Having a hard time tuning into your own pet?
This will help!
My animal communication students always ask me which animals are the hardest to communicate with intuitively.
My answer? It depends!
It’s different for everyone, but most commonly I see my students struggle to connect with their own pets even after they have started communicating intuitively with other people’s animal companions.
It can be extra challenging to find a neutral space for intuition to flow with our own pets when we are so emotionally attached to them and want them to feel good or be out of pain or stay with us longer.
That’s why this week on my blog, I offer a few insider tips to help you connect intuitively with your pet.
Because these are the animals we all want to talk to the most!
Now It’s Your Turn
How do you connect with your pet and communicate intuitively together? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your insights in the comments!

Animal Lovers!
I am SO excited to share this news with you today! I’ve been holding it back for weeks now waiting for just the right time to share, and that day is finally here!
Introducing the 2020 Animal Wisdom World Summit!
For 2 WHOLE DAYS, I will be bringing you interviews with 13 inspiring experts who have tons of valuable advice to share with you all about Animal Wisdom.
The experts will be talking all about the wisdom of our pets, the wisdom of wild animals, growing spiritually with animal wisdom, sacred activism, and much, MUCH MORE!
This is an event you’re not going to want to miss!
Afraid you can’t “be there”? Don’t worry! The 2020 Animal Wisdom World Summit is a FREE, VIRTUAL online conference!
You don’t have to travel – we bring the interviews to you! They’ll be broadcast over the web, so you can watch from the comfort of home.
What’s more: It’s FREE. Yes, really! You can watch every speaker’s interview for 24 hours after it goes live. See the agenda at AnimalWisdomWorldSummit.com.
So what are you waiting for? Join me and 12+ other experts at the 2020 Animal Wisdom World Summit.

Animal Chakras - Chakra 2
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