September Forecast
Ride the waves of life and harness their energy
This month is all about the ups and downs of life. Emotions will be strong – high and low. It’s a time to embrace the highs and lows and find your stillness within!
Sound complicated?
You’ll see what I mean when you watch this month’s Forecast Video below.
Now It’s Your Turn
How do the messages from Hippo, Dolphin, and Hawk apply to you and your life? What do they symbolize for you? Are you living your passion? Are you willing to let go of your attachment to how things look? In the comments below, I’d love to hear your response to this month’s forecast.
Have a GREAT month!

Animal Wisdom World Summit – Summary
Holy Animal Insights, Batman! We had an amazing week in the Animal Wisdom World Summit! Our speakers were passionate, knowledgeable and inspiring. Our viewers were open, receptive and enthusiastic. A FANTASTIC time was had by all!
If you missed it, you can still catch all the action with an All-Access Pass. The All-Access Pass gives you lifetime access to all 25 summit presentations as well as 25 bonus interviews. Talk about inspiration galore! Check it out here: wwwAnimalWisdomWorldSummit.com
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Hi Cara! I’m from Edinboro PA and new to this kind of insight. I have lived 69 years without finding it. Having listened to most of the interviews I find it grounding, centering and valuable. I am welcoming it into my life. What do I think? I think I have been surrounded by support and guidance without being conscious of it and now I can be attuned more directly and therefore more fully. i’m a student of life like you all and believe I will benefit from knowing you all and will fit in nicely.
I like what these 3 animals teach us and their wisdom compliments each other nicely. I went on your guided meditation and met one of my spirit animals: the butterfly. Could you suggest a book that I could find out more about that animal’s energy ? I know i’m Facing the right direction to receive. Thanks for being! Gayle
Cara Gubbins
Hi, Gayle, thank you so much for your note! I love that you are opening up to this new way of being connected to animals in the world! Butterfly is such a wonderful spirit animal guide! I highly recommend books by Dr. Steven Farmer and Sarah Seideleman for learning more about animal spirit guides. Good luck on your quest!
Patricia Hunter
Is this deck of cards, one that you have created? Is is available to purchase?
Please & Thanks, Pat
Cara Gubbins
Hi, Pat! Yes, I created this oracle card deck. They are available to purchase and I am about to put an order in. Please email me at drcaragubbins@gmail.com for more details. Thanks!
Estella Claire
Hi Cara,
wow your reading is spot on for me! About following my passion (working with animals and nature) and my need for security (in the form of an education), which I am challenged to let go in exchange for faith in the guidance I am receiving to continue my authentic way on the path of animal & nature wisdom. I am all focusing on my shaman side at the moment in working with my horses and other animals and yesterday and today I started finding hawk feathers. Also I saw hawks at several occassions. It has been super intense already these past 5 days, but I don’t think I have ever felt more connection to Spirit. I also get distracted real easily, so with your reading I’ll try and keep that in focus haha. Thanks for doing this, it is awesome!
Spread the light and lots of love!
Cara Gubbins
That’s awesome, Estella! You got this! Stay focused and keep following your guidance – and the hawk feathers, of course!