October Forecast
Looking for more love in your relationships?
We are all connected. We are in an energy field that surrounds us and moves through us. So there are universal things happening for all of us, no matter what part of the globe we live in.
I love sharing my monthly forecast with you because it is all about what’s going on globally for all of us. We’re all going through the same thing – we’re all in the same energy field.
So what does this energy field have in store for us this month?
October Energy Forecast
This month, the focus is on updating our primary relationships.
HORSE, HAWK, and WOLF guide us in evaluating our partnerships and creating the relationships of our dreams.
Watch the forecast and get ready to co-create the relationship of your dreams! I’ll show you how!
Now, It’s Your Turn
Once you’ve watched the video, I’d love to hear from you! What have you noticed about where you are coming from when you think about your relationships – your heart or your head? Please share your experience with us!
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Patricia Hunter
Thank you so much Dr Cara. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I noticed your whale tail necklace and I am off soon on an excursion that has a whale watching component. I am really looking forward to this. I hope your month of October is wonderful.
Cheers, Pat
Cara Gubbins
You’re welcome, Pat! I love getting that feedback! Thank you! Enjoy the whales! hugs, Cara
Nicole K
Hi Cara,
Thank you for this! I’ve noticed wolf showing up in my dreams as well as hawk – everywhere on my walks and feathers left by my door. Putting the message all together is quite helpful as that is what my gut has been focusing on with my primary relationship in general. How are we each showing up for each other. What do we each need at this time and how can we give that to each other.
Thank you!
Nicole 🙂
Cara Gubbins
Wow, Nicole! What great confirmation that you are on the right track! Keep up the great work! hugs, Cara
Thanks Dr Cara, confirmation I’m in the right place at the right time, given I’m looking after 11 horses, 2 dogs (wolf lookalikes) and seeing Black Kites, Buzzards and hawks every day!
More heart energy needed I think and look forward to releasing the shoulds!