I was missing my family because I was too busy working…
Beaver’s message helped me re-balance my life!
Last weekend, I was hunkered down at my computer finalizing the guidebook that goes with my Animal Wisdom Oracle Card deck.
I had just upgraded my mountain bike brakes from the regular old brake pads to new, improved, super cool hydraulic disc brakes.
But I didn’t have time to try out my new brakes because I was writing a book!
The whole weekend went by and my bike just sat there, staring at me, just itching for a ride.
Monday morning I realized that I had lost my balance and that my goal-oriented nature (just finish the book NOW!) had gotten in the way of my self-care and my family time.
That’s why the Beaver’s message is so important and timely for me!
This week, I am going to take the Beaver’s message to heart and remember that it is all about my family.
This will make more sense after you watch the video this week!
Get ready to be inspired!
Now It’s Your Turn
Do you ever struggle with work-life balance? How can Beaver’s Wisdom help you? Please share in the comments!

I used to really struggle with this.
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brynn pardy
dear cara…thankyou for this message; non-productive busyness is an issue that is an on-going one I think; especially re that ”parent thing”. Also re: the beaver is the context of water…best on completion(S) of your latest co-creative products…fare thee well, brynn/La Jolla seaside, x
Richard Collier
Exactly. Many seem to think that just being BUSY is an admirable quality. But, really? The Nazis were always very busy with world domination and extermination. And it seems to me that those who are pathologically occupied with being in motion are not very adept at reflection and finding real meaning in what they are doing. Or do I digress?