The New Paradigm: Getting Paid for Being YOU

Recently, one of my coaching clients – a budding professional Animal Communicator – was asking about rates and how much she should charge for her animal readings. Now there’s a ton of info out there about how to determine your rates, so I asked her what was bothering her about her rates.
She said: “I feel embarrassed taking money for something that is just being me.”
She stepped right into the dominant money issue of almost every healer and intuitive I have ever known! This is such a common issue for us! We all feel like we should just give it away because we would be doing this work whether we were paid or not. And, we are in it to help animals which makes it even harder! And if it comes naturally to me, it’s weird/wrong/bad to charge for it.
Then I watched a great Jimmy Fallon segment on YouTube. He’s just there talking and singing and fooling around with people. And he makes millions of dollars doing it. Millions. He is just being himself. Is he embarrassed to take money for just being himself? I doubt it. Would we want him to do something else so it felt harder and more like he ‘earned’ it because it didn’t come naturally to him? Hell no! We want him doing his thing, being himself and getting paid well to do it.
Because this is how we all need to be living. He is a great role model for us.
The old paradigm was ‘work is hard’ and ‘I have to work hard to earn money.’
The new paradigm is that we all get to make money doing what we love and using our natural gifts and abilities. Being ourselves. This is the most satisfying, fulfilling, enjoyable way to live.
So how can we do that?
Start seeing every dollar that comes to you as a blessing acknowledging the gift you are to the planet.
I tipped a porter at the airport once and my son asked me why and I said, ”Sometimes I like to say ‘thank you’ with money.”
Your income is the Universe’s way of saying ‘Thanks for being you!”
Your income is your clients’ way of saying “Thanks for being you. Thanks for sharing your gifts with me to give me the insight, information, and connection I needed and couldn’t get on my own. You are a gift to me and I’d like to say ‘thank you’ with this money.”
Now get out there and make some money being yourself!
Now it’s your turn: in the comments, please share your experience – bad or good – with the concept of right livelihood and getting paid for being you. Is it working for you? What’s blocking you?
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