June Animal Wisdom Forecast
Times of Turmoil and Chaos
One of the biggest lessons humanity is learning this year is that we are one global community.
A second lesson is that we are inextricably interconnected with the natural world around us.
And this week in the US a third lesson is becoming clear: racism and injustice are everywhere. We are seeing the dark side of humanity in action with the horrible killing of George Floyd by police officers last week.
Healing Ourselves to Heal the Planet
I believe that what we see around us is a reflection of what is inside of us. And what happens to one of us, happens to all of us. So when we heal ourselves, we bring healing to everyone.
This month Sea Turtle, Chimpanzee and Gibbon wisdom guides us to go within and heal ourselves in order to help heal all of humanity and the planet.
I hope you find their words as inspiring as I do!
Now It’s Your Turn
Are you ready to heal an old wound or limiting belief? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your experience in the comments!

Connect with Your Pet Angel Class – Now available on-demand!
Do you ever miss your beloved pet who has passed on?
Do you wish you could re-connect and feel their presence again or even have a conversation with them?
To do exactly that, I have created the Connect with Your Pet Angel Master Class just for you!
I’ll be guiding you through my special connection process – a way to connect intuitively and reach out directly to your pet. This process works for me, it works for my private clients and now it can work for you.
It’s MAGICAL to connect with your Pet Angel!
This class is now AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND!
Connect with your Pet Angel today! Join the class here.
Thank you to everyone who responded to my Animal Chakra query – I loved hearing your questions about Animal Chakras.
The 2 biggest questions I got were:
* What are Animal Chakras and how do they work?
* How can I work with the chakras to help my animals?
To answer these questions (and many more), I’ve created 3 special Animal Chakra events:
1 – An Introduction to Animal Chakras class (2 hours) – an overview of the chakras and how they govern the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of our pets.
2 – Animal Chakra Summit (1 day) – Experts teach us how to heal and balance animal chakras with energy tools, sound healing, crystals, pendulums, and more.
3 – Understanding Animal Chakras (8-week class) – Journey through the 7 major chakras and explore how they are influencing your pets. In this class, you’ll learn how the chakras govern the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing of your pets, how to recognize chakra imbalances in your pets, and how to heal and re-balance your pets’ chakras.
Details about all these exciting events are coming soon!

Koala Wisdom
Intro to Animal Chakras
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