Cat – Animal of the Month
Balancing Autonomy and Dependence
Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. Today there are an estimated 500 million house cats in the world and they are found in nearly every country around the globe.
In different cultures, cats symbolize fertility, royalty, childbirth, good luck, magic, mystery, and independence.
I believe that each being on Earth is here to learn his or her lessons and share his or her gifts with the world. The species we choose to incarnate in determine the lessons we will learn and the gifts we will share.
So how does a cat view its own spiritual path as well as its lessons and gifts?
That’s what I wanted to find out – so I contacted a Cat to ask the 3 questions I always ask animals: What is your Spiritual Gift? What is your spiritual lesson? Do you have a message for people?
The Cat’s answers are compiled into the video below.
Get ready to be inspired!
Now It’s Your Turn
We can all grow and evolve when we see the world through the eyes of another being, whether that being is human or animal.
This month, we can see ourselves through the eyes of a Cat.
What does the Cat’s message mean to you? How can you apply her wisdom to your life? Please share your insights in the comments.
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evelyne chezum
I find this extremely fitting for what I’m working through on a personal level. I’m extremely independent, ( understatement!) but as of late have had health issues that have forced me to examine more at achieving a healthy balance of interdependence with others.
I thank you, Dr. Gubbins, for sharing your wisdom with us!
Amanda Leigh
My first two cats when I was a child taught me to respect animals. One was very fluffy, gentle & purred a lot teaching me to be quiet, still, pat & cuddle her rather than run around being noisy. She showed me how to calm down & appreciate nature. He other taught me to slow down as I walked through doorways as she would sit on the otherside & catch me by my ankles if I didn’t. She loved hunting mice, lizards & people. I have had many cats since & all had different personalities, teaching me many things. I don’t live with a cat now yet my friends who do are often surprised that their cats talk & sit with me. It is a great honour to be loved by a cat. Thanks for your insight, Cara, it made me remember the many wonderful cats in my life. Interdependence is a real gift as I have often been told I am too independent & have learnt to slow down & share because of cats.
Jackie White
I appreciated your message about Cat wisdom today. One of my life lessons has been to create interdependence in relationships rather than codependence having been raised in an alcoholic home environment. I know very few people that have not been touched in some way or another with this same life lesson of codependency. Anyway, Just wanted to say thanks for this wisdom today and it will now always help me look to my cats for this beautiful example in their innate natures of balancing autonomy and dependence = interdependence
This comment is based on my own experiences with 5 cats (3 deceased, 2 living). The cats in our lives help us to heal as well as being here to clear their own karma. Each cat has their own special way(s) to help their human companion to heal. One of our cats healed us by her purrs(very powerful), one gave me wonderful back massages with his paws when he was alive, one has very soft fur and the healing comes from just holding her, another balanced the Energy grids around our surrounding with her big paws etc…. having said all the above, of course when a pet (a cat or any other animal) comes into our lives, there are always lessons to learn both ways. Some cats have higher vibrations than others… just like humans.