Summer Learnin’ – a Zen Moment in a Kayak
Last week, I was kayaking on the American River with two friends who were in a raft. Things were going well, but I noticed that I wasn’t quite getting to where I planned to go in every rapid.
And, my mind was on the last big rapid of the day: Troublemaker. (cue scary music: Duhn, duhn, dunnnnnn.)
As I navigated through a class III rapid (challenging but not life-threatening), I remembered that kayaking is like driving – you can see the intersection coming but you can’t make the turn until you get there. My body relaxed and I immersed myself in the flow of the current around me, seeing the big picture, but only acting on what was happening right in front of me.
Everything changed for me in that rapid: I started making my moves, finding my lines, getting where I wanted to go by being in the water that was going where I wanted to go.
I stopped worrying about Troublemaker (yes, that’s its real name), and knew that if I just stayed calm and focused in the present moment, I would respond to whatever the rapid threw my way. I couldn’t figure it out beforehand, I had to just be there.
I had a great run through Troublemaker – complete with a paddle twirl over my head at the end – and my reminder was reinforced: BE HERE NOW.
Now, I’ve known this lesson for years. But I had to re-learn it that day alone on the river, just me and my boat. And I think I re-learned it in such a visceral way that the lesson should stick now….at least I hope it will!
Sharing with you and articulating the event and the lesson also help me anchor my learnings. Try it yourself:
What is a lesson that you have re-learned recently? What events in your life brought that lesson back to your awareness?
What's your Mission?
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