Discover the messages of the Skunk and its neighbors!
What can you learn from the wildlife you encounter on an evening walk?
It’s summertime in northern California and it is HOT!
My new routine is to take my dogs (Dazzle and Po) for either a walk or a run at dusk. We venture into the open-space park near our house and either walk or jog along the winding dirt paths as the sun sets.
Each night we encounter different animals.
Whenever we do, I ponder the wisdom of that animal and the spiritual message its appearance might have for me in my life.
Last night, we heard peacocks, saw a deer, and enjoyed watching a family of skunks journeying through the underbrush near us.
The peacocks’ message was clear to me: “Proudly share your message with the world.”
The deer reminded me that I don’t have to choose between standing out and fitting in: “You can do your own thing and be part of the crowd.”
But what was the spiritual message from the skunk family?
Now It’s Your Turn
What message does the skunk have for you? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your insights in the comments!

13 Laws of Lion Hearted Leadership
I am so excited to share with you the upcoming launch of The 13 Laws of LionHearted Leadership™ online course – a training developed by my friend and world-renowned conservationist, Linda Tucker.
At this time of great transition, we are confronted by enormous challenges and difficult questions:
- Can a NEW Leadership be learned?
- How do I become part of the solution?
- Is it possible to change our world for the better?
- Where can I make the biggest difference?
- What needs to be done to save OUR Earth?
- How can I find my true purpose?
- Is humanity rising in response to the pandemic?
This truly unique and inspiring online training will empower you to find the answers to these questions, and will help you see that you CAN change your world for the better!
Linda will be presenting two FREE webinars on two LionHearted Leadership™ topics as part of her launch of the online course. These are special opportunities to learn more about this incredible training!
Register for these webinars here:

Tapping into Ancient Wisdom in the Sacred Heartlands of Africa, this retreat includes safaris to spend time with the White Lions in their native habitat, a visit to Kruger National Park with our own private guide, daily workshops and guided meditations to connect with the White Lions, and rituals and ceremonies to heal our relationships with nature, ourselves and our ancestors.
Space is limited! Only a few spaces left!

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Hi Dr. Cara,
Before I watched the lovely video, I felt the message related to boundaries and respect. Respecting and honoring each other’s personal boundaries, be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
Skunk is usually docile yet has a potent and protective defense mechanism. I can peacefully coexist alongside you as long as you don’t infringe upon my personal boundaries and threaten harm upon me.
Skunk’s message is so relevant for what is currently occurring. Covid-19 has us “social distancing”, respecting each other’s physical spacial boundaries.
My country (U.S.A.) is extremely divided politically and attacking one another. For me, skunk is saying, You are free to be you and I am free to be me.
I say, Let’s not try to force our beliefs and values upon each other. I am reminded of the story of the 3 monks and the elephant, in that One doesn’t have to be “wrong” for the other to be “right”.
I did not pick up on the loving my body and it’s size. Thank you for that insight❤️. Although I was admiring the beautiful markings of the skunks in the photos.
Sorry this was so long.
Peace, Love & Light,
Another thought just popped into my head as I was reflecting upon the Skunk’s color markings. One of the most distinguishing traits of the skunk is it’s well known black and white color pattern. With the racial unrest and the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, skunk again reminds us that we coexist together as one.
Thanks again!
Peace, Love & Light,