Make your intuition stronger, faster, better with this tip!
1 Easy Thing to do Each Day to Make You More Intuitive
Daily Routine 1, Limiting Beliefs 0
When I was learning how to talk to animals I had a few things going for me and a few things working against me.
Against Me
What was working against me were my limiting beliefs that I couldn’t do it or that people wouldn’t believe me or that people would think I was weird. (Learn how to clear your limiting beliefs here. http://drcaragubbins.com/2017/04/how-to-talk-to-your-pet/)
For Me
What was working in my favor was my daily energy routine, designed to automatically increase my intuitive abilities. Slowly, day by day, my intuitive skills increased due to this simple routine.
So when I stopped blocking myself with my limiting beliefs, my intuition was totally on board and ready to rock ‘n’ roll.
What did I do?
I explain my intuition-boosting routine in today’s video.
PS This has been my daily routine for over ten years now. I learned these tools in my psychic training and I still use them pretty much every day. They are that good!
Now It’s Your Turn
What are you already doing each day to automatically boost your intuition? What are your intuition-boosting daily habits? I’d love to hear all about ’em! Please leave a note in the comments below and share!

December Forecast
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Lina Cheeo
Thank you once again, Dr. Cara for such helpful short version of your daily routine. Ever since I’ve started your animal communications class I decided to follow the steps you teach every day before starting my day and boy I have seen the transformation in the way I think, feel, listen (besides to finally being able to loose weight woohoo). I know energy is the true connection with Spirit. I also use some of the teachings from Shaman Durek (@shamandurek instagram), I’ve taken classes with Amanda Midkiff, @Locus Light farm (instagram) who is great about teaching the shamanic powers of herbs and plants. I’ve learned Astrology with Danielle Paige @iamdaniellepaige (instagram) and so many more who like you share the same concepts about energy and our connection with the spiritual realm that simply cannot be denied. Thank you for sharing the wealth of energy!
Thank you for sharing your routine! It is really helpful to hear it, vs. just reading it, somehow, to be encouraged to put this into action for myself. Thank you again!
Thank you Cara for sharing this. It’s a great reminder for keeping these daily routines in place even when things feel more hectic and out of routine with the holidays. I’m encouraged to know it doesn’t have to be something elaborate and that doing this daily can even help in growing animal communication skills through boosting intuition.
Loretta Ryan
Hi Dr. Cara,
Thank you for sharing your routine! Here is my morning routine: Reiki Affirmations, Chakra tones, Self Reiki (with any needed spot reiki), QiGong – Soaring Crane Routine, walk for 30 minutes, my physical therapy exercises, smudging, balance chakras and then meditation. Some days I throw in dancing with my spirit animal…typically that’s Brother Wolf, and my Shepard likes to join in…lol!
Hi Dr. Cara, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience. Ever since I’ve watched your video, I’ve made a point of including grounding and meditation in my daily routine and I must admit, I am very surprised at the huge difference it makes! Not only to my daily life in general (helping me handling stress better; bouncing back quicker when something negative happens; helping me focus better) but being more mindful and helping me quiet my mind much quicker and much more successful when practising animal communication. Thank you so so much!
Cara Gubbins
I love hearing that, Anne-Marie! You’re welcome and thanks for sharing your results!