I think you hit the nail right on the head with the three cards you selected for March. I had been listening to your animal communication and healer’s summit for three days and seemed to really be “in flow” with life during this time. I had trusted my inner calling to leave where I had been living (Victoria, Australia) and follow my internal guidance to travel interstate (New South Wales, Australia) with only what I can take in my car. For a very long time I have been without “a tribe” of people who are on my wavelength. What gave me the courage to move were two Home Owners who have offered me Pet Sitting/House Sitting assignments interstate.
It is my deepest longing to be an animal communicator. When the inbox of my Gmail account showed your amazing gathering of people who work in the field of Animal Communication who were going to be sharing their business and life experiences I clicked on “Get Your Free Ticket” in a heartbeat!
When I arrived in the new state I found a New Age shop where I was given a numerology reading for free. My chart is about Independence vs Co-operation with others/Service to others and then finding the point of Balance between these states. So I laughed out loud when you chose exactly these cards and this message.
All of the synchronicities that are now happening are awesome. I know that the animals I will be minding will be my teachers and I hope, in return, that I will be able to help them is some way (and their people). The only way this will happen for me is to learn to get quiet, to listen, to meditate – Panda medicine.
I have been told about a local healer, and about his cousin and wife (who pet sit and use various healing modalities with the pets they mind) so, perhaps, I will soon be finding “my tribe” – Reindeer, Group Medicine.
From my heart to yours, I send you a big hug from across the globe for all you have given. I will pay it forward. Kindest regards to you, and all of the invited guests that were part your Summit. Cheers, Crystal Heart.
Wow, Crystal! That is all so fantastic! I am so happy for you! I love how you are living your life your way and in the flow of life so beautifully. It is all unfolding perfectly for you!Keep going!
hugs, Cara
Hi Dr Cara Gubbins,
I think you hit the nail right on the head with the three cards you selected for March. I had been listening to your animal communication and healer’s summit for three days and seemed to really be “in flow” with life during this time. I had trusted my inner calling to leave where I had been living (Victoria, Australia) and follow my internal guidance to travel interstate (New South Wales, Australia) with only what I can take in my car. For a very long time I have been without “a tribe” of people who are on my wavelength. What gave me the courage to move were two Home Owners who have offered me Pet Sitting/House Sitting assignments interstate.
It is my deepest longing to be an animal communicator. When the inbox of my Gmail account showed your amazing gathering of people who work in the field of Animal Communication who were going to be sharing their business and life experiences I clicked on “Get Your Free Ticket” in a heartbeat!
When I arrived in the new state I found a New Age shop where I was given a numerology reading for free. My chart is about Independence vs Co-operation with others/Service to others and then finding the point of Balance between these states. So I laughed out loud when you chose exactly these cards and this message.
All of the synchronicities that are now happening are awesome. I know that the animals I will be minding will be my teachers and I hope, in return, that I will be able to help them is some way (and their people). The only way this will happen for me is to learn to get quiet, to listen, to meditate – Panda medicine.
I have been told about a local healer, and about his cousin and wife (who pet sit and use various healing modalities with the pets they mind) so, perhaps, I will soon be finding “my tribe” – Reindeer, Group Medicine.
From my heart to yours, I send you a big hug from across the globe for all you have given. I will pay it forward. Kindest regards to you, and all of the invited guests that were part your Summit. Cheers, Crystal Heart.
Cara Gubbins
Wow, Crystal! That is all so fantastic! I am so happy for you! I love how you are living your life your way and in the flow of life so beautifully. It is all unfolding perfectly for you!Keep going!
hugs, Cara