The Daily Wild
For the last several weeks, I’ve been adding a hashtag to some of my posts on Facebook and Twitter: #thedailywild.
I’m not even sure why. I was feeling a call, a sort of inner pull, to connect more deeply with nature and all things wild and help others do the same. I love my daily Tut messages from the Universe and envisioned something like that -powerful, insightful, inspiring, totally awesome and beyond words.
Somehow, I couldn’t come up with a business plan around it or even a fully developed concept, so phrase ‘The Daily Wild’ just rattled around in my brain for a while.
It kept pulling and tugging at me and it wouldn’t go away even though I had no idea what to do with it.
And then I remembered that unsettled Spring when I moved from Florida to California. Chris, Lexi, Iko and I were driving through the Sierras at night, heading to South Lake Tahoe for a few days. We had all our stuff in storage and didn’t know where we were going to live next or how we would make money or what our lives would be like in the future. All we knew was that we had 4 days at our friends’ timeshare ahead of us and then our future was a big, gaping, black hole.
It was a pitch black night and the road to Tahoe was winding and the forest filled up my peripheral vision. The only road I could see in front of me was the part illuminated by my headlights until the next curve. I was on my way to Tahoe, but all I could see was the next several yards of road in front of me. Kind of like I was on my way to my future but all I could see was this long weekend getaway.
Oh! Life is like this road! I don’t have to see the whole road laid out in front of me to know that it’s leading me somewhere. All I need to do is drive to the next curve, and then the next, and then the next. And really, that was all I could do at the time, focus on the road right in front of me.
When I was thinking about The Daily Wild and trying to figure out what it meant and what it would become, I remembered this moment driving to Tahoe in the dark with my future unclear.
All I needed to do now was take the next step and allow my path with The Daily Wild to unfold. Maybe it would even show me who it was and what it was and where it was taking me!
And that’s when I started adding my hashtag to some of my posts. I embraced The Daily Wild right where I was, with just the next step in front of me and no idea what later steps would look like.
And now, several weeks into it, I’m still at the same step, just adding a hashtag to some posts. But now i feel like I’m part of something, something bigger than myself, something wild and mysterious and powerful – and I still have no clue what it is but the difference is now I’m okay with not knowing and ‘m okay with knowing that the next step will appear when it’s time to take it.
now it’s your turn: I’d love to hear how you’ve handled the unknown in your life and what helped you negotiate the terrain. Have you ever had an idea and didn’t know where it was going and therefor you didn’t know where to start? Did that stop you? What was your first step?
Thanks for sharing! love, Cara
You Are Enough
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