Intro to Animal Chakras
The Power of Animal Chakras
Even after more than 10 years of feeling, seeing, and balancing chakras on my animal clients, I am still learning about these amazing energy centers and how they work.
I created a short overview video to give everyone who is curious about Animal Chakras a taste of chakra magic!
On my blog this week, you will learn:
- What animal chakras are
- Why animal chakras are important
- How the 7 major animal chakras work
- How to recognize chakra imbalances in your pet
- Simple ways to re-balance your pets’ chakras
Animal Chakras are super fun!
Now It’s Your Turn
What did you learn about Animal Chakras today? Share it here with us so we can all benefit!

Thank you to everyone who responded to my Animal Chakra query – I loved hearing your questions about Animal Chakras.
The 2 biggest questions I got were:
* What are Animal Chakras and how do they work?
* How can I work with the chakras to help my animals?
To answer these questions (and many more), I’ve created 3 special Animal Chakra events:
1 – An Introduction to Animal Chakras Class (2 hours) – an overview of the chakras and how they govern the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of our pets.
Learn more in my Introduction to Animal Chakras Class:
2 – Animal Chakra Summit (1 day) – Experts teach us how to heal and balance animal chakras with energy tools, sound healing, crystals, pendulums, and more.
intro-to-animal-chakras-clasethrough the 7 major chakras and explore how they are influencing your pets. In this class, you’ll learn how the chakras govern the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing of your pets, how to recognize chakra imbalances in your pets, and how to heal and re-balance your pets’ chakras.
Details about all these exciting events are coming soon!

June Animal Wisdom Forecast
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Interesting topic.
I really enjoyed your video on the animal chakras. I am a certified animal communicator and your topic was so easy and enjoyable. Thank you so much.
Jan Laware
Cara Gubbins
That’s great to hear! Thank you, Jan!
Bev Helm
Do you have any suggestions for natural ways to help my cat get rid of bladder stones? I found out yesterday she has them. She is 6 , 12 lbs, and has a history of litter box issues. I dont want to her through surgery. I think meditation on a CD may help reduce her stress and I could do yoga nidra at the same time. Do you have any information on how to do a massage to help?
Thanks! We love your videos!
Bev and Summer
Cara Gubbins
Thank you, Bev and Summer!
I don’t know of any specific massage or meditations that might help with this. I would recommend holistic vets such as Dr. Marlene Siegel at and Dr. Jill Todd. Also, Madison King teaches energy work for animals and she might have insight into an energy treatment for this condition at
Good luck!
ellie carin
am aquainted with human chakras. listening to your introduction, which is fascinating , I understood the similarities. would like to attend your classes but there is a problem with our time zones. I am in Israel. please advise.
thank you
I live with animals.
Cara Gubbins
Ellie, I would love to have you join us in the Introduction to Animal Chakras class! There will be a replay, so even if you can’t join us live for the class on Zoom, you can watch the replay and go through the class and use the worksheets to understand and support your pets with their chakra health and overall well-being. Definitely learn more about animal chakras – they are so cool!
Angela Lavis
Thank you for the video – it was very informative.
Cara Gubbins
You’re welcome, Angela!
Thank you Cara! I loved this video. Very informative and straightforward.
I was chatting recently to my children (17 & 18 y.o!) as they noticed a very strong connection when they put their foreheads on the cats foreheads (third eye chakra or crown..not sure which, location seems third eye but your comment on the ‘vibration of the divine’ relates more to the Crown chakra perhaps?).
Could you give me any insight as to why this might be?
I should add that our cats love to be close to all of us and were happy for us to discover their huge vibrational fields 🙂
They have made this quarantine so much easier and love-filled for all of us.
Thanks for your work in helping animals be understood xx
Cara Gubbins
That is so interesting, Tam!
I think that by putting 6th chakras together, you are amplifying the intuitive energy in each and that makes it easier to be aware of and feel the energy there.
You could explore this by putting your forehead to other body parts and see what you notice. And you could next try your hands and start to develop awareness of energy through your hands.
What a great discovery and a fun question! Thanks!
Joan Batten
I recently had my Simeon’s chakras read and found he’s got an imbalance. Too much root energy and very little crown and third eye energy. This explains why his anal glands where producing a thick past and not flowing naturally. Also, helps me to understand why my communication with him has been spotty as of late. I am so ready to learn more about reading animal chakras with you Cara! Thanks so much for offering this new course.