Heal Yourself and Your Pet with this new book!
Animal Soul Contracts for Pets and People
Right before my beloved Australian shepherd Iko died, she told me that she was here to teach me about devotion. Through my relationship with her, I learned that I could be devoted to someone else. I put her needs above my own when she was debilitated by advancing arthritis as she aged. I learned the lesson of devotion by living with her and helping her with her limitations.
Have you had a similar experience with one of your pets?
If so, you probably have a soul contract with that pet!
Your pet is honoring your shared soul agreement to help you heal some part of yourself.
And you are helping your pet to heal, too.
Just like Iko and I were helping each other.
It’s a beautiful partnership and one that author and healer Tammy Billups explores and describes in her new book Animal Soul Contracts – Shared Agreements for Shared Evolution.
Click here to watch my review of her new book on my blog this week.
And get ready for a paradigm shift!
Now It’s Your Turn
Have you experienced a soul contract with one of your pets? I’d love to hear about it! Please share in the comments!
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Yes! Have had many soul contracts, one in particular pops into my mind. I had great difficulty with euthanasia. My Yorkie, CJ, taught me that it is a good thing, a gift sometimes. He helped me manage his passing so that it was a lesson in love. I was guided each step of the way by CJ, an animal communicator, my vet, and CJ’s companion animal on this earth Buddy. It radically altered my understanding of this way of transition. I am forever grateful to CJ for this.
I forgot to add that I pre-ordered the book!
I’m so excited to get this book! I do Soul Contract work in my Animal Communication business too, so this is just up my alley! I think I probably heard about Tammy from your summit, Dr. Cara, so thank you!
Jenny Smith
I pre-ordered the book, but I’m listening to her other book, “Soul Healing with Our Animal Companions” and it’s amazing! I love that a number of animal communicators are taking things to a deeper level and talking about the contracts we have with our animals. “Animal Lessons” by Danielle MacKinnon is a great book, too. It started my journey of looking much deeper into my relationship with the animals living with me and the ones I meet. “Soul Healing with Our Animal Companions” is allowing me to go even deeper. Her descriptions of the different types of behaviors is enlightening. Her insight about difficult emotions regarding animals has helped me see the “bigger picture” and understand there is a greater good that can come from a painful situation, particularly when so many of us who love animals are triggered by things we’d rather not witness. It really helps my sensitive soul understand that the animals can choose something we see as “bad” for their soul’s evolution. I highly recommend this book and can’t wait to read the new one! Thanks, Cara, as always, for the recommendations!!!
Lori Hollow
Yes! I have a dog that actually comes back to me. The first life was very short. Just 4 years. He was the runt of his litter. I (and the family that bred him) had no idea he had bad kidneys. From the day I brought him home I was afraid of losing him anyway. He helped me with my abandonment issues. Next time he came back I had a profound dream that gave me clues about him. I also had him visit me in dream state. I realized it was time to go looking for him. Now, I had asked a very reliable animal communicator in my area about this. She told me not to go looking for him, let him find me. Well, that wasn’t the way it worked. I listened to my intuition. He knew where I’d go looking. The universe is so smart! I let him go last August and told him to go find a fresh body and find me again. I told him I just needed some time to travel. I’m really looking forward to our reunion. I’ve also seen that we’ve been together in other existences. In a recent dream, I saw a wise woman in a white gown crossing a bridge with the dog/wolf walking next to her. I had this vision when I was sitting with him in the short life. So amazing!
I have had many soul connections with my animals but the one that really stands out is with my GSD , Shadow. I had contact with Shadow from the moment he was born as my mum had bred him. I knew i was heading for a divorce and did not want to keep a puppy due to the expense but it was so clear that Shadow had chosen me and I subsequently kept him. From the age of five weeks old, Shadow never defecated in the house. He would cry next to my bed and wake me up. As he got older he would pull my hair if I ignored him and carried on sleeping. At age ten years, Shadow was very ill with cancer and was on large amounts of cortisone. This meant he drank copious amounts of water and needed to go out a lot during the night. For the first time in all his ten year, he did not wake me up. Instead he went to my daughter and switched on her touch lamp beside her bed. I was heart sore at this as I didn`t know why he was doing this and leaving me out. A day after he passed away i understood…. During the night i awoke to feel Shadow`s presence. At the same time the touch lamp in my daughter`s room turned it self on. This happened for quite awhile and I knew it was Shadow`s way of letting me know he was ok and still around us.