EFT Tapping with Harpy Eagle!
Partnerships are good!
As a very independent person, I’ve always spent a lot of time alone. My introverted nature thrives on my alone time and this is when I recharge my batteries.
But humans are a social species so even as I savor my alone time, I also need to have supportive, fun, nurturing relationships in my life.
Just like the Harpy Eagle!
Tap Along with Harpy Eagle
Today, tap along with me as we clear any blocks within ourselves to being interdependent in our relationships and building strong partnerships. We will be guided by the Harpy Eagle’s wisdom to shift from feeling isolated and alone to creating loving partnerships that help us soar!
Tap along and feel the shifts!
Let’s follow the Harpy Eagle’s lead and create more supportive relationships in our lives.
Now It’s Your Turn
Did you tap along with me and the Harpy Eagle? What shifted for you? Please share your experience with us in the comments so we can all benefit!

FREE Mini-Workshop on Animal Communication
I want to teach you how to communicate intuitively with animals!
I am going to share my proven 4-step system that will show you how to communicate intuitively with your pet.
The only “catch” is that you have to sign up to receive these emails (I don’t want to send a million emails to everyone all the time!).
Beginning September 8, over 8 days, I’ll send you 4 emails – each with a link to a video that teaches you one step in my “How to Talk to Your Pet” class system.
So, if you want to learn how to communicate with animals intuitively,
Join me in Talking to Animals!
You can think of this series as a 4-part challenge to get closer to your pet.
Or a 4-step challenge to unleash your natural abilities.
Or just a cool thing to do for yourself and your pet. 🙂
Let’s get started!

Which type of Animal Communicator are you?
I believe that every animal lover is an Animal Communicator. Some of us just don’t know it yet! And there are really only 5 main types of Animal Communicators.
Which type of Animal Communicator are you?
Discover the easiest, most natural way for you to connect with and communicate with your pets or any animals by taking the Quiz!
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Gayle Lawrence
Hi Cara….just tapped with you and the Harpy Eagle, this was a powerful video about relationships and brought up some deep emotion for me. I have been with Harpy’s in Panama and also visited my 1st Harpy Eagle in Miami several years ago. Such a magnificent bird! I have registered for the Animal Wisdom Conference and am eager to participate in that. I would love to speak with you personally at some point about private group retreats and workshops. I have had my own travel business for 22 years solely focusing on facilitated private group retreats, workshops and tour/workshop combined experiences in many magical destinations. As my passion is wildlife, animals and connecting with the energy of our Great Mother Earth, many past groups have had a focus on animals with authors and animal communicators. I have many unique ideas for future retreats. Perhaps the Harpy Eagle has guided us to connect and explore co-creating some powerful, personal and spiritual growth experiences with animals as our teachers and guides.
Cara Gubbins
Wow, Gayle! I’m so glad the tapping and the Harpy Eagle resonated with you!
I have led several international retreats connecting with wild animals and their wisdom and would welcome the chance to talk with you about more options.
You can schedule a call with me here: https://DrCaraGubbinsScheduling.as.me/DCS