How to Change Unwanted Pet Behaviors
Animal Communication Isn’t Always the “Magic Cure”!
If you can’t communicate with your pets, it can feel like everything will change once you do.
But that’s not always the case!
Take Michele for example. Michele is a professional animal communicator with three male cat companions. Two of her “boys” have been scent marking inside her home for a long time.
Reaching the end of her rope, Michele was doing EFT tapping on her own about the situation but reached out to me to see if I had any extra insight.
First off, I loved her honesty and vulnerability and willingness to ask for help. What a Rock Star!
And I loved her reminder that we are all (humans and animals) complex beings in ever-changing situations and circumstances.
My response to Michele was the 3-part EFT system that I use with my own animal companions.
This week on my blog, I teach you my 3-part system that you can use for anything that your pets are doing that is bugging or frustrating you.
Now It’s Your Turn
Have you used EFT for a behavior that you want to shift in your home? I’d love to hear about it! Please share your experience in the comments!

Koala Wisdom
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