Want to help heal your loved ones?
One of the most satisfying abilities that I have is the ability to use energy tools to help heal my family – human and canine.
Although I use a lot of energy tools, the one I’ve been using the longest is Reiki.
The day I got certified in Reiki, I came home to my husband Chris (who was my boyfriend at the time, this was 17years ago!) who had cracked a tooth on homemade bread he had made while I was in class. He was in pain and stressed out, not knowing what to do. I offered Reiki and he accepted. Within minutes his pain and stress were gone and we spent the rest of the weekend blissfully together without another tooth concern. He went to the dentist on Monday and got everything taken care of with no further problems
I used to wonder if Reiki really worked or if I was just making it up…but when my 2 year old daughter came to me holding out her finger asking for Reiki, I knew it was really working for her!
And just last month, my son Zane squeezed his foot between the passenger seat and the car door in order for me to Reiki on his injured foot while we were driving to Tahoe for a ski weekend. (He pulled his foot back when he felt ‘done’ and didn’t have a single problem with his foot all weekend!)
When Iko was dying, I comforted her with Reiki sessions and when Dazzle got spayed, I did Reiki on her incision. It was nice to have another trick up my sleeve in addition to the standard pain medicine they were both on.
If you aren’t using Reiki yet….are you ready? My Animal Reiki class is coming up in 3 weeks and this class will help you uplevel your natural healing abilities in beautiful ways. It’s easy, it’s fun, it has no negative side effects, and it has immediate practical benefits for you and your loved ones.
Now it’s your turn: how do you help heal your family? What’s your favorite energy tool for healing?
Please post your story here so we can all benefit from your experience.
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I like to use reflexology on myself and my family. I find it rather quick to work for most situations. What is funny is I don’t use it until I’m at my wit’s end. Then I get this brilliant idea to use it. I’ve been using it for nearly 20 years and it’s the last thing I turn to, which is really silly because I have the knowledge and I appreciate it. As of the other day, I promised myself to use it first before I feel so poorly. Crazy me.
Cara Gubbins
I hear you, Michelle! I am the same way with using my tools to help myself, especially EFT. But then when I do, I feel great and swear I”ll use my tools sooner next time….I guess you know how that goes!