Owl, Reindeer, and Panda are guiding us this month
Each month, I tune into the global energy field and see what’s coming down the pike for us energetically. Some months, this heads up has been a lifesaver. Sometimes the messages only make sense at the end of the month when I look back at the forecast and the events of the month.
This month, the forecast is super inspiring and uplifting. It’s all about honoring your individuality while staying connected to your group. And connecting with the source of peace inside you so you can radiate that peace wherever you go.
You can check out the video here.
Now It’s Your Turn
How can you incorporate the wisdom from the animals this month? Please share in the comments!
Hi, Kathie,
Thanks for inquiring about the Animal Wisdom Oracle Card deck!
I offer the deck for sale once a year, usually in the fall.
The best way to receive the info is to be on my email list.
I will keep you posted if they are available earlier this year!
Kathie Hewko
Please let me know your selection of animal cards and prices. Thank you. Kathie
Cara Gubbins
Hi, Kathie,
Thanks for inquiring about the Animal Wisdom Oracle Card deck!
I offer the deck for sale once a year, usually in the fall.
The best way to receive the info is to be on my email list.
I will keep you posted if they are available earlier this year!