Last month I introduced you to all of the 7 main animal chakras. Now I am diving deeper into the individual chakras.
And of course, I am starting with Chakra 1 – the Root Chakra.
This chakra governs our sense of safety and survival and stability. This Is such an important chakra to understand for ourselves and for our animal companions.
Now It’s Your Turn
What did you learn about your pet’s sense of safety and security? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your insights in the comments!
Understand and address your pet’s needs without expensive appointments, frustrating trial and error, and uncertainty and doubt.
In this class, you will learn:
Where the 7 major chakras are located and what they can and can’t do
How animal chakras are the same as (and different from!) human chakras
How chakra health affects the physical and emotional health of your pets
How to recognize when your pet’s chakras are out of balance – and what to do about it!
A simple way to connect with your pet and balance their chakras (it’s not what you think!)
When chakra healing won’t work
Why early life traumas are still affecting your pet today
BONUS: Chakra charts for dogs, cats, rabbits, and horses
BONUS: Chakra worksheet to apply what you learn to understand your own pets better
I want to empower you to have a holistic understanding of your pet, her mental and emotional health, and her overall wellbeing.