Animal of the Month – the Octopus
When my Animal Wisdom Circle members voted that we talk to an octopus, I admit I was nervous.
An invertebrate? And a cephalopod at that! I’d never done that before!
But the Animal Wisdom Circle is helping me to keep expanding my comfort zone and try new things and look at the world through different eyes.
And what eyes could be more different than those of a marine invertebrate?
And isn’t that what the Animal Wisdom Circle is all about? Seeing the world through different eyes?
So, today on my blog is a summary of the conversation I had with Paul the Octopus Oracle – and an interesting conversation it was!
Some of Paul’s answers surprised me – like why he wanted me to call him Paul the Oracle (hint: he has a good sense of humor), why non-attachment and territoriality are issues we should all be concerned with, and why we should understand our place in the Universe.
When I connected with the Octopus, I saw myself floating over the earth to the Mediterranean Sea. Along the coastline of Italy or Greece, I slipped into the water and I saw an octopus sitting on a rock waiting for me.
He told me he was an oracle and he would answer my questions. I thought it was a little pompous to call himself an oracle, and as if he’d read my mind he said to me that an oracle is exactly what he is – I am asking him questions in order to gain wisdom. Isn’t that what an oracle does?
Chastened, I asked him if he had a name. He said I could call him Paul the Oracle – making a joke about the octopus who predicted World Cup Soccer match winners several years ago.
Okay, smart and funny. I liked this guy. Plus, I was underwater and didn’t have to go up to the surface to breathe. I could get used to talking to octopi!
What is your Spiritual Gift?
Flexibility and fluidity.
What is your Spiritual Lesson?
Non-attachment – being territorial is the opposite and many octopuses are territorial. it’s a challenge for us to really be present and see how and what the universe is providing for us.
What Message do you have for people?
We live in a benevolent universe. Everything we need is provided for us. Sometimes we may not see what we think we need, but that is when we need to be flexible and see how we can use what is provided for us.
The more I talked to Paul the Oracle, the more I liked him and the more sense he made. IN the days since our conversation, I’ve become more aware of times when I’m attached to how I want things to be – or how I think things should be. I haven’t achieved total non-attachment, but at least I am more aware of places where I am attached!
Animal Wisdom Circle members tell me that they are noticing that judgment now seems to be *optional* and they are seeing the resources all around them with new eyes.
Now it’s your turn: what attachment are you willing to let go of?
Leave your response in the comments so we can all benefit from your perspective, too.
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