The Flamingo’s take on physical versus social distance…
Helpful wisdom from a Flamingo
The global coronavirus pandemic has led to millions of people sheltering in place or being quarantined.
And the physical and social distancing can make us all feel isolated and alone.
Which is why the conversation I had with a Flamingo several months ago is so helpful for me (and hopefully you!) right now.
The Flamingo’s messages remind me that we can be both separate individuals (which we are feeling acutely right now) but still be connected with and part of our community.
Whenever I am facing a challenge or looking for guidance, I turn to the animal kingdom for wisdom. And they have never let me down.
Flamingo’s wisdom is practical, inspiring and uplifting – just what we all need right about now!
Get ready to be inspired!
Now It’s Your Turn
Do you ever feel isolated and alone? How can Flamingo’s Wisdom help you? Please share in the comments!
One Comment
Beautiful reminders of all the possibilities that reveal themselves when we allow our selves the time to be quiet and reflect.