Want to easily boost your intuition? Reiki can help!
In 1997, I was a PhD student studying wild dolphin behavior. I had sprained my left ankle so many times that my doctor wanted to operate.
Luckily, I refused, because when I moved to South Carolina to do my dissertation field work, I found a massage therapist who did Reiki. She placed her hands on me and the Reiki energy pouring into my ankle felt like warm honey melting into me, soothing every raw nerve and torn tissue. My ankle started to heal immediately and continued to heal over the next several months.
Because of this dramatic experience, I learned how to do Reiki, too.
And what I found was my first reliable doorway into the world of intuitive insight.
The more I practiced Reiki (on myself and others), the more often I would see images and scenes connected with the person I was working on. Often, the information was one piece of the healing puzzle or just gave us both insight into the cause of the pain and what was being released on the mental, emotional and physical levels.
Now as a professional intuitive, I am profoundly grateful for this learning opportunity that opened me up to the power of intuition and the magic of the energy around us.
As a mom to two human kids and two canine kids, I am so grateful for this tool for first aid and healing and support. We use Reiki at least once a week in my house for all kinds of challenges, physical and emotional.
Are you ready to tap into your intuition and your natural healing ability?
My Animal Reiki class is this Saturday and this class will help you uplevel your natural healing abilities in beautiful ways. Healing with Reiki is easy, intuitive, fun, and it has no negative side effects.
Want to help heal your loved ones?
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December 7, 2019