Tap into your Gentle Power with this EFT routine!
Tapping on Gorilla’s Wisdom helped me
Have you ever had your kindness mistaken for weakness?
Yeah, me, too.
I think we all have.
As empaths, intuitives, and lightworkers, I think we have all at one time or another been seen as weak or too sensitive or too emotional when in fact we are kind and strong and even powerful.
It’s just that other people don’t always see us clearly.
And then sometimes we start to doubt ourselves or take on society’s perceptions.
That’s why I am so happy that this week I get to share an EFT tapping routine based on the Gorilla’s characteristics of gentle strength and feeling deeply connected to family.
Come tap with me as we move from feeling weak, powerless and alone to owning our gentle power and enjoying our family connections.
Get ready to shift!
Now It’s Your Turn
What shifted for you when you tapped on the Gorilla’s Wisdom? Please share in the comments!
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anna tonkin
Thank you for the Gorilla wisdom tapping. It was awesome 😁
Cara Gubbins
You are welcome, Anna! I’m glad you got so much out of it!
Narelle Andersen
Thankyou Cara, that was wonderful. Wow, who ever thought we could tap for Gorilla power. Glad to hear it wasn’t just me burping. 🙂
Cara Gubbins
You’re welcome, Narelle! I’m glad that I’m not the only one who burps! That’s reassuring to hear from you, too! And, yes! Ins’t this cool?!
Beverly p
Once I am able to be confident in heating the animals. I plan on helping them in several ways. Grooming cats and dogs I have been Certified since in 1985. Training horses and natural horsemanship, massage and being able to read the animals will allow me to offer alot to them all. Val and Dr Cara I hope will allow me to break open those doors again to hear them. Its been years since I have been able to.
The tapping I did feel a relaxation witthin me. Yeaaaaa
Thank you
Cara Gubbins
That’s great, Beverly! The world needs more people communicating with and listening to animals so I hope we can help you clear any blocks so you can hear them again!
Susan Hagan
Thank you Cara! This was great for me tonight. Lovely to be tapping with you again. <3
Cara Gubbins
Yes! Glad to be tapping with you, Susan!