Snail Wisdom
Talking to Snails?
Believe it or not, one of the most impactful conversations I’ve had in the past year was with a snail!
The snail kind of called me out on my stuff and showed me where I wasn’t really being as present in each moment as I thought I was. And s/he gave me practical advice on how to become more present in my life.
Not bad for an invertebrate!
As I look back on the months since our conversation, I realize that I am still integrating these lessons today and still learning new ways to increase my ability to be present in each present moment.
What a gift!
Snail Wisdom
Snail reminds us to focus on one thing at a time and be here in this moment without attachment to any other time, place, or activity.
I think the Snail is a Zen master in disguise!
You can get the whole scoop on the wisdom from the Snail on this short video on my blog this week.
Now It’s Your Turn
Which part of the Snail’s message resonated with you the most? How can you apply these lessons to your life today? Please share your experience with us in the comments under the blog so we can all benefit!

Animal Lovers!
I am SO excited to share this news with you today! I’ve been holding it back for weeks now waiting for just the right time to share, and that day is finally here!
Introducing the 2020 Animal Wisdom World Summit!
For 2 WHOLE DAYS, I will be bringing you interviews with 13 inspiring experts who have tons of valuable advice to share with you all about Animal Wisdom.
The experts will be talking all about the wisdom of our pets, the wisdom of wild animals, growing spiritually with animal wisdom, sacred activism, and much, MUCH MORE!
This is an event you’re not going to want to miss!
Afraid you can’t “be there”? Don’t worry! The 2020 Animal Wisdom World Summit is a FREE, VIRTUAL online conference!
You don’t have to travel – we bring the interviews to you! They’ll be broadcast over the web, so you can watch from the comfort of home.
What’s more: It’s FREE. Yes, really! You can watch every speaker’s interview for 24 hours after it goes live. See the agenda at AnimalWisdomWorldSummit.com.
So what are you waiting for? Join me and 12+ other experts at the 2020 Animal Wisdom World Summit.

Talk with the Animals Mentoring Group
starts in October
I am opening up my Talk with the Animals Mentoring Program for all animal communicators!
I want to give everyone a chance to have some structure and accountability and community support for practicing Animal Communication.
Each call includes a guided A/C session, sharing results, Q&A, feedback from me, individual and group coaching, and often some EFT tapping to clear blocks.
We are meeting 1x per month for 90 minutes beginning in October.
Want to join the Mentoring Group?
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Animal Wisdom – RATTLESNAKE
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Susan Hagan
Such a centering and uplifting little video!
Truly lovely music, and a message that resonates with potent clarity,
With presence, delight, and a little iridescent slime 😀 ,
Thank you snail and Cara!
Cara Gubbins
Thank you, Susan!