now It’s Your Turn
Did you feel the same energy in the reading as me or did you get a different message from the animals? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your impressions with us so we can all benefit!

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Thank you for your card readings, this is the first time I have watched this. I’m just remembering in ancient Egyptian studies that I used
to be part of, the leopard represented the priesthood. When you entered the priesthood there was an initiation and there was only one
way forward, so you couldn’t just go back to your family. And in the initiation it was determined if you were ‘ pure of heart’, this was the
final acceptance of entry, and if you were found to not be pure of heart you had to remain and do all the menial tasks, and you may have
a chance to apply again to join the priesthood when you had grown spiritually, it all depended on getting through the initiation and being
pronounced ” pure of heart”. That was essential then you could be trusted.
The serpent as I remember was associated with duality as its tongue is double, if it was a python this is a symbol of divinity.
I don’t know about the quail, just that people eat these small birds and that seems shocking to me, we must be very insensitive to be part
of taking their tiny lives.
Maybe this will add some extra dimension to what you already understand.
Wishing you a peaceful November ..Anne
Cara Gubbins
Anne, super interesting perspective! Thank you!
I listened to your reading at the point that we are facing further restrictions within the next few days here in the UK. Your words and the animal wisdom that came through helped me to re-focus my energy away from frustrations to looking within at my own inner resourcefulness and creativity. I particularly enjoyed hearing about the quail – an animal to whom I have given little thought previously. The idea of being devoted to family very much spoke to me. I am encouraged to treasure my partner and to call my family who live in a different city to me. I found it interesting to learn of the quail’s behaviour of running into the dark and then out into the light. I found this most poignant as we enter Winter in the NH and also as the quarantine creates the conditions for us to reflectively embrace both the dark and the light of our own being. Thank you.
Cara Gubbins
I love that re-frame! So empowering. We may as well make the most of what we’ve got when we’ve got it, right? I’m honored to help you receive the messages from the animals and see things in a new way. May you receive much insight and love this month!
Thank you for the reading! I find them helpful and a good reset for the new month. Whenever the image of a snake appears, due to it’s ability to shed it’s skin, one meaning for me is that it can represent change and transformation.
Cara Gubbins
Yes, Anna! Thanks for that reminder about snake representing change and transformation – that excites me!
Cara, I have been listening to these for a few months now, and I always look forward to them.
When you first talked about the leopard card, you mentioned that they liked things to be a certain way, and that they learned to be flexible. I find that helpful as we wait for the results of the US Presidential election. Thanks, Cara
Cara Gubbins
Good point, Cat! Yes, patience and flexibility are definitely called for this month and especially this week!